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    Sunday, January 10, 2021

    Pokémon The NPC that heals your Pokémon will always be the M.V.P.

    Pokémon The NPC that heals your Pokémon will always be the M.V.P.

    The NPC that heals your Pokémon will always be the M.V.P.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 12:03 AM PST

    I've recently done another playthrough of Gen 5 and the NPCs you have to battle before they heal your Pokémon makes me happy. Both the fact that they exist and the fact that you have to actually face them to get the reward instead of being a free Pokémon Center right off the bat. I'm also aware there were situations in other Gens that did it, but these NPCs seem to be a bit more.....noticeable(not sure if this is the right word to use).

    submitted by /u/GiveMeSatansNumber
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    I miss Pokémon Ranger.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 01:18 AM PST

    I loved those games, and aside from Explorers of Sky, they hold the best memories for me. I was obsessed with Guardian Signs. I remember writing stories before bed about being a ranger with my Pichu! They were so fun, and I loved the creative mechanisms behind them. Any other Ranger fans out there? I always feel like they get forgotten!

    submitted by /u/showtunie
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    I really want a high difficulty game.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 11:45 PM PST

    I want the random trainers out in the world to level with you

    I want them to have at least 4 different Pokémon

    I want actual competitors and challengers to have 6 Pokémon with type variety (Themes are fine. They're expected. But if you are running a Water team then I expect you to have subtypes to counter waters weaknesses)

    I want Gym Leaders to be seriously imposing threats who will tear your ass up if you aren't ready

    I want a villain team that's a legitimate threat and who adhere to the "competitors and challengers" rules above.

    Pokémon games are easy. They always have been. I get it. But just once give me a game where a balanced and carefully bred team won't just curbstomp everything it comes across. Stop making me do dumb shit like a bug only playthrough just to feel some sort of challenge.

    submitted by /u/EternalMydNyt
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    But what if

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 11:19 AM PST

    There was a region with a single fossil of, say, a velociraptor. Let's call it the Toe Claw Fossil.

    Now, you get the Toe Claw Fossil in a normal way, digging it up, finding it in a cave or similar, getting it as a gift, whatever. But the real charm is how you revive it.

    When you head to the museum (doesn't matter where, just that you revive fossils there) you find that you can revive this fossil and make it into a Pokemon. In most games, this is just you handing a fossil to a guy and coming back after a bit, but here's my idea:

    What if there were two different people who both believed that the Toe Claw Pokemon looked different? (One is feathery and more bird-like and the other is more lizard-like) And so depending on who you give the fossil to, you'll get a different restoration of the same Pokemon! (Think different forms that can't be changed.)

    This idea is based on how science's viewpoint on dinosaurs, particularly theropods, has evolved -- pardon my joke -- and given us an entirely different outlook on how they would look.

    People used to think velociraptors were scaly predators, and even now that the majority of the paleontology world believes that velociraptors were feathery, perhaps even downright fluffy, there are still people out there (particularly boomers) that insist that their scaly lizard dinosaurs were the true form of velociraptor.

    TL:DR, a fossil gimmick where a fossil is restored in two different ways that leads to different forms of the same Pokemon with inspiration coming from old and new ideas on the anatomy of dinosaurs

    submitted by /u/Marleyzard
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    My personal headcanon about education in Pokémon.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 04:29 AM PST

    Something that the fanbase loves to theorize about all the time is whether or not the characters in the Pokémon world actually go to school. Some theories are a lot crazier than others, but I don't believe it's that complicated.

    What I personally believe is that trainers do go to school, and their journeys take place during school vacation, and those journeys aren't really that long.

    Think about it: Pokémon regions are more or less the same size as their real world counterparts. Now, let's suppose you're in a tour throughout Hokkaido (Sinnoh), New York (Unova) or Hawaii (Alola) for example. You're supposed to go to 8 specific locations (passing through some other minor towns in the way). In Alola's case, you have to go through the four main islands.

