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    Saturday, January 9, 2021

    Pokémon Playing through Shield again, something I just noticed that I think should be appreciated

    Pokémon Playing through Shield again, something I just noticed that I think should be appreciated

    Playing through Shield again, something I just noticed that I think should be appreciated

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 10:32 PM PST

    I just made a new game on a separate account because I wanted to start a nuzlocke, which I've never done before. After I went into Hop's house to meet up with him before getting my starter, I went upstairs to his and Leon's room.

    I noticed that an older woman was upstairs alone, who I presumed to be his grandmother. She was standing by the staircase, and said something along the lines of, "Although Leon is never home, I still like to keep his room clean and tidy."

    When you go into Hop's room, it says Hop's bed is wrinkled and messy. His covers are not made, whereas Leon's room is spotless. The grandmother is around, says something to you about wanting to always keep Leon's room tidy.. but Hop's bed is right there, unmade.

    In my eyes, I see this as a foreshadowing before the game even really begins. Leon is the star within Hop's family, and Hop wants so badly to receive some kind of recognition. He loves his older brother, but he also lives in his shadow. His grandmother is home and focuses on Leon's room, but does not care to even fix Hop's bed.

    This is why throughout the game, whenever you beat Hop, he gets a little upset. He wants to feel like he is good enough, and strong enough to beat the champion, but he can't even defeat his own rival, let alone his brother. It makes him feel bad about himself, and doubt his abilities.

    But at the end of the game, during his final character arc, Hop discovers his true passion where he can shine: as a professor. He does not have to follow in Leon's footsteps to be deemed as good enough: he can shine in a different field, all on his own, and still be just as worthy.

    Edit: thank you to the kind people who gave me awards :) and yes it is of course possible for it to be "not this deep" but this is just how I interpreted it, I enjoy finding meaning in stuff like this.

    submitted by /u/inthacut12
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    Mega Blastoise should've been Water/Steel

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 07:01 AM PST

    Look at the guy. He looks like he is half tank! He is also the only starter who doesn't have a second typing. Could it be because it would make him neutral to fire attacks? I wonder why they decided not to give him a second typing? What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Go_Fish07
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    I wish The Pokémon Company would shake up the formula a bit

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 09:15 AM PST

    I've played Pokémon games for the majority of my life, though I've recently had kind of a falling out with the franchise since there have been a lot of questionable decisions in the most recent games.

    Anyway, we now have gotten 8 generations of games which follow quite closely the same formula: fire-grass-water starters, route 1 normal rodents and flying pokémon (usually normal-flying), pikaclones, dragon pseudo-legendaries, early game bug pokémon that evolves quickly and is generally unuseful, etc. It may be a small thing, but I wish they'd get more creative: maybe asking for a different set of starters is too much, but I would love to see a route 1 dragon type pokémon with poor stats, maybe Ghost and Dark types that are usually found in mid-late game populating the early game, having a differently typed pseudo-legendary, etc.

    What do you think? Do you think this could help bring some fresh air to the franchise? Or would you rather they stuck to the known formula?

    submitted by /u/FilVet
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    Something I noticed while replaying sun

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 04:30 AM PST

    So as we all know lusamine is obsessed with the ultrabeasts specifically nihilego, which has a striking resemblance to lillie. At the beginning of the game lillie asks you "if you pick out your own clothes or if your mother does" when you answer lillie will say her mother chooses hers, this is why she looks so similar to nihilego because lusamine is so obsessed with it she wants her children to look like it

    submitted by /u/XxHoodedWolfxX
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    GameFreak should just randomly give Dunsparce an Eviolite boost

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 02:20 PM PST

    Imagine: One day GF releases an update that lets Dunsparce gain 50% defenses when it holds Eviolite. The update doesn't include a new evo, but players figure it must be coming soon, right? Weeks pass, no evo is released. Masuda confirms that Dunsparce can evolve, but later denies that Dunsparce has an evolved form. When pressed to explain the contradiction, Masuda storms off set.

    Years pass. The next gen games are released with no Dunsparce evo, but Dunny still gets the eviolite boost. Then one day, a tiny update to the code is made. If Dunsparce is given a rare candy while holding the eviolite, it evolves....into Dunsparce. Dunsparce evolves into Dunsparce, because only He is worthy evolving into the mighty Dunsparce. Dunsparce is the alpha and omega, simultaneously his own evo and prevo. The eternal chain of Dunsparce will never be broken, and eviolite will always give Dunny a 50% boost to his defense and special defense.

    submitted by /u/wrethlig
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    The nexts gens fossils

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 08:01 AM PST

    What if instead of fossils, game freak did primordial ooze. So you would be able to obtain the ooze then put in the machine to evolve it from a single felled organism into an actual Pokémon. Like you get different types from different areas, get the ooze from a volcano, fire Pokémon. Then the secondary typing could be based off things for in the evolution process like is it a prey or predator. I just thought that this would be a neat idea and want to hear what other people think about it.

    submitted by /u/ATruelyUniqueName
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    Sinnoh Ground type Appreciation thread

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 03:53 AM PST

    Can we all just talk about how many amazing Ground types Sinnoh has. Like upto that point in the franchise the Ground types really weren't all that dominant, and while still awesomely powerful they didn't have the image of that one badass attacking type that it does today. Enter Sinnoh, and it's a feast. After moving on from the usual Geodudes and Onix, we get our first real treat in Gible. Garchomp is arguably one of the post powerful Pokémon ever made, and back before the Fairy type existed it was broken levels of good. And Sinnoh just generally doesn't let up. Hippowdon, Gliscor, Whiscash, Quagsire, Steelix, Mamoswine, Torterra and Gastrodon are all amazing Pokémon.

