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    Saturday, January 30, 2021

    Pokémon My favourite feature of Black/White was that every Pokemon was new/native to the region

    Pokémon My favourite feature of Black/White was that every Pokemon was new/native to the region

    My favourite feature of Black/White was that every Pokemon was new/native to the region

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 03:20 AM PST

    I know they get a lot of praise now, but I love how Black/White only feature the new pokemon to the generation. For me it was the breath of fresh air that the franchise needed, having every battle/encounter/trade/gym as a native pokemon.

    It really gave the Unova region flavour, not having the new pokemon saturated by precious generations and having them take the spotlight. This made Unova feel distinguished from the other regions and not just another region in the franchise. Unova always felt like it's own unique environment to explore to me. It just feels like it's own world to dive into, not just an extension of the franchise.

    Even revisiting the games now it still feels fresh and really gives you that feeling of exploring and finding creatures that live there. There's no "oh look, there's Zubat/Slowpoke/Rattata". Even in the late game, you were still discovering new pokemon rather than having the same ones you've seen hundreds of times resurfaced. I also felt that it gave the gyms a good challenge, because you really had no idea what you were going up against.

    This also made for a really tight/solid roster, e.g. basic starters, elemental monkeys to compliment your choice, two decent fossil mons, strong fighting types, bulky psychic types, a few rare dragons. It really is it's own 'sandbox' to design a team from. Not just a few new creatures outnumbered by returning pokemon.

    I wish they would do this again, I understand they can't do it for every generation but it would be the refresh the games need. Just as long as they don't have ones that evolve at level 50+...let alone 64!

    submitted by /u/JoelSanders27
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    Why the Sinnoh remakes should have Mega evolutions instead of Dynamax

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 09:38 AM PST

    The main reason being that then Cynthia can get Mega Garchomp to whoop our asses harder than ever.

    Second, it will bring back mega evolutions back in the competitive scene. The remakes could also feature Z-Moves post game or something just for competitive scene.

    And third, imo the Sinnoh starters can get really awesome mega evolutions, just check out all the amazing fan art. Then there always more underused mons which will be pushed into viability through mega evolutions.

    submitted by /u/Stabber_64
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    Why I hope dynamax isn't in the Sinnoh remakes.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 06:25 PM PST

    I've seen alot of people make videos on why Dynamax will be in the Sinnoh reamakes and for me it's like, duh, Dynamax is going to be in the Sinnoh remakes. Mega evolution was in ORAS, so it makes sense. But I don't want there to be Dynamax, I expect it but I don't want it. I believe there are three reasons.

    1. I don't like Dynamax as a concept. Ever since it was revealed I've never been the biggest fan of Dynamax. I actively went out of my way to use it and never used it from the 6th gym and onward. (Maybe that's why I like Piers) Sinnoh imo is one of the best regions because of the big focus on battling. In Hoenn and Sinnoh I feel like GameFreak understood that people just loved battling so they introduced new concepts to keep it fresh. Double Battles, Abilities and the Physical-Special split respectively. But if Dynamax comes to Sinnoh I just won't be the same. In my opinion it won't be as smooth as Mega evolution in ORAS.
    2. I feel like there won't be a good reason to explain it. My theory when it comes to how they'll explain it will be this A. They'll give a good reason early on that makes sense and will satisfy the majority, B. They'll explain it early on with a dumb and confusing reason (Example" Dynamax energy has spilled through the top of Mt. Coronet and has made power spots appear all over the Sinnoh Region") C. They'll wait until the post game and Hop/Sonia will give a good explanation. D. They'll explain it in the post game with a VERY dumb explanation. As you can see I don't have much confidence that GameFreak will explain it properly.
    3. It could make gym/boss battles in Sinnoh less memorable. This connects with my first point. Unlike megas, Dynamax just feels like HUGE POWER against HUGER POWER. Imo the best battles have strategy along with intensity. With Mega evolution to some extent there still was some power against power but I feel like the new strategies you could pull off made up for it. With Dynamax(in a play through) there isn't much strategy when it comes with Dynamaxing your pokemon. You either dynamax early to get a lead, or wait until the end for a face off. What makes this even worse is that gym leaders only dynamax one of their Pokemon. If they had the AI to choose which Pokemon to dynamax depending on the situation maybe it could be better but GameFreak chose not to. My most memorable moments in Gen 4 are against Fantina and Candice, outsmarting them to claim victory. However with dynamax I feel like I wouldn't have as much trouble and just sweep their team.