    How long do you think that will take you on foot/bicycle? I'd say that it'll probably take you approximately less than a month and a half.

    It might take you one to three days going from one city to another. Of course, you might just wanna hang around doing some sightseeing, participating on side-events, or just training with your Pokémon and looking for more to catch.

    After their journeys are over, the children probably return to their homes to spend the rest of their vacation with their family. They might even go to another region if they want, whether it's for vacation or yet another journey.

    As for school itself, well, it might be largely similar to real-life school, just Pokémon themed. Some classes teach you more about Pokémon, like biology. There are probably many school clubs that center around Pokémon as well.

    The reason Pokémon never seems to show us actual schools is probably because they deem it unnecessary. The main appeal of the franchise is the creatures and the battling, so school is mostly irrelevant.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/AetherDrew43
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    Thinking of fake signature moves, day 81: Mew

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 06:57 AM PST

    I am coming up with at least 1 fake move that would be exclusive to 1 Pokémon or an evolutionary line of Pokémon. I am going in Pokédex order, and I will skip every Pokémon or evolutionary line that already has a Pokémon in it that has a signature move. Signature Z-moves or G-Max moves don't count.

    I'm skipping Mewtwo because it has

    The move for Mew is called Psychic Storm.

    Psychic Storm is a Psychic-Type Special move with a base power of 160. It has 60% accuracy and 5 PP. If it misses, it can still have a 50% chance to hit the target's ally in a double battle.

    So... The last move for generation 1... I only thought it made sense to go out with a banger. I'm of course not done, I will cover the other generations as well. But yeah, 81 days, 81 new moves. I love doing this a lot, and I wanna thank you all for the support and criticism you have given me. It means so much to me, so thank you! <3

    Okay then, about the move itself. I made this move for Mew because Mew has insane psychic powers. It can teleport, shapeshift, go invisible, etc. Psychic Storm doesn't utilize those specific powers but it still uses Mew's insane strength. Kind of in the same way as Genesis Supernova except without the Z-Power. This move is also super powerful because of Mew's power. To compensate for the huge base power, this move has bad accuracy. To do justice to Psychic Storm's name, it is actually a barrage of psychic orbs or blasts similar to Psyshock. Except bigger and stronger. The "Storm" part of the name comes in with the ability of potentially hitting the target's ally if it misses the initial target. In single battles, this effect won't do anything.

    And before I'm ending this post, I have a question for the people who like to read these ideas. In some of the comments in some of the previous posts I spoke about the idea of adding "bonus moves". Bonus moves would just be new ideas for moves for Pokémon I already covered or skipped. They won't take up entire posts, they'll just be at the end of the regular posts and won't take up much space, just explaining the move and what it does. Just for fun and in no particular order. My question is if you'd like to see me do those bonus moves. It'd also give me more opportunities to use the ideas other people suggested to me. I'd love to hear what you think about it :)

    I'd love to hear feedback or questions about my ideas, and if you have any ideas for signature moves for Pokémon, I'd love to hear them, I might use the ideas (with your consent of course)! Even though this is a daily thing, or at least, I'll try to keep it daily, I don't think I'll be consistent with the time of day I post another idea.

    submitted by /u/Noodnood966
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    Do you keep your starter Pokémon?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 10:04 AM PST

    I am going to start Sword over and was thinking of not keeping my starter in my party. I've been playing Pokémon since I was a kid. I've missed a few releases here and there, but I've always no matter what kept my starter pokemon. I don't know why, I guess I feel like I have to lol. So I'm curious if it's just me that feel like I need to keep it or if lots of you put it away as soon as you can.

    submitted by /u/SashBakes
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    Should I get Sw/Sh?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 07:32 AM PST

    I've been kinda putting off getting the game since all the shit with the national dex. But I really wanna know if it's worth getting. The one thing that's been making me consider it is the soundtrack and designs but that's about it. I'm only able to buy one game as of right now so should I get sw/sh or should I get a different game?

    submitted by /u/Someguyhahalol
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    I don't want Diamond and Pearl remakes, I want new games in Sinho!