    Sinnoh might've screwed my favourite type, Fire, over but we really need to appreciate its variety of Ground types more.

    submitted by /u/delloskill
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    A what if change: Psyduck psychic explosion

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 08:40 AM PST

    In the anime, we see misty's psyduck often as an inept pokemon, especially in battle. But occasionally, under stressful circumstances, psyduck basically initiates a powerful aoe attack that's often a game changer.

    So what if this was a thing in the games?

    Conditions to be met: psyduck taking at least 25% damage due to pressure-based attacks: wrap, bind, bite, crunch etc.

    Effect once conditions are met: psyduck initiates an sp. atk attack that affects all foes currently in combat. Power: 150. Accuracy: 100% Sharply drops def and sp def afterwards

    Obviously will never happen, but as a thought experiment, what are your thoughts?

    Think such an ability could carry over to golduck, too?

    submitted by /u/superdummyblue
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    Justice for Flygon

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 06:50 PM PST

    I always feel gamefreak has done dirty to Flygon. First would be Tyranitar getting sandstream where as Flygon did not get it. The reason is that Flygon's pokedex enteries literally state that "Flygon whips up a sandstorm by flapping its wings." I am fine with ttar getting sandstream but even Flygon should have gotten it. The second is that all the dragon types in Hoenn got a mega evolution freaking Op rayquaza and even altaria got it whereas Flygon did not. There was no reason for Flygon not getting a mega just because they did not have a good design. Just search for mega Flygon and you will find dozens of OP designs. The third is that flygon was good in competitive in gen 3 but just in the next gen they introduced the same Op dragon ground typing to the pseudo Garchomp. This just makes it that flygon will always be worse than Garchomp due to the 600 bst as compared to the 520 bst of Flygon. Justice for flygon

    submitted by /u/Memeberwastaken
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    An idea for a Fairy Type gym

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 08:30 AM PST

    I think a male fairy type gym leader would be cool. I don't really count Bede since it wasn't his gym yet. Fairy is one of my favorite types and for some reason GF thinks it's only girly and frilly. Hatterene is the stuff of nightmares and Sylveon uses ribbons to choke dragon babies to death in their sleep. A fairy gym leader could be an anime fan with his trainers being cosplayers standing still on statue pedestals you have to walk past to trigger battles. You never know which person is real or a statue. The gym fight would take place in front of a glowstick waving crowd. His stage name could be Wem-Z.

    submitted by /u/ContexualTyrannosaur
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    Which gimmick is better?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 10:36 AM PST

    In my opinion it is mega evolutions as it did three things, new look to the Pokemon, new stats and some had added abilities (salamence turning any normal type attack to a flying type attack and blazekin getting a speed boost every turn.

    Triple rotation battles were fun but i prefer mega evolutions

    Z moves were cool to collect them all but when i used them in the story, it was always to finish off the battle fast. if i was losing a battle, i would use a z move and that pretty much annihilated the opponent. i just use them to sweep the elite 4 for EXP now. too over powered but too plain and boring

    Gigantamax is a rip off of mega evolutions in my opinions and dynamax just max the pokemon big and have more HP.....

    Personally i feel that they should keep moving with mega evolutions because they were simple to understand and didnt just finish the battle off with one cool animation. no new pokemon go mega evolutions which disapointed me, i wished they were still the main gimmick in the game.

    What do you think?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/47_Ollie
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    Since we may be getting remakes of diamond and pearl in the near future, what would you like to see in them?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 09:19 AM PST

    Like the title said, say anything you would like to see(or not see) in remakes of diamond and pearl, weather they come as the next main series game, in gen 9, or later.

    Personally, I would like Mindy to return in some way. Given how strongly everyone feels about her, it feels like it would be wrong to leave her out. And maybe she could be a better person in the remakes and trade a haunter without an everstone. Or at least be in her house in Snowpoint city and have a reference to her haunter trade.

    submitted by /u/Mark30177
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    What if Pokémon had battle systems like Xcom with environmental factors etc

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 10:32 AM PST

    I was wondering what Pokémon would be like if they were in Xcom since it is turn based but much different and had some thoughts:

    You're wandering around and approach a wild Pokémon, you should be able to use action points similar to Xcom to position where your Pokémon will come out, is it in a tree, a pond, among low vegetation, maybe just the air? Who knows but I think having Pokémon be able to move around could be interesting in battles.

    Environmental factors such as some Pokémon can't use dig in certain environments, larger Pokémon may not even fit in some places such a small caverns etc.

    Attacks cost different amount of action points, switching Pokémon the same deal, I'd like smaller Pokémon to possibly be harder to hit and vice