    But despite all this if we get gen 4 remakes and they have Dynamax most likely I'll have a blast exploring the Sinnoh Region. I hope that Gen 4 remakes are better than the og games and satisfy my quenching thirst for Pokemon.

    submitted by /u/xMrEPersonx
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    No matter how it's received, I'd love a Gen 4 Remake regardless

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 08:21 AM PST

    Pokemon has been a huge part of my life for about 8 years now. As a teenager, I've pretty much played from Platinum onwards.

    Gen 4 holds a special place in my heart-- my first Pokemon experience. Everything about it was so great!! The music, the poketch, the unique trainers, even the poffins were cool to me. This was the game that consumed my interests and led me to love so many other games as well. I recently got my hands on a copy to replay and experience the magic again before we (hopefully) get a remake.

    Ideally, it would be true to the original, like ORAS (I enjoyed it, thought it did the originals justice). But, after seeing the last few games... who knows. Let's Go, SM, and SWSH weren't my all time favorites. I didn't like the go-style catching, dynamax, trials instead of gyms, or the lazy graphics. While they all still had their own charm, (I like the SWSH dlc!) they didn't feel like they had the heart of my favorites: HGSS, DPP and BW. Part of it is just that I'm getting older, but even I know quality from quantity, a recent pokemon issue.

    I know that no matter how good or bad this remake might be, there will be lots of complaints and controversy. I've heard rumors of it having the Let's Go play style, dynamax, and whatever else. But even so: Let's have a little hope! This year marks the 25th anniversary of this amazing franchise, and I believe that Game Freak will try to respect the long legacy of these games.

    Maybe they won't! Maybe they'll tarnish the good name of our Sinnoh region. But you know what? As long as I get to see Cynthia, my Piplup and good old Jubilife city again, hearing all of that familiar music... I'll be happy. So as we sit and wonder about the future of Pokemon, maybe we should all appreciate the little things too.

    submitted by /u/righteousnessandtea
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    Unpopular opinion: Typhlosion's 3D model is fine.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 10:24 AM PST

    I see a lot of people saying how Typhlosion and its evolutionary line were ruined in the shift to 3D because "they removed the flames." But the thing about Typhlosion and its line is that it's not like Charizard or Ponyta or any other number of fire-types whose fire burns automatically. By default, Typhlosion's flames are "off," and it has to consciously activate them. I'm not sure if this is something relatively unknown or if it's something everyone knows about and just doesn't consider, but they've always been like this, as shown in their Pokedex entries, anime appearances, and even the way the flames are drawn on the 2D sprites:

    Cyndaquil, Silver: "It usually stays hunched over. If it is angry or surprised, it shoots flames out of its back."

    Quilava, Gold: "Be careful if it turns its back during battle. It means that it will attack with the fire on its back." (why would it need to warn you about this if the flames are always lit?)

    Both the anime and how the 2D flames are drawn also support this. Additionally, the 3D models do show Typhlosion activating its flames when it attacks.

    In the 2D sprites, Game Freak only had 1 image to get the point of these Pokemon across, so of course they included the flames, because otherwise people seeing Typhlosion and its line for the first time might not know the flames existed at all. When designing the idle animations for the 3D models, Typhlosion and its line have their flames off because, well, they're idle. Take a Pokemon like Machamp, for example. Its whole deal is that it's really muscular, so most of its 2D sprites show it flexing. But imagine if Gen 6 rolls around and Machamp's idle animation just has it constantly flexing at you. No, instead, it's in more of this "battle-ready" position, then it flexes for its special attack animation. Typhlosion is the same way.

    Having grown up with the Johto anime in particular, it seemed natural to me when I saw the 3D models and their flames were off by default. But then I turn around and everyone else is screaming about it and hating on them. I just want people to leave my little fire echidnas alone :(

    submitted by /u/KRLW890
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    The graphics of a remade Sinnoh - what is realistic?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 09:05 AM PST

    Talk about a Sinnoh remake has been going on since ORAS was announced, and it currently seems to reach a new peak every week. It seems that the fans are hungry for a remake of Diamond and Pearl, and Game Freak might be willing to deliver.

    The biggest question for me, however, is what such a remake would look like, and I'm talking literally. What concept of graphics will they go for? At the moment it looks like they're stuck with two choices, each with notable downsides: Either remake the region faithfully in a tile-for-tile recreation like Kanto got in LGPE and Hoenn got in ORAS, or redesign it to the graphical standards of the most recent games - Sword and Shield (let's be realistic and limit the graphics ambitions to that. We can't reasonably expect Breath of the Wild-like graphics at this point).