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 11:06 PM PST

    Imagine a set of two games with Giratina and Arceus as the box legends. Dialga and Palkia would still play a part for sure, but I would love to delve deeper into the lore of Sinho's legends and maybe get some new gym leaders and elite four out of it. My dream is to have a new champion with Cynthia playing the role of Red on Mt. Silver or Steven in comet falls in emerald. Of course this is extremely unlikely, and think we will probably just get an "episode" about giratina and arceus much like the delta episode.

    submitted by /u/Wolfgang313
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    Behold, My Updated Pokemon Teambuilder for Gen 8! (mypokemonteam.com)

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 08:09 AM PST

    Hey guys I updated my pokemon teambuilder mypokemonteam.com for generation 8, Sword and Shield (about time!).

    Every teambuilder out there will tell you what types your team is weak and strong against. Here's what makes mine possibly different:

    • you can import/export your team to Pokemon Showdown
    • it's accurate, it takes into account special abilities (Levitate, Thick Fat, Filter, Sap Sipper, Aerilate, etc.), moves (Freeze Dry, Flying Press, Judgment, Seismic Toss, etc.), and items (Air Balloon)
    • nice website design

    I'm not very familiar with gen 8, so let me know if there are new abilities, items, and moves that behave differently when calculating type coverage and defence. Same with the team checklist in the website.

    The website says to email me for bugs, but you can just give me feedback in the comments below. I get about 1.5k users per month, which is strange considering it's been outdated with gen 7 for quite some time.

    submitted by /u/Projeffboy
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    Personal opinion about all the starters

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 10:00 AM PST

    I am bored so I decided to give my personal opinion of all starters from Gen 1 to 8. Obviously this is 100% just my opinion. Not sure, if anyone will care, but maybe this starts a discussion. We'll see.

    For Gen 1 and 2 I don't have anything negative to say. Yes I like some more than others, but overall I like them all and love them for their simplicity. They are basically animals, which is a good thing. I recently watched a Youtuber saying that they're boring, because Blastoise e.g. is just a tortoise with guns. But that's the appeal of the early generations. Just animals with powers.

    Gen 3: Not much negative to say. The middle evolutions Combusken and Marshtomp look a bit weird. But overall I like them all equally.

    Gen 4: Infernape's line has the best design througout. I also like Torterra's line. Just less than Infernape. I love Piplup. From the first stages I like Turtwig the least, but still like it overall. Prinplup looks okayish for a middle stage. Empoleon looks like it's wearing Napoleon's shirt. I get that this is the point, but I just don't like Pokemon wearing clothes. If it wasn't for that shirt. Empoleon would be my second favorite of Gen 4, maybe even number one.

    Gen 5: Love Tepig and Oshawott. Not a fan of Snivy and its evolution. I kinda like Serperior, but not overly. Dewott looks cool. Samurott looks too different from its previous forms, but not too bad. The biggest screw up were Tepig's evolutions though. I don't like them at all. Why are they bipedal? Why do they look so dumb and overly designed? It looks like an artist didn't know what to do with them and just decided to make a circle and pick random designs out of a box. it could have been a bad ass wild boar on four legs with big tusks and flames coming out left and right of it's mouth. So much wasted potential.

    Gen 6: Love all the first stages. I thought they would fix the mistakes from gen 5. Boy was I wrong (excluding Greninja). The Greninja line is awesome and the best looking water starters since Gen 2. But the evolutions of the other two are terrible. I don't know what Chesnaught is supposed to be and I don't wanna know, but Delphox has to be the biggest starter screw up ever. It's a human witch. Why? Stop forcing bipedal fire starters. Stop humanising Pokemon.

    Gen 8: Again I like all the first stages, but non of the final stages. The Grookey line is overall the best, but Rillaboom is again too humanised with the one drum and then with its drum set in Gigantamax, if it wasn't for the drum, I'd love it. I prefer it over the Gen 5 and 6 grass starters though. Cinderace and Inteleon were a big screw up. Cinderace is a football player and wears clothes again. Way too humanised. Same for the James Bond water starter. Too humanised, but at least they didn't force clothes on it.

    Gen 8: Again I like all the first stages, but non of the final stages. The Grookey line is overall the best, but Rillaboom is again too humanized with the one drum and then with its drum set in Gigantamax, if it wasn't for the drum, I'd love it. I prefer it over the Gen 5 and 6 grass starters though. Cinderace and Inteleon were a big screw up. Cinderace is a football player and wears clothes again. Way too humanized. Same for the James Bond water starter. Too humanized, but at least they didn't force clothes on it.

    That's it. I wish the designers would go back to more simplistic designs. Just because the region is based on England, doesn't mean they need footballers and MI6 agents as Pokemon. They can design Pokemon freely without feeling bound to the region like they did before. And they also don't need to force some theme on the Pokemon like they did with Gen 5, whose starters symbolise Japan, China and the western world. Simplicity is good!

    submitted by /u/simptycoolguy
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    I know we’re years away from it, but when Unova remakes are around the corner, would you rather a BW remake or BW3 announced? A whole new story in the unova region

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 09:55 AM PST

    As I sit here playing White 2 for technically the first time, got me thinking about Unova remakes and how BW2 would be cast aside in the remake era of gen 5. Then I got to thinking, what they could do that would be insane, would be to announce BW3

    submitted by /u/ballhernia
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    Sequels instead of Remakes

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 09:50 AM PST

    Like most people, I'm anticipating new Sinnoh games in the coming year or 2. And I just have one request.

    Please make Sequels to Diamond and Pearl, not Remakes.

    ORAS felt really hollow to me. Yeah, the new Megas were flashy and the art was good, but I grew up playing Emerald, and felt Omega Ruby was a step back in most directions.

    One of my FAVORITE Pokémon games is Black 2. I love how you get to see Unova change over a few years, and how it felt truly like a different game from Black and White.

    Diamond was the first Pokémon game I ever owned. I'm beyond excited to return to Sinnoh, but I'm afraid it will just be like like playing regular Diamond but in the Sword and Shield engine instead of what could be.

    submitted by /u/frenziest
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    Telepathy in the anime

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 08:11 AM PST

    So I've been going back and watching a lot of the movies lately and it got me thinking. How are Pokémon without psychic abilities able to speak through telepathy? For Pokémon like Mewtwo and Lugia it makes sense since they're psychic types. But for Pokémon like Darkrai and Genesect it doesn't make sense. How do you think non-psychic Pokémon are able to use telepathy?

    submitted by /u/bandgeek19942013
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    Do people only link trade to show off?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 10:40 PM PST

    It frustrates me to no end how every time I set up a link trade, the person on the other end offers up some shiny legendary they got from some bullshit scan site and immediately cancel no matter what I offered. Does anyone else get this? Do you ever get real offers?

    submitted by /u/EddtheMetalHead
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    Idea: Scorchball

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 11:27 AM PST

    It's just an idea I had for a pokeball. It works better on fire types and pokemon that live in hot places like the desert or near volcanoes.

    Seems like it would fit, we already have duskballs, diveballs, and netballs, which cover so much type wise.

    Basically every game has some sort of high temp area whether it's a volcano, desert or both.

    submitted by /u/xxkoloblicinxx
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    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 10:56 AM PST

    Okkkaaayy, so I revised my team and gave into Garchomp, I couldn't resist. I added a set Pokémon to lead, and the goal of my team is offense so a lot of my Pokémon are attackers.This team is going to be used in just a play through for now to teach me about team building and items and training and what not. Maybe I'll use it to battle real people. Give me critiques and point out any issues thanks :)

    Mamoswine, (ice ground) anti-lead/lead Item: focus sash Ability: oblivious Nature: Jolly


    1. Ice shard (lvl 28) Priority STAB that checks some common leads

    2. Earthquake (lvl 40) STAB that checks some common leads

    3. Stealth Rock (TM76) Hazard setup

    4. Rock Slide (TM80)

    Empoleon ( water steel) sp. attacker Item: expert belt, boosts super effective moves Nature: Naive, raises speed, lowers sp. defense Ability: torrent (hp below 1/3, water does x1.5 more damage


    1. Flash cannon (TM91) STAB move

    2. Waterfall (hm) Hm .-.

    3. Grass knot (Tm86) Good water coverage while Empoleon resists, also ground coverage. Covers gastrodon

    4. Ice beam (Tm13) Dragon coverage along with steels resistance

    Flygon (ground dragon) Attacker Item: choice scarf, raises speed Nature: Adamant, raises attack, lowers sp. attack Ability: Levitate negates ground weakness


    1. U-turn (Tm89) A good move to switch on a grass type, does damage and allows switch into other Pokémon

    2. Earthquake (Tm26) Gives good coverage to ground and rock types such as Tyranitar and Garchomp, while Flygom is immune to there earth moves and resists rock type moves

    3. Fly (hm) Hm .-.

    4. Thunder punch (move tutor) Good against flying types such as gyrados, dragonite, swellow

    Magmortar, (fire) wall breaker Item: life orb Ability: Flame Body Nature: timid


    1. Fire Blast (lvl 58)

    2. Thunderbolt (TM24)

    3. Focus Blast (TM52)

    4. Hidden Power Grass(TM10)

    Exeggutor (grass psychic) Nature: rash, raises sp. attack, lowers sp. defense Ability: Chlorophyll: boosted speed in sun

    1. Sleep powder (lvl 23) Can shut down counters

    2. Leaf storm (lvl 47) Big power and coverage

    3. Psychic (TM29) STAB

    4. Sludge bomb (TM36) Chance of poison

    Garchomp, (ground dragon) 😏sweeper Item: life orb Ability: sand veil Nature: jolly


    1. Swords dance 😏😏😏

    2. Outrage 😏😏😏

    3. Earthquake (battle frontier) 😳😳😳

    4. Surf (HM) Hm .-.

    And then of course the holy Bibarel

    Bibarel Just an hm slave to use when needed

    1. Cut
    2. Strength
    3. Rock smash
    4. Rock climb
    submitted by /u/Arkister
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    Replaying Shield to complete the dex and...

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 09:23 PM PST

    I remembered that you could go to the DLC areas as soon as you get to the Wild Area. Which means that you can get to the Dynamax Adventures right literally out the gate. And that Pokemon with your OT# never disobey you, no matter how strong they are. And soooo...

    Less than an hour into the game:https://i.imgur.com/MkSF0LA.jpg

    I'm coming for you, Milo!

    (I know this isn't anything incredible, but I found it very amusing and wanted to share.)

    submitted by /u/DariusSharpe
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    Nuzlockers, what are some of your Nuzlocke horror stories?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 07:19 PM PST

    I once attempted a nuzlocke in Silver and by the time I hit Azalea, my team was mostly Grass and Water type (my team was Quilava, Hoppip, Krabby, Poliwag, Magikarp and Bellsprout). Lost Krabby to poison from Kakuna (was trying to conserve Quilava's Ember PP for Scyther since it was low) and when Quilava took on Scyther, it got a Focus Energy up and then a crit Quick Attack.

    Bellsprout managed to poison it before it died, Poliwag managed to get a DoubleSlap in (one Crit) with Hoppip stalling Fury Cutter with Synthesis (it missed the first one against Hoppip). In the end, only Magikarp survived due to poison and I forfeited the run since I had no way of attacking and wasn't willing to grind up just to lose to Silver (this was before I beat the rival before beating the Gym).

    What are your Nuzlocke horror stories?

    submitted by /u/DukeSR8
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    I kinda miss being able to attach a letter to your Pokemon

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 10:48 PM PST

    I restarted my old Black I haven't played since B2 came out. The first town you get to (furret walk town), the pokemart sells letters you can write on and attach to your Pokemon. They don't do anything on your end, but when you trade a Pokemon, the recipient can read your letter.

    I think this was a really nice touch, I think added in gen 3? I have a lot of fond memories of trading Pokemon with my friends and siblings and sending them along with mail. It's not like it's the worst mechanic that was cut from the games, but it feels like such a small one that goes a long way. I would love have the option to be able to write a note on Pokemon I trade to my friends still.

    I would love to see this come back in future games, but IIRC it was cut in XY. So I doubt it'll ever make a comeback

    submitted by /u/definitelynotSWA
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    Thoughts on Interactive Pokemon Story Idea!

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 11:15 AM PST

    Hey everyone!!! So I figured this would be the best place to get people's thoughts on my idea I had...Do you remember the interactive books where you would make decisions along the way and that would effect how the story plays out? Well I want to do one on Reddit where I share episodes and people vote on the decisions each episode to effect the pokemon story of an original character...how many people would think that's cool or would want to follow it? Any advice on how to make it better or more interesting for people ? Would love all thoughts,ideas, and suggestions!!

    submitted by /u/CXC5
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    10 tips from a life long fan of the games

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 05:55 AM PST

    I'm playing Pokemon for almost my whole life, my brother is a OG fan and played r/b/y as it came out, so he's passed to me his passion for the game and I'm playing since then, my first experience was a yellow rom translated to my language (I'm am from Brazil) and right after that I got a DS and a Platinum and Heartgold cartridges (still have the HG box, my childhood treasure).

    So I just wanted to share with you guys some tips that really adds to the enjoyment of this games after so many years playing it:

    1 - Always play the game on set mode, it's just the correct way of playing.

    2 - Don't trade for strong pokemon or eggs that you previously prepare for the run, it's just more fun to play with what the game can provide you (and it's more challenging too).

    3 - Never play back to back runs, just take some time before starting another run on another game.

    4 - Every new run try some new teams and train some pokemons that you like but never trained before, this way the game always feel fresh, and if you like a not so strong pokemon it could be a fun challenge to beat the game with that mon.

    5 - If you have friends who play the game, try to combine to start a playthrough together and battle every now and then (every 20 levels is s pretty good criteria), this is s very engaging way of playing with a real life rival.

    6 - The games are no that hard, so I always play with the first catch of a pokemon I want, don try to get one with the best nature or ability, just do the best you can with the mon you have (this makes the battles with your real life friend more fun too).

    7 - Never search for anything about the game online, we have 8 generations of games, and even after dozens of playthroughs there always something that you don't know about the game, a location of a mon, location of an item, the level of the gym and trainers, if you play the game without looking for tips and locations on the internet you will have a lot of fun with the exploration and mysteries from the games.

    8 - Create some restrictions of your own, I use some like the already mentioned of catching the first mon of that species I found and other like no items in battle, don't grind too much on the grass (the trainers usually are enough), don't overlevel one mon from your team, just create some rules that you will have fun with.

    9 - Enjoy the games for WHAT THEY ARE, if you want a good story and beautiful sprites play Gen 5, if you want the best looking game and variety of mons play gen 8, if you want a more challenge game play gen 4, every gen as their own defining qualities, just choose to play the one you most want/need at the time.

    10 - If you tired of the vanilla games, or just want real hard games, play some of the hack roms , I'm particularly fan of the drayano hacks, the dude is just a nice guy and made some improvements that make the games a lot fun, my favorite is Storm silver and sacred gold.

    That's it guys, sorry for some spelling mistakes, it's not my first language, I just wanted to share with you guys some tips that brings me so much fun playing this games, I see a lot of hate posts and people tired of the franchise, but I think if you follow some of this tips you can make your time with this games better!

    submitted by /u/MohamadHMK
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