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    Pokémon [RAGE THREAD] 26 December 2020

    Pokémon [RAGE THREAD] 26 December 2020

    [RAGE THREAD] 26 December 2020

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 05:00 AM PST

    IT'S TIME TO RAGE!!!!!!!!






    • ???

    • PROFIT


    LET'S RAGE!!!


    submitted by /u/PokeUpdateBot
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    What are some of your favourite overrated and underrated Pokémon and what's the backstory behind why they're your favourite Pokémon?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 07:22 AM PST

    My favourite overrated Pokémon is either Espeon or Swampert. Swampert has a pretty simple Backstory. Sapphire was my first Pokémon game and Mudkip was my starter. I called him Mudky because I was like 7.

    Espeon is mostly purely for aesthetics. I love Espeons design. The ears are majestic af. I wasn't a fan of the split tail, but it grew on me. I didn't even know Espeon existed until gen 5 and the more I saw it, the more I fell in love with it.

    My favourite underrated Pokémon is Persian. I used to watch the anime as a kid and I instantly fell in love with Giovanni's Persian. It's such a cute Pokémon.

    submitted by /u/ToesyToeNails
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    Why do some Pokémon have clothes and others don't? Where do they get clothes? How do they suddenly change when evolving?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 07:51 AM PST

    How does Machomp suddenly get a power save belt? The "breifs" are just black markings resembling briefs. The belt is an actual belt not attached to its body. How does it get this belt? If it isn't a part of its body, its body can't just grow it.

    How does Sawk and Throh get a judogi and a karategi? They're actual clothing not attached to their bodies.

    Hitmonchan has a light purple tunic and kilt. How? How is it getting this? How do you go from a shorts wearing Tyrogue to wearing a tunic and kilt?

    I get it's just a game, but so much other trivial stuff is explained in the game like food chains. Why was how clothes magically appear or change on Pokémon not explained?

    submitted by /u/ToesyToeNails
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    Gen 9 Item Idea: Ability Suppressor

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 08:09 AM PST

    So tinkering with abilities is becoming more accessible these days, with the Ability Capsule introduced a few gens back and now with the ability to unlock the Hidden Ability in Gen 8. This got me thinking a great idea for Gen 9 is to introduce a held item that suppresses a Pokémon's ability.

    There are some Pokemon with absolutely great stats, but intentionally bad abilities. A held item that neutralizes their ability but still takes up a held item slot is a good trade off, I think. Not to mention it would also have some application for Trick, Fling, Frisk, and Trace. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/AmWonkish
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    Thinking of fake signature moves for Pokémon, day 66: Pinsir

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 06:07 AM PST

    I am coming up with at least 1 fake move that would be exclusive to 1 Pokémon or an evolutionary line of Pokémon. I am going in Pokédex order, and I will skip every Pokémon or evolutionary line that already has a Pokémon in it that has a signature move. Signature Z-moves or G-Max moves don't count.

    The move for Pinsir is called Horn Toss.

    Horn Toss is a Normal-Type Physical move with a base power of 80. It has 100% accuracy and 15 PP. This move can interrupt the target if it is in a semi-invulnerable turn when using Dig or Dive. If the target is using Fly, Bounce or Sky Drop (or is targeted by Sky Drop) this move only works if the user has Mega Evolved.

    The reason I gave this move to Pinsir is because I had to do something with the horns, since no other part of its body stands out (except maybe its teeth), ignoring its Mega Evolution. But since horns are such a common attribute, not just on Bug-Type Pokémon but on all kinds of Pokémon, I made this move Normal-Type. This also makes it unable to disturb the moves Phantom Force and Shadow Force, which I think works well, since the user isn't supposed to be in the same realm for a short while when using those moves. Fly, Dig and Dive, however, just have the user be high in the sky or low underground/underwater.

    Horn Toss works as follows: If the target is using Dig/Dive, the user will burrow in the ground or in the water to dig/fish up the target, and toss them away to actually perform the move. Since Pinsir is such a physically strong Pokémon it doesn't need to worry about heavy targets like Steelix or Rhyperior, it can still perform the move on them.

    Fly and Bounce are a different scenario though... The user of those moves usually is too high up to be able to be reached by other Pokémon, and Pinsir isn't particularly known for being able to jump very high. It can fly, but only when it's Mega Evolved. So while this would be a bit... unusual, to say the least, I think I should keep Fly, Bounce and even Sky Drop (both the user of Sky Drop or the target of Sky Drop can get targeted by Pinsir) unable to be interrupted by Horn Toss unless the user has Mega Evolved. It's goin against my principles, and I am not a fan of it, but in order to have this move function the way it's supposed to and not be completely useless, I had to do this, with Pinsir at least. Heracross would have been even worse. And Masquerain is the only other Pokémon I can think of who is known for its horns (yes, they're horns), and while it's able to fly, it doesn't use its horns for attacking, let alone tossing opponents. Pinsir was the best Pokémon to go with, regarding this move. So with a heavy heart I am resorting to this effect.

    I'd love to hear feedback or questions about my ideas, and if you have any ideas for signature moves for Pokémon, I'd love to hear them, I might use the ideas (with your consent of course)! Even though this is a daily thing, or at least, I'll try to keep it daily, I don't think I'll be consistent with the time of day I post another idea.

    submitted by /u/Noodnood966
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    I realised that this doesn’t exist. The No Box challenge/BoxLocke

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 04:26 AM PST

    My inspiration being from Emperor Cubone I realised that it is possible to do a no Box challenge or a BoxLocke.

    The No Box Challenge:

    Easy Mode

    -You are not allowed to use or enter the PC unless releasing a 'mon

    -Only a maximum of one mons can be released If you want to use the legendary.

    -First 6 encounters.

    -If a 'mon kills itself any time during your initial 6 encounters (e.g. with explosion, curse, etc.) it does not count

    Hard Mode

    -Same rules as easy except...

    -Only held items, TMs(and HMs and TRs) are allowed

    -If a 'mon kills itself, then you have to count it as an encounter

    -No releasing any Pokemon

    -Battle Style is now Set

    Nightmare Mode

    • Only a limit of 3 Pokemon are allowed in your party. Choose wisely.


    Normal Mode

    -Typical Nuzlocke rules (if unsure check bulbapedia or just follow your own)

    -First 6 encounters

    -If a Pokemon dies you are only allowed to release it

    -First 6 encounters

    -If a dead Pokemon has been released, your next encounter is your new 'mon.

    True Pain.

    -If a Pokemon dies, there is no replacement. You continue on the game with your remaining Pokemon.

    submitted by /u/Den_Rich115
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    What do you think of the Oshawott line?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 08:25 AM PST

    Just curious to see how liked/disliked my favorite Pokemon line is! So I made this poll.

    Oshawott is my favorite Pokemon ever, and I think his evolutions are the coolest this series has seen to date. I know he and Snivy are about tied for the most popular Unova starter, but I want to see how liked he is outside of that.

    Thanks for voting!!

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Coleman501
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    Is It Worth play Pokémon on 3ds?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 11:48 AM PST

    Someone still have been playing pokémon on a real 3ds? Cuz i Will get one old 3ds from USA and i Just don't know If anyone play any pokémon of 3ds...or maybe a pokémon Platinum or Black and White If someone still play,i Just enjoy a good battle and i AM really curious How It Will happen on a Nitendo Console(my First portable),so, still worth It in This end of December? Or it's better Just play some 3ds emulator or pokémon showdown?share your opnion!

    submitted by /u/AntonyWander
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    Why is Porygon banned from the anime?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 11:41 AM PST

    I get it, seizures. Porygon doesn't cause seizures though. The red and blue flashing lights cause seizures. You can have an episode with Porygon in it without flashing lights. How tf can you blame a stupid animation choice on a Pokémon? Remove Porygon from the episode and people are still gonna be having seizures. Imagine being petty enough to boycott a Pokémon just for association with an episode? The world is fucking ridiculous. It's one of those concepts where when you read about it, you just wanna slam your face into a wall because it's less painful than trying to understand it. I don't wanna live with these people anymore.

    submitted by /u/ToesyToeNails
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    Should I teach My Staravia Fly?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 08:42 AM PST

    I'm playing through Pokémon Platinum My team is Eevee Infernape Staravia Luxray Floatzel and Bidoof. My Staravia's moveset is Aerial Ace Quick Attack Double Team Wing Attack Should I teach it the Fly HM to make it more convenient for me or not? I'm about 4 badges in and most of my team is somewhere in the 30s.

    submitted by /u/Snoo-84344
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    Cloud strife

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 08:06 AM PST

    Cloud strife pokemon team:jolteon for his hair and thunder moves,sirfecthed for the buster sword,lucario for zack fair just really think it's fits,gardevoir for his great friend arieth,sillvaly for his jenova cells and experiments and for his different types of spells,reshiram for bahamhut or ultima weapon, and finnaly shiny metagross for advent children it just fits.This is cloud strifes Pokémon team.

    submitted by /u/Long-Engine-1692
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    What is the goal of Team Rocket?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 11:45 PM PST

    I recently played some Pokémon gen 1, and Team Rocket just took over(?) Silph Co. So far, my weakest Pokémon can one shot all of their Pokémon. What is their role in the entire game? So far, I defeated Giovanni with 2 of my weakest Pokémon, and now my weakest Pokémon can one shot everything.

    My Pokemon:

    lv 40 charizard

    lv 37 nidoking

    lv 36 gyardos

    submitted by /u/bluerayminecraft
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    I've never played a pokemon game, and want to start, but have no clue where to

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 10:54 PM PST

    Recently my friend introduced me to pokemon go. I've never been interested in pokemon, so I expected to play it for like a week, then delete it. Oh my gosh I got addicted. Started playing it atleast once a day, catching so many pokemon, and seeing what the evolve into is so much fun. I decided I want to try a game from the main series, but then realized just how big this franchise really is. I have no idea where to begin. Any tips for a pokemon newbie like me?

    Edit: Wow, there are so many different pokemon games. I'll most likely start with something like X&Y, or black and white. Thanks for all the help everyone.

    submitted by /u/Totally-Tubularr
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    Send a name for my bulbasaur

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 11:38 AM PST

    I am playing through Pokemon Fire Red cause I haven't got anything better to do. I chose Bulbasaur because I like Bulbasaur and he is pretty good (type advantages, moves, etc.) but I want to name him something clever. I couldn't come up with anything good, so naturally my first instinct was reddit! what shall I name him? This can be a pop culture reference, a pun, something generally funny, anything else. I hope you comment!

    note: I hope I don't sound rude or nitpicky, but I'm actually curious to see what comes from this.

    UPDATE: The winner is Black-Mettle with Bulba Fett! thank you to the rest of you for sending things in!

    submitted by /u/fiercedeitysword
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