    I want to discuss the former option first: The original Sinnoh games were the first Pokémon games to feature a limited degree of 3D, with terrain and buildings being models instead of just sprites. However, this caused the graphics of those games to be notably more simple than those of their predecessors Ruby and Sapphire. Compare for instance Sinnoh's Route 214 to Hoenn's Route 119. Note the simpler terrain shapes in the DP route, the relative lack of detailing, the grass patches being smaller and more rectangular, and the route being a lot smaller overall. Or take the intricate geometry of Hoenn's Mt. Pyre and compare it to the pyramid-like peak of Mt. Coronet. Or the labyrinthine cliffs of Sootopolis City compared to the rather blocky terrain of Sunyshore City. The cuboid plateau of Sinnoh's Pokémon League vs. the cliffs of the somewhat misnamed Ever Grande City. There are more examples, but there's no use listing them further, you've got the point already.

    In short, the inclusion of 3D in Gen IV caused the Sinnoh region to feature a more simple style than the spritework of Gen III. Sinnoh is, to put it bluntly, a rather more blocky region than Hoenn. This is exacerbated further by a very small variety in overworld terrain textures - each route that isn't snowy looks pretty much the same as any other. Sinnoh doesn't look quite as good at a glance, and this would be very noticeable in a remake unless significant changes were made. For this reason, I don't think a tile-by-tile touch-up of Sinnoh would look very good, to the point that it wouldn't compare favourably with ORAS on the 3DS. Sinnoh's blocky terrain and limited variation of terrain textures only looked passable when the games were new, and on the Switch it would be far from the state of the art. It would look like a high-definition version of the DS game, which itself didn't look that good when it came out. I think this option would even compromise its marketability. It'd be a hard sell for sixty dollars.

    A reimagining of the original graphics is the other option. Creating new and more detailed terrain forms, more varied textures, and possibly even skyboxes in case the camera swoops down to let us see beyond the treeline (oh, and those lines of identical trees need to go). Ponds, paths, and grass patches that aren't rectangular with 90-degree angles. More details, nicer architecture, the whole works. A region in the graphical style of Sword and Shield would definitely look better than a tile-for-tile remake. However, at this point the "remake" is requiring a ton of extra work. You'd need designers to go over each area and effectively re-design them from the ground up, while trying to retain the original look. This would quickly get expensive and take a lot of time.

    Game Freak worked on Galar for years, yet the region is very small outside of the Wild Area. Sinnoh has approximately three times as many routes and settlements, several vast dungeons, and a lot more content within each area than Galar has. Would there even be time/resources enough to re-create all of Sinnoh with modern graphics? It would be several times more work than creating Galar. Is that realistic to expect? It would also take away the advantage of remaking an already-made region in the first place if you have to do the design work over again.

    Another issue with the modern Pokémon games is the relatively short length of Routes, cities with little content to explore, a total lack of dungeons, and no side paths. Alola and Galar were designed with a very different mindset than Sinnoh was, resulting in its locations being comparably small. Would a touch-up of Sinnoh retain the scope of the individual areas, or would the designers shrink them to make the game more accessible to kids, alternately to shorten development time?

    And a lesser concern, would it still look like Sinnoh? Would the towns still look the same, would the routes be recognizable? If the ponds and patches of grass are differently shaped, buildings are moved, trainers stand in other spots, and caves are reorganized to more navigable (to account for the 3D camera), is the region still recognizable enough to induce nostalgia? If not, then what is the point of remaking the game? If you have to design a whole region from the ground up anyway, and it doesn't end up looking like the product you try to recreate, you might as well just do something new. Go straight for Gen IX, which would allow a smaller region with fewer design restrictions and the advantage of novelty, which is probably a bigger selling point than nostalgia for a game that's 15 years old by the time the remake comes out.

    In short, I fear that we're left with two realistic options for a Sinnoh remake: A tile-by-tile, LGPE-style remake that retains the scope of gameplay, but retains the flaws of the original and thus looks very outdated (which would be fine for fans but probably make the game harder to sell), or a remake with nice graphics but which shrinks the size and scope of the region. Having both the full size and extent of Sinnoh, and the nice graphics, would be optimal for players, but I find myself questioning whether Game Freak would be willing/able to make it given how costly it would be. I think they will have to choose between one and the other, and/or there will be a whole lot of compromise. Either way, I fear for the end result. I just can't see how this could, realistically, both look like a Switch game and play like the original.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Codraroll
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    What are your favorite surprising Pokemon stats?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:39 PM PST

    For the most part, Pokemon have their stats distributed not only for balance reasons but additionally to accommodate some part of their design or lore. Machamp has much higher attack than Alakazam because Machamp is a muscular martial arts monster while Alakazam relies on its mental strength and has little need for an athletic build. Crobat is faster than Snorlax because Crobat is a nimble bat while Snorlax is a lumbering sack of fat. However, some Pokemon have stats that are counterintuitive or match up in surprising ways against others. Two of the most famous examples are how weak Onix is and how slow Vikavolt is. Specifically, Onix has less attack than Joltik and Vikavolt is slower than its pre-evolution Grubbin. Do you have any surprising or amusing examples like this?

    Here are some that I found just casually looking through a list of Pokemon:

    -Larvesta has a higher attack than Talonflame

    -Purugly is faster than Gengar

    -Furfrou is faster than Salamence

    -Volcanion has higher attack than Torterra

    -Huntail has higher defense than it does attack

    -Seviper has equal special and physical attack

    -Primal Groudon has higher special attack than Eternatus

    -Ledian has higher special defense than Necrozma Dusk Mane

    -Wormadam has higher special defense than Stakataka

    -Ninjask has more HP than Claydol

    submitted by /u/Xenon8247
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    Thinking of fake signature Pokémon moves, day 101: Espeon

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 04:08 AM PST

    I am coming up with at least 1 fake move that would be exclusive to 1 Pokémon or an evolutionary line of Pokémon. I am going in Pokédex order, and I will skip every Pokémon or evolutionary line that already has a Pokémon in it that has a signature move. Signature Z-moves or G-Max moves don't count.

    Espeon's move is called Psychic Aura, a Psychic-Type Status move with 30 PP. It increases the damage from not very effective moves done by any Pokémon on the user's side of the field, by 1,5 times. Psychic-Type moves are stronger from both sides of the field. This effect wears off after 5 turns.

    This move is very similar to the moves from Vaporeon, Jolteon and Flareon, but instead of raising stats, Psychic Aura increases not very effective damage. To avoid this move being too strong, it only increases that damage by 1,5 times instead of doubling the damage, which would make it so not very effective moves would be the same as neutral moves. This way not very effective moves still deal less damage, just more than usual. The way this move works is that the user creates a wave of psychic energy which enhances Psychic-Type power for a while.

    In case this move is used while Psychic Terrain is active, this move fails. If Psychic Terrain is used while Psychic Aura is active, it replaces Psychic Aura. This also counts for any other Terrain, but I'm mentioning Psychic Terrain mostly because it might cause confusion about how it would work with Psychic Aura. I hope this clears it up.

    I'd love to hear feedback or questions about my ideas, and if you have any ideas for signature moves for Pokémon, I'd love to hear them, I might use the ideas (with your consent of course)! Even though this is a daily thing, or at least, I'll try to keep it daily, I don't think I'll be consistent with the time of day I post another idea.

    submitted by /u/Noodnood966
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    What Pokemon would make the most sense to be used by a doctor?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 12:02 PM PST

    I'm designing some pokemon trainer and I will be designing a doctor next. Now, I don't know a lot about pokemon and couldn't find anything about this online.

    What pokemon would make the most sense to be used? Preferably not because of their move set but because of their special abilities named in the description of them.

    I'd preferably not go with a Chansey because it's been so overdone already.

    Thanks a bunch :)

    submitted by /u/artistic_vomit
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    the reason shiny Cramorant is orange. (figured it out yesterday.)

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 06:20 AM PST

    do you remember the 'rare bird' that was found in Haddenham, Buckinghamshire. when it was actually covered in curry, I think Cramorant has an orange shiny is referencing the orange seagull covered in curry. Incineroar's shiny is white because of siberian white tigers. what are some other cool shiny 'back storys'?

    submitted by /u/V3rsatilegaming
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    Regional Pokedex ratio is important

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 09:14 AM PST

    This started out as a response to talking about the Black and White Pokedex but I felt it needed to be said on its own.

    When jumping in to a new generation of Pokemon arguably one of the most important aspects of the game are the new/native Pokemon. There's that sense of excitement when you come across one that you've never seen before and is a big part of what makes a new Pokemon game feel fresh.

    With this idea a lot of people look towards Black and White fondly having a full regional Dex with only new/native Pokemon. This was also something I thought I was going to feel jumping in to BW as I love that feeling of discovery. However having only new Pokemon also created a problem that essentially led me to feel mostly disappointed with my first play through of BW.

