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    Sunday, January 31, 2021

    Pokémon Ice-Type is bad. How do we fix it?

    Pokémon Ice-Type is bad. How do we fix it?

    Ice-Type is bad. How do we fix it?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 04:08 AM PST

    Hello all,

    I love ice-types. I love the aesthetic, I love the theme, and I want to use them! But sadly it is easy to see that they are NOT viably competitively. Ice-type moves do find their way onto teams as tech moves, but Ice-type Pokemon are sadly relegated to the sidelines.

    So how do we fix Ice-type?

    I have a few ideas.

    1. Make Ice-type super effective against Water.
      Water is an S-tier typing. It only has 2 weaknesses and a ton of utility. Thematically, water vs. ice could go in nearly ANY direction with effectiveness and resistances. I am arguing that Ice should be super-effective against Water for balancing and thematic purposes.

    2. Create a freezing status move.
      NO status move in the game causes freezing as its primary ability, and moves like Ice Beam or Blizzard only cause freezing RARELY. I believe it may be the rarest status condition in the game. By creating a Will-O-Wisp or Thunder Wave for Freezing, Ice-types gain a TON of utility as control focused mons despite having weak defenses.

    3. Add more resistances.
      Ice resists only Ice. It sadly resists no other types, making it possibly the weakest defensive type in the game. Any ice type because of this is extremely likely to get OHKOd. By adding a resistance to an A or S tier type, such as Dragon, Flying, or Water, Ice gets a slight edge that can take it from NEVER USED to VIABLE.

    What are your thoughts? What would you change? I WANT to use Ice-types, but right now it just doesn't make sense.

    Let's make this happen. Ice-type CAN Work.

    EDIT: Thank you for the award! My very first! EDIT 2: Thank you for silver!

    submitted by /u/aayer
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    What are Pokemon you thought were legendaries at first, but weren't?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 07:41 AM PST

    I remember touching this topic around almost four years ago, but from a recent discussion, I wondered about it again and got curious.

    For me, I thought Altaria was a legendary the first time I saw it with no other information. It was the gorgeous design that got me thinking at first, and I got surprised that it was really just a normal pokemon. I just love how mythical it looks, with the cloud and all. Looks like those birds from chinese mythology. That's pretty much the only pokemon I mistaked as a legendary.

    I saw people saying Absol looked like a legendary for them the first time. I understand it, the design also looks pretty mythical.

    submitted by /u/SuperFeather0
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    The Pokemon Stadium announcer is one of the best things this franchise ever did.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 02:33 PM PST

    I've been studying game development recently, and when I replayed Pokemon Stadium 2 it dawned on me how complex the logic for the Announcer must've been.

    For those unfamiliar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npZpRnKxa9M

    It was seriously impressive how they had all these sound bites for different battle situations, and created logic trees to get the feel of the battle so perfectly.

    At first it seems like it's just "oh, they call the names of pokemon, the names of moves... check how much damage it did... it's easy" but the logic trees to some of these lines of dialogue must've been quite specific. Especially that there's multiple lines of dialogue that can apply to similar situations so that even then it doesn't get repetitive. I love that there was some line for almost every single situation, sending in pokemon with low/high hp against pokemon with low/high hp tended to produce different lines. Pokemon that had already fought and were switched out and back in. Even just pokemon switching in and out repeatedly. The game accounted for almost every kind of battle behaviour the players might engage in and created a line of dialogue and a logic tree to reach it.

    Whenever I think of this game, the announcer always stands out to me for how memorable and accurate the narration was. But now I can appreciate it on a whole new level.

    Does anyone know if there's a video or article somewhere that details how this system was made/how it works? I would love to read it.

    submitted by /u/BloodChicken
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    Lost Blaziken, PLEASE HELP!!

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 09:26 AM PST

    I accidently traded away my Blaziken, please, please help.
    The OT Is "R2D2" and its level 100, the name is "Ninja" . It has all the Gen 6 Badges. I lost this Blaziken today on ORAS to a person named "Maka" , who I mistook for my friend. Please help me, if found DM me on this account. That Blaziken is/was my childhood, and I was trying to transfer it to Shield. I'm begging, please spread this.

    submitted by /u/FlamingSapphireUwU
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    Be it a remake, new generation or anything else but please for the love of god no forced EXP. Share

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 04:46 PM PST

    You know what I liked in ORAS? That EXP. Share was for the whole team. I thought to myself "Hey thats actually kinda cool I think", obviously I didnt use it because for me its hard to level your team with it on. Skip to SWSH and me buying it because its open world and seems "Cool and new" like Gen 5 did... I only completed 3 gyms because forced FULL TEAM EXP. Share made it impossible to balance my cool wonder trader Charizard and Eevee.

    Those who dont know, traded pokemon get 50% more exp. Like Game Freak no hate towards you but is it THAT HARD to make it toggleable please? OR BETTER YET, once you finish the game and start a new game its possible? And dont you fucking say "You guys are never happy" after you cant even put something so simple as toggleable in the D/P Remakes for example if they come out.

    submitted by /u/Makinedonger
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    Making Legendary battles more unique and difficult.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 06:45 AM PST

    The way legendaries are caught isn't that much different from how you catch regular Pokémon and is mainly just chucking Pokéballs. So I thought of some ways to make catching them more difficult. This will include mythicals and Ultra Beasts. Each legendary will have increased hp and some sort of gimmick, with a 100% chance to catch them if you can defeat them.

    Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres: After each second turn, they will have a 100% chance to inflict freeze, paralysis and burn. Ignores abilities that provide immunity.

    Mewtwo: Have a battle with Mewtwo who will have clones of your Pokémon. Win and you get to fight Mewtwo however there is no opportunity to heal.

    Mew: Will have access to every move and won't be limited to 4.

    Lugia, Ho-oh: Inflicts whirlpool and fire spin effects upon entry and the Pokémon cannot escape unless defeated.

    Suicune, Entei, Raikou: You have to defeat them within three-five turns before they run away.

    Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza: Weather cannot be overwritten. They will have a second phase with Primal/Mega forms.

    Deoxys: You'll have to defeat all of its forms and it will gain a stat boost in each form at the start.

    Arceus: Can switch typing at anytime to counter your Pokémon.

    Giratina: Stat boost will be reversed automatically after each turn and stat drops will still drop for your Pokémon. Giratina ignores these effects.

    Shaymin: When inflicted with a status effect, it will automatically use Seed Flare and heal the status.

    Darkrai: Inflicts sleep every second turn, will ignore abilities.

    Victini: A battle gauntlet where each Pokémon has increased stats. Defeat all five and then you can fight Victini.

    Zekrom, Reshiram: Disables all abilities like Neutralising Gas but will not disable abilities that hinder the user such as Slow Start, Defeatist and Truant. The ability cannot be removed.

    Swords of Justice: You can only use one Pokémon and they must have high friendship.

    Landorus, Thundorus, Tornadus: After a side quest involving them, you fight them in a triple/rotation battle.

    Xerneas: Will restore half its health after five turns and will always start with Geomancy.

    Yveltal: All attacks will restore hp like Oblivion Wing.

    Zygarde: A side quest where you collect the cells, after each percentage it will give you a chance to fight but it can't be caught until after 100% Zygarde.

    Hoopa: Summons allied Pokémon. Can have up to 4 allied Pokémon like a horde battle but each Pokémon will be different from the next.

    Tapus: Terrains cannot be removed.

    Necrozma: Same as in USUM

    Ultra Beasts: Gain a stat boost like Totem Pokémon.

    Others, I couldn't think of anything. What do you guys think about this?

    submitted by /u/M0202
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    Pokemon Ranger needs some love

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 09:19 AM PST

    Pokemon Ranger is one of the best games in the franchise (in my opinion best side game) but it only had three games released and they need more love hopefully there is a Pokemon Ranger game coming out on the App Store because I would play it non stop (as well as Pokemon go)

    submitted by /u/crystalrobin96
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    Very quick question

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 05:32 AM PST

    I'm not gonna defend SWSH's flaws but like, why is it so hated for being a rushed game when HGSS if one of the most rushed games and it's loved my 99.9% of the fanbase?

    Think about it.

    Horrible writing and plot. Horrible encounters. Easy difficulty. Horrible level curve. Main game is bare bones and offers nothing but new areas that don't feel fully fleshed out Post game is even more bare bones as nothing is difficult but the end boss. Gen 2 Pokémon getting sidelined for gen 1 Pokémon Gen 2 Pokémon being so weak (stat wise) you're always limited to the same ones every run Wild Pokémon Pokémon being at level 30 when you're at the elite 4 Wild Pokémon in Kanto being even MORE lower leveled. Legendaries offering almost nothing to the plot and are just there.

    Like don't get me wrong I love HGSS but like it also isn't fair to SWSH if HGSS is rushed as well. Idk it's just how I feel about things. I like both games regardless

    submitted by /u/Ririkaera
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    Right. Pokemon Spinoff Idea.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 06:28 AM PST

    I've thought a lot about this and based on how much I love playing games in this genre, I've decided on what my ideal Pokemon spinoff would be.

    Now, disclaimer. I'm not saying this should objectively happen, or that any of this should be included in the main series, but I AM saying that if this was a Pokemon game I'd probably play it more than any other game.

    Ok so, a Pokemon town building/farming type game. Kinda like Yonder, Harvest Moon and the like.
    I'm gonna break down each part of the game.

    You have a massive island, with a few settlements, maybe you're a protagonist who's just beaten a league and want to travel, like how Red left Pallet Town and now lives on the top of a big cold hill. But instead of that, you discover an island.
    You're tasked with establishing a Pokemon league, gym leaders, building houses and facilities, planning routes, caving in hills to build caves, all of that.
    Wild Pokemon are few and far between, and as you go on you can have more Pokemon from other regions brought over.
    You're basically building a mini region.

    -Building towns with materials you collect
    -Expanding the central settlement into the main city
    -Numbering routes
    -Finding and rebuilding caves
    -Importing Pokemon from other regions
    -Hiring gym leaders and choosing their teams
    -Hiring the elite four and choosing their teams
    -Finding a champion

    I honestly love the idea of building towns like in Elder Scrolls Dungeons or FF CC My Life As A King, like you can build houses, a battlefield, the Pokemon Center, a gym when there are enough indigenous Pokemon etc.
    I'm not sure how much terraforming could be involved, whether It'd be like Minecraft where anything goes or whatever, maybe there's a basic shape to work with and you can just allocate spaces where towns could be built.
    But also, gathering materials with mission features where you send out a few Pokemon rangers with a Pokemon each to get different materials depending on where you send them and what Pokemon go with them.

    Also, obviously, farms full of berry and apricorn planting, and Miltank for Moomoo Milk.

    Legitimately, I think that'd bang, I wanna know what other people think.

    submitted by /u/LilMuku
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    Just finished pokemon sword

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 10:50 PM PST

    I just finished pokemon sword and it's one of my favorite games. I know a bunch of people are gonna probably hate on me but for me sword is my 3rd favorite pokemon game and this is why:

    First I think it's very hard to get bored, the story on my opinion is good. Its kinda simple but it doesn't make you fight 10 enemies to get to a place with even more enemies.

    Second I think it's really cool how they make it so you just can't catch pokemon instead of making them obey you and you don't need to trade pokemon to get their evolution since you can find them on the wild.

    Third with the DLCs it makes the start of the game kinda fun since you don't only have one wild area but two with more even more pokemon to catch and dynamic adventures helped me get my team leveled up for battles.

    Fourth it guides you were to go, really useful since I don't need to remember text and I have a really bad memory when it comes to reading.

    Fifth the GRAPHICS. Look I know they aren't the best but some moves have such cool animations and the shading just goes perfect with them. I love how big pokemon can be in the wild and I love how dynamaxing looks, I still think mega evolutions are better but man does it fit perfectly. It makes you feel like it's the pokemon's true form sometimes it even brings me a little chill.

    Sixth is the music, I really liked the music and how the crowd on the gyms, semi and finals the crowd sings the music. It just gives a feeling that people cheer for you and that you are a celebrity or someone really important.

    Now I'm going to try and beat the DLCs, honestly I don't really get why pokemon sword/shield gets so much hate. Apart from some pokemon being removed I think the game is awesome and would definitely recommend.

    submitted by /u/Lol192_reddit
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    Ever wanted to catch ‘em all irl? Introducing: Birding

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 02:37 PM PST

    Even before I began my Pokémon journey in Johto, I have always loved animals and nature— my Pokémon card collection sat on the shelf right next my Zoobooks and Wildlife Explorer binders. I just loved getting to know all the different creatures and learning everything about them (still do, currently doing my PhD in marine biology), and that part of my brain immediately loved Pokémon for the same reasons. I have to imagine that many trainers out there have similar parallel interests in Pokémon and wildlife, so I wanted to introduce y'all to one of my favorite irl nature hobbies that is essentially Pokémon Go with real animals: birding.

    It is perfectly simple— gotta see 'em all! This world is inhabited by creatures that we call birds. Birds are everywhere, and their diversity is amazing, with 10,000 species worldwide. That's a big National Dex to fill!! Your Regional Dex will be different depending on where you live (1,100 in North America, 200 in NZ where I live now. If you're lucky enough to live in Colombia or Brazil, you can start with a Regional Dex of 3,000+!). A world of dreams and adventures with birds awaits! Go meet many kinds of birds and complete that birdDex!

    Getting Started

    1. Key Items. All you need is a field guide and a pair of binoculars. There are many different field guides available, including some pretty decent free apps (Merlin Bird ID, Audubon is good in North America), although there's something about having a hard copy to flip through (my personal favorite in North America is Sibley's which has detailed illustrations that point out the distinctive features to help distinguish similar species, also comes in western/eastern editions). Your binoculars will become your best friend, they're your multi-use pokéball for adding species to the dex. While some birds you'll be able to ID just fine with out them, a decent pair of binos will be very helpful for smaller, shier species. Ask around to see if there's a pair lying around in someone's attic for starters! When you're ready to invest in your own, know that while a nice pair can be expensive, they will last you a lifetime if taken care of (my weapon of choice that I've used for 10 years now).

    2. Finding tall grass. Birds are everywhere! Go into the forest for warblers and woodpeckers, wetlands for herons and grebes, and open fields for larks, and hawks. EBird has a list of hotspots compiled from data submitted by fellow birders where you can see which species have been seen where, a great tool for tracking down new species!

    3. Adding species to the Dex. There are few different ways to keep track of your birdDex (known to non-pokémon birders as a "life list"). Some of the field guide apps include a life list feature, and if you create an account and submit data to eBird, it will update your life list with any new species reported! I started my life list before eBird was very user friendly, so I just keep mine in a google doc with species name and date and location first seen (currently at 275 species!).

    With training, you'll become more and more familiar with the species in your area. You'll be able to identify certain species from just a glimpse as they fly across the trail or from the sound of their call alone. You'll become familiar with their different behaviors and habitats. And whenever you travel you can check eBird to see what new species you can find nearby (I recently took an hour-long detour to see a rare species of duck, totally worth it).

    Feel free to ask any questions in the comments, I may be able to help with more tips to get started! Or just shoot me a pm if you want to talk birds (or pokes for that matter lol).

    submitted by /u/calquigs
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    Why do people trade legendary pokemon for the same legendary pokemon on the GTS?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 07:41 AM PST

    This really confuses me.

    I'm 1 pokemon away from completing my entire living dex. All I need is spectrier.

    Weirdly though every spectrier trade on the GTS is trading spectrier for spectrier. Why is this?

    In the past I could understand people trading for a certain nature or ivs but with mints and bottle caps, surely this isn't necessary anymore?

    Is there another reason why people would just trade their pokemon for the same pokemon?

    submitted by /u/ImplodingPeach
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    What if... we dont get gen 4 remakes but sequels???

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 08:57 AM PST

    Okay so ive been thinking of a few things. What if i stead of 1:1 remakes of diamond and pearl we get like a diamond 2 And a pearl 2? It would allow for more creativity for the pokemon company in that region while allowing for major change ie maybe sinnoh variants of old pokemon, a new story, and or new dynamax pokemon.

    Also if they did do this.. when considering the whole pokemon collection game that would open the door to include maybe yellow, crystal, emerald, and platinum to increase the value while giving maybe a diamond and pearl sequel to co exist in the market without tripping over itself.

    Just an idea :)

    submitted by /u/Ken_dawg_182
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    Help me pick a starter for Pokemon Shield

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 01:19 AM PST

    Soon I will be going for my first playthrough in Shield (yes I'm late to the party). Nonetheless it's probably the most difficult decision on starters since gen 5 I've had so far. I have little to no knowledge about their third stage typing, as I tried avoiding many spoilers as possible.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/NeoUltimaEX
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    Idea: Pokemon types should have more mechanical differences

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 08:24 AM PST

    Right now, types in Pokemon have pretty much two uses: STAB and effectiveness (rock-paper-scissors). But what if they could be more mechanically differentiated? This could introduce ways that differentiate Pokemon types as much as abilities might differentiate Pokemon species with the same type(s).

    For instance, maybe Fire-type Pokemon do more damage when a move has more PP, with the bonus decreasing to normal damage at half PP. Or how about Electric-type being given an option to use more PP in a single turn to increase damage, but with recoil and increased miss rate. Perhaps Fighting-type could have a hit combo mechanic where landing hits with different moves boosts their damage or other stats. Flying-type might have an option for how high they fly, which increases their evasiveness but also reduces their hit chances.

    This was literally a shower thought from 15 minutes ago, so I'm sure any of these examples could be shot full of holes. But I'm still curious, would any of you like to see types make more mechanical differences akin to a "type ability"? If so, what kind of unique abilities can you think of to help make types feel different?

    submitted by /u/jordanclock
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    Which NPC gives the most prize money for a battle?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 06:40 AM PST

    I've been trying to figure out which NPC trainer (besides the Elite 4) would offer you the most prize money for defeating them in battle. I think I may have found one that ended up being surprisingly high.

    In the Gen 2 remakes in the Viridian gym in Kanto. There are only Ace trainers who have relatively powerful Pokémon compared to other NPCs. The final 2: Double Team Elan & Ida give you $12,000 prize money for beating them using the amulet coin you can make it $24,000. This is more than Blue the gym leader gives you which I find surprising. I'm not sure if these two count since they are two trainers but they have to be battled at the same time and cannot battle them separately.

    Are there any other trainers that surpass those two in terms of prize money?

    submitted by /u/Jadavan
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    Old HGSS video about a 4th legendary bird

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 06:38 AM PST

    I was really interested in Missingno as a kid, and I would watch videos on it for hours on end. I came across one that had a 4th legendary bird that was supposedly in HGSS that was on top of Cinnabar Island and when fought it became Missingno (may be remembering this part wrong but the rest I'm sure about). Looking back now, it was obviously fake, but I'd love to see the video again because it really sparked an interest in video game secrets for me. I can't seem to find it anymore, but if anyone knows anything about it, or can even send me a link I'd really appreciate it. If I remember correctly, it was a decently popular video so I feel like someone here has to have seen it.

    submitted by /u/lordspaghettio
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    McDonald's almost confirms we're getting at least a Pokemon game this year

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 09:30 PM PST

    So, I work at a McDonald's and there, we have a white board with a bunch of upcoming things and one of them is a new Pokémon Happy Meal Toy dropping on February 9th. In the past we had gotten Pokémon toys that coinside with the announcement of new Pokémon games. Now these toys very well be for the new "Pokémon Snap" game coming out, but I think it's more fun the theorize that were getting new main line pokemon games this year (Hopefully Sinnoh Remakes, But that might just be wishful thinking)

    submitted by /u/Revere_Element
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    Favorite Pokemon revealed before their generation

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 10:54 AM PST

    When a Pokemon you've never seen is a revealed is definitely the most magical moment ever. Trainers will try to speculate its name, type, and ideas of what the new region could be. Some of them will make their first appearance in a movie, episode, or short. Honestly, I'm just really bored and I wanted to do another poll today XD Also if you don't see any on here, please fell free to type in the comments.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/AmberBamberAlligator
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    Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Remake Ideas Part 2: Mega Evolutions and Miscellaneous Forms

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 12:04 PM PST

    Hi, everyone. I've been working on some ideas for Pokemon Diamond and Pearl remakes for a while now, including possible regional forms, mega evolutions, changes to the Sinnoh region itself and the story to make the best possible remakes. Today, I'm gonna post my ideas for 36 new mega evolutions (involving Pokemon that were in the Platinum Regional Pokedex, plus the Johto starters and a few Legendaries), 1 Primal Reversion, and a few miscellaneous forms for different iconic Pokemon that I feel would deserve it in honor of this being the 25th anniversary of Pokemon. This will include what type the new form is, as well as its ability, new base stat total (BST), and the method of changing the form (E.g., Mega Stone=M.S.). One major change to Mega Evolution is that now, your Pokemon needs to have a Friendship stat higher than 200 to Mega Evolve. Keep in mind that these are just my ideas, and they're not official in any way.

    Part 1: Regional Forms can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/l5l3zo/pokemon_diamond_and_pearl_remake_ideas_part_1/


    Mega Evolutions

    Mega Raichu (Raichite)

    Type: Electric/Fighting

    Ability: Galvanize

    M.S. Location: Amity Square-Gift if Pikachu has max friendship

    BST: 60 HP, 125 Attack(+35), 55 defense, 125 Sp. Attack(+35), 80 Sp. Defense, 140 Speed(+30)

    Mega Eevee (Eevite)

    Type: Normal

    Ability: Huge Power

    M.S. Location: Amity Square-Gift if Eevee has max friendship

    BST: 55 HP, 65 Attack(+10), 80 Defense(+30), 45 Sp. Attack, 80 Sp. Defense(+15), 110 Speed(+45) (Base Attack Boosted to 130 with Huge Power)

    Mega Rapidash (Rapidashite)

    Type: Fire/Fairy

    Ability: Magic Guard

    M.S. Location: Route 206

    BST: 65 HP, 130 Attack(+30), 70 Defense, 100 Sp. Attack(+20), 80 Sp. Defense, 155 Speed(+50)

    Mega Meganium (Meganiumite)

    Type: Grass/Fairy

    Ability: Pixilate

    M.S. Location: Gift from Prof. Elm in Solaceon City (if picked Chikorita)/Buy at Battle Frontier for 200 BP (Postgame)

    BST: 80 HP, 102 Attack(+20), 120 Defense(+20), 122 Sp. Attack(+40), 120 Sp. Defense(+20), 80 Speed

    Mega Typhlosion (Typhlosionite)

    Type: Fire/Ground

    Ability: Solar Power

    M.S. Location: Gift from Prof. Elm in Solaceon City (if picked Cyndaquil)/Buy at Battle Frontier for 200 BP (Postgame)

    BST: 78 HP, 114 Attack(+30), 88 Defense(+10), 149 Sp. Attack(+40), 85 Sp. Defense, 120 Speed(+20)

    Mega Feraligatr (Feraligite)

    Type: Water/Dragon

    Ability: Sheer Force

    M.S. Location: Gift from Prof. Elm in Solaceon City (if picked Totodile)/Buy at Battle Frontier for 200 BP (Postgame)

    BST: 85 HP, 135 Attack(+30), 100 Defense, 79 Sp. Attack, 103 Sp. Defense (+20), 128 Speed (+50)

    Mega Crobat (Crobatinite)

    Type: Poison/Flying

    Ability: Inner Focus

    M.S. Location: Eterna City-By Dialga/Palkia statue

    BST: 85 HP, 120 Attack (+30), 80 Defense, 110 Sp. Attack(+40), 80 Sp. Defense, 160 Speed(+30)

    Mega Sudowoodo (Sudowoodite)

    Type: Rock/Fighting

    Ability: Rock Head

    M.S. Location: Obtained from Wild Sudowoodo blocking route to Celestic Town on Route 210

    BST: 70 HP, 140 Attack(+40), 145 Defense(+30), 30 Sp. Attack, 105 Sp. Defense(+40), 20 Speed(-10)

    Mega Unown (Unownite)

    Type: Psychic

    Ability: Schooling

    M.S. Location: Gift from Ruin Maniac after obtaining all Unown forms

    BST (Schooling-Mega Form) (Stat Boosts Relative to Regular Mega Form): 48 HP, 62 Attack(-10), 128 Defense(+50), 142 Sp. Attack(+50), 128 Sp. Defense(+50), 128 Speed(+50)

    BST (Regular Mega Form): 48 HP, 72 Attack, 78 Defense(+30), 92 Sp. Attack(+20), 78 Sp. Defense(+30), 68 Speed(+20)

    Mega Girafarig (Girafarite)

    Type: Dark/Psychic

    Ability: Disguise

    M.S. Location: Gift from tourist at Grand Lake Hotel

    BST: 70 HP, 110 Attack(+30), 65 Defense, 120 Sp. Attack(+30), 65 Sp. Defense, 125 Speed(+40)

    Mega Mantine (Mantinite)

    Type: Water/Flying

    Ability: Water Bubble

    M.S. Location: Route 223 (Requires Secret Technique Surf)

    BST: 85 HP, 30 Attack(-10), 110 Defense(+30), 120 Sp. Attack(+40), 140 Sp. Defense, 110 Speed(+40)

    Mega Torterra (Torterrite)

    Type: Grass/Ground

    Ability: Mold Breaker

    M.S. Location: Gift from Prof. Rowan-Canalave City (if picked Turtwig), Gift from Barry in Victory Road (if picked Piplup), Gift from Dawn/Lucas-Pal Park Wild Area (if picked Chimchar) (Postgame)

    BST: 95 HP, 149 Attack(+40), 125 Defense(+30), 95 Sp. Attack(+20), 125 Sp. Defense(+40), 26 Speed(-30)

    Mega Infernape (Infernapite)

    Type: Fire/Fighting

    Ability: Adaptability

    M.S. Location: Gift from Prof. Rowan-Canalave City (if picked Chimchar), Gift from Barry-Victory Road (if picked Turtwig), Gift from Dawn/Lucas-Pal Park Wild Area (if picked Piplup) (Postgame)

    BST: 76 HP, 134 Attack(+30), 71 Defense, 134 Sp. Attack(+30), 71 Sp. Defense, 148 Speed(+40)

    Mega Empoleon (Empoleonite)

    Type: Water/Steel

    Ability: Lightning Rod

    M.S. Location: Gift from Prof. Rowan-Canalave City (if picked Piplup), Gift from Barry-Victory Road (if picked Chimchar), Gift from Dawn/Lucas-Pal Park Wild Area (if picked Turtwig) (Postgame)

    BST: 84 HP, 106 Attack(+20), 118 Defense(+30), 141 Sp. Attack(+30), 121 Sp. Defense(+20), 60 Speed

    Mega Staraptor

    Type: Fighting/Flying

    Ability: Moxie

    M.S. Location: Lake Verity (Requires Secret Technique Surf)

    BST: 85 HP, 140 Attack(+20), 85 Defense(+15), 70 Sp. Attack(+20), 75 Sp. Defense(+15), 130 Speed (+30)

    Mega Luxray (Luxrayite)

    Type: Electric/Dark

    Ability: Strong Jaw

    M.S. Location: Sunyshore City-Near Lighthouse

    BST: 80 HP, 130 Attack(+10), 89 Defense(+10), 115 Sp. Attack(+20), 89 Sp. Defense(+10), 120 Speed(+50)

    Mega Roserade (Roseradinite)

    Type: Grass/Poison

    Ability: Technician

    M.S. Location: Flower Paradise (Now accessible during Main Story)

    BST: 60 HP, 70 Attack, 80 Defense(+15), 155 Sp. Attack(+30), 120 Sp. Defense(+15), 130 Speed(+40)

    Mega Rampardos (Rampardite)

    Type: Rock

    Ability: Anger Point

    M.S. Location: Oreburgh City Museum (If Rampardos is in party)

    BST: 97 HP, 165 Attack, 80 Defense(+20), 65 Sp. Attack, 70 Sp. Defense(+20), 118 Speed(+60)

    Mega Bastiodon (Bastiodite)

    Type: Rock/Steel

    Ability: Stamina

    M.S. Location: Oreburgh City Museum (if Bastiodon is in party)

    BST: 60 HP, 112 Attack(+60), 173 Defense(+5), 47 Sp. Attack, 173 Sp. Defense(+35), 30 Speed

    Mega Vespiquen (Vespiquenite)

    Type: Bug/Flying

    Ability: Queenly Majesty

    M.S. Location: Floaroma Town

    BST: 70 HP, 105 Attack(+25), 132 Defense(+30), 105 Sp. Attack(+25), 132 Sp. Defense(+30), 30 Speed(-10)

    Mega Floatzel (Floatzelite)

    Type: Water/Fighting

    Ability: Propeller Tail

    M.S. Location: Route 205-Near Fuego Ironworks (Requires Secret Technique Surf)

    BST: 85 HP, 135 Attack(+30), 55 Defense, 125 Sp. Attack(+40), 50 Sp. Defense, 145 Speed(+30)

    Mega Drifblim (Drifblimite)

    Type: Ghost/Flying

    Ability: Flare Boost

    M.S. Location: Hearthome City-Contest Hall after acquiring ability to Mega Evolve

    BST: 150 HP, 80 Attack, 54 Defense(+10), 130 Sp. Attack(+40), 54 Sp. Defense, 130 Speed(+50)

    Mega Bronzong (Bronzongite)

    Type: Psychic/Steel

    Ability: Filter

    M.S. Location: Mt. Coronet (room before Spear Pillar)

    BST: 67 HP, 119 Attack(+30), 136 Defense(+20), 109 Sp. Attack(+30), 136 Sp. Defense(+20), 33 Speed

    Mega Spiritomb (Spiritombite)

    Type: Dark/Ghost

    Ability: Infiltrator

    M.S. Location: Route 209 (in Hallowed Tower)

    BST: 50 HP, 102 Attack(+10), 138 Defense(+30), 122 Sp. Attack(+30), 138 Sp. Defense(+30), 35 Speed

    Mega Drapion (Drapionite)

    Type: Poison/Dark

    Ability: Sniper

    M.S. Location: Great Marsh

    BST: 70 HP, 120 Attack(+30), 120 Defense(+10), 60 Sp. Attack, 105 Sp. Defense(+30), 125 Speed(+30)

    Mega Toxicroak (Toxicroakite)

    Type: Poison/Fighting

    Ability: Storm Drain

    M.S. Location: Pastoria City-Gift from former move relearner after beating Wake's gym

    BST: 83 HP, 136 Attack(+30), 65 Defense, 116 Sp. Attack(+30), 65 Sp. Defense, 125 Speed(+40)

    Mega Carnivine (Carnivite)

    Type: Grass/Dark

    Ability: Chlorophyll

    M.S. Location: Great Marsh

    BST: 74 HP, 130 Attack(+30), 72 Defense, 130 Sp. Attack(+40), 72 Sp. Defense, 76 Speed(+30) (152 in sunlight)

    Mega Rhyperior (Rhyperiorite)

    Type: Ground/Steel

    Ability: Sand Force

    M.S. Location: Mt. Coronet

    BST: 115 HP, 150 Attack(+10), 150 Defense(+20), 95 Sp. Attack(+40), 95 Sp. Defense(+40), 30 Speed(-10)

    Mega Yanmega (Yanmegite)

    Type: Bug/Dragon

    Ability: Speed Boost

    M.S. Location: Route 210 (East of Celestic Town)

    BST: 86 HP, 116 Attack(+40), 86 Defense, 136 Sp. Attack(+20), 76 Sp. Defense(+20), 115 Speed(+20)

    Mega Porygon-Z (Porygon-Zite)

    Type: Normal

    Ability: Download

    M.S. Location: Galactic HQ

    BST: 85 HP, 120 Attack(+40), 70 Defense, 145 Sp. Attack(+10), 75 Sp. Defense, 140 Speed(+50)

    Mega Froslass (Froslassite)

    Type: Ice/Ghost

    Ability: Snow Cloak

    M.S. Location: Lake Acuity (Requires Secret Techniques Rock Climb and Surf)

    BST: 70 HP, 130 Attack(+50), 60 Defense(-10), 130 Sp. Attack(+50), 60 Sp. Defense(-10), 130 Speed(+30)

    Mega Heatran

    Type: Fire/Steel

    Ability: Drought

    M.S. Location: Stark Mountain (Postgame)

    BST: 91 HP, 110 Attack(+20), 136 Defense(+30), 170 Sp. Attack(+40), 136 Sp. Defense(+30), 57 Speed(-20)

    Mega Regigigas

    Type: Normal

    Ability: Truant

    M.S. Location: Snowpoint Ruins-Held by Regigigas (Must have all 5 Regi-s to Battle Regigigas) (Postgame)

    BST: 110 HP, 200 Attack(+40), 140 Defense(+30), 50 Sp. Attack(-30), 140 Sp. Defense(+30), 130 Speed(+30)

    Mega Cresselia

    Type: Psychic/Fairy

    Ability: Psychic Surge

    M.S. Location: Full Moon Island (Postgame)

    BST: 120 HP, 70 Attack, 150 Defense(+30), 125 Sp. Attack(+50), 150 Sp. Defense(+20), 85 Speed

    Mega Darkrai

    Type: Dark/Ghost

    Ability: Bad Dreams

    M.S. Location: New Moon Island (Postgame)

    BST: 70 HP, 125 Attack(+35), 120 Defense(+30), 145 Sp. Attack(+10), 90 Sp. Defense, 150 Speed(+25)

    Primal Arceus

    Type: Normal

    Ability: Divination (Combination of Protean and Adaptability)

    Reversion Method: Have Arceus hold Azure Orb (Event Distributed item)

    BST: 120 HP, 150 Attack(+30), 120 Defense, 150 Sp. Attack(+30), 120 Sp. Defense, 160 Speed(+40)

    Most of the old mega stones can be found within the mainland of Sinnoh during the main story if they were originally part of Platinum's Sinnoh Regional Dex, with the exception of the Garchompite, which is given to the player by Cynthia's grandmother after becoming champion. All other mega stones can be found on Frontier Island in the postgame.


    Miscellaneous New Pokémon Forms

    Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina do not have a Primal Reversion or Mega Evolution, however, Dialga and Palkia gained Origin forms, like Giratina, which redistributed some of their stats. These orbs are found naturally in the Renegade Episode during the postgame.

    Dialga-Origin Form

    Type: Dragon/Steel

    Ability: Filter

    BST: 100 HP, 100 Attack(-20), 140 Defense(+20), 150 Sp. Attack, 120 Sp. Defense(+20), 70 Speed(-20)

    Palkia-Origin Form

    Type: Water/Dragon

    Ability: Adaptability

    BST: 90 HP, 120 Attack, 80 Defense(-20), 170 Sp. Attack(+20), 100 Sp. Defense(-20), 120 Speed(+20)

    Like Pikachu in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, Eevee has a couple of new cosplay forms that cannot be evolved. These Eevee excel in Pokemon contests, much like their Pikachu counterparts. They do not have any different battle stats from normal Eevee.

    Lastly, Chesnaught and Delphox now have their own special abilities, similar to Greninja's Battle Bond, and are obtainable in the Resort Area from Professor Sycamore in the postgame, via event distribution. These abilities add 110 points to their overall Base Stat Totals.


    Type: Grass/Fighting

    Ability: Calming Guard (Use Spiky Shield)

    BST: 88 HP, 137 Attack(+30), 152 Defense(+30), 75 Sp. Attack, 125 Sp. Defense(+50) 64 Speed


    Type: Fire/Psychic

    Ability: Serenity's Grace (K.O. Pokémon with Fire move)

    BST: 75 HP, 69 Attack, 72 Defense, 149 Sp. Attack(+35), 135 Sp. Defense(+35), 144 Speed(+40)


    And those are all of my ideas for different forms for the Sinnoh remakes. If I ever do a part 3, I'll probably combine the story and Geographic changes in one final part. Feel free to share your own ideas in the comments!

    submitted by /u/TheRawk01
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    Ok I know I'm extremely late to this but did Fairy type moves exist before fairy type pokemon?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 09:33 AM PST

    I never played any of the post nds era pokemon game so please understand, I was convinced for a long time that fairy type was already a thing until more recently.Found out pokemon were converted to fairy type and i now I just need to confirm that fairy moves existed before then

    submitted by /u/SwagSparda21
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    Where did you come from

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 10:29 AM PST

    This question was first presented in Ruby and Sapphire and has baffled even the greatest of philosophers. A man in a small house in a small town named Pacifidlog in the middle of route 132 brought this question to the world. 18 years has passed without a clear answer. The sheer complexity of the question is far to advance for us mortals to comprehend.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Rainglock
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    A pokemon 25th anniversary Idea

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 09:51 AM PST

    return of the pokemon Mini, that plays pokemon red, blue and yellow, each with their own color to show what game is it, enough to strap inside your own pocket.

    addition you can transfer the pokemon straight to pokemon home and use them for sword and shield, aswell as other bonus such as bluetooth connection with another Pokemon mini device, maybe even double pokemon Go plus device..

    maybe if they gucci enough they can go all the way to gen 3.

    submitted by /u/TheGoldminor
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