    The thing is at the end of the day what makes Pokemon Pokemon is the Pokemon. When you bring in a new generation you need association to establish that these new forms are Pokemon and not some other franchise's monsters. Playing BW for the first time having so much unfamiliarity it didn't feel like I was playing a Pokemon game but rather some knock off brand.

    Then BW2 came along and added old Pokemon back in. By almost doubling the Dex it wasn't overkill as the majority of the Dex was still the new Pokemon. I loved this and it really helped me to appreciate the gen v designs, it made them feel like they were really Pokemon.

    Since then Game Freak has gone the complete opposite direction and have been rolling with too small of a ratio of new Pokemon in the Regional Dex. SM has around a third of its Dex as new Pokemon and forms while XY and SWSH has less than a quarter. For longtime fans looking for new Pokemon where every route has a large majority of old Pokemon this is frustrating. The freshness feels minimal.

    Going forward I hope Game Freak fixes up the ratio of new to old Pokemon in the Regional Pokedex. RS, DP and BW2 all had slightly higher than half new Pokemon and I think that's a good ratio to go for. I want there to be enough new Pokemon so that stays the focus but I don't want too much or else it just doesn't feel like a Pokemon game anymore.

    submitted by /u/raspberrybat
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    Is there a reason why there aren't any Pokemon with Base Stats between 600 and 660 (Mega Evolution/Alternate forms aside)?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 11:54 PM PST

    I just realized that aside from Mega Evolution and alternate forms (Wishiwashi or Greninja), there are no Pokemon that have Base Stats between 600 and 660, unless I'm mistaken.

    Is there a reason why? Would adding more Pokemon (legendary, mythical or not) with Base Stats between 600 and 660 really be detrimental to the game (as this is the only reason I can think of, aside from the numbers being chosen at random)?

    Sorry, but this useless trivia fact has been bugging me a while now.

    submitted by /u/Crystal-Skies
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    What is your oldest pokemon that still exists to this day?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 12:20 AM PST

    My oldest pokemon that still exists is a Beedrill from my first game ever, a bootleg copy of Fire Red.

    When I played it, I chose a Bulbasaur, and my brother had an extra Squirtle that he traded me, and so I got near the end and beat Giovanni with a fully decked-out team with Fearow, Venusaur, Blastoise, and such. However, due to bootleg games not being stable, soon after that my game deleted its data. [I probably deserved it, but much younger me did not deserve to see the data deletion message.] So, you may be wondering, "How is the Beedrill still alive?". And, the truth is, I had caught a Weedle very early on, deemed it useless or something, and had traded it for the Squirtle.

    A while after that, I got Pokemon Colosseum. Now, my family was basically a Gen 3 family, who also wanted to complete the pokedex. So, I trade some pokemon around like Quilava, Bayleef, Suicune, and so on. I would, of course, get useless pokemon like Magikarp(Which, with one of, I actually evolved and got to level 75, and it became an essential part of my team, basically replacing my SudoWoodo), Abra, and such. And, one of those 'useless' pokemon was my Weedle that I had traded years ago for a Squirtle that no longer exists. So, for whatever reason, I trained it into a Beedrill, before I stopped using it.

    Now, even more years later (and pretty close to now), I get a copy of Pokemon Ruby, and I start cracking away at a Living Dex. So I get everyone possible there and realize I'm gonna have to trade for over 200. So, I start by trading over some important ones from Colosseum, and there he is in the box, my original Beedrill. I get him over, breed him twice for 2 Weedles, and I put him in the retirement he deserves. And there he is to this day.

    Anyways, don't buy bootleg games.

    submitted by /u/Skelly1134
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    A gen 2 feature I'd like to see in Sword and Shield or Gen 4 Remakes

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 08:24 AM PST

    I was looking at the list of Pokemon missing from Sword and Shield and I noticed that there are quite a lot of bug type Pokemon missing (my favourite type). I'd really like to see the bug catching contest come back from Gold/Silver/Crystal! The list of bug Pokemon missing is large and while I realise that it's not everyone's favourite type, the feature is cool and there are some pretty popular bugs missing (Beedrill, Forretress, Vivillion and its unique different colours!).

    I don't think that it would merit a full, paid DLC, but a free DLC for Sword/Shield(I can't see them doing this!) or more likely, included in the remakes of gen 4, if/when they happen.

    What do you guys think? A worthwhile addition or something that should be left in the past?

    submitted by /u/gjh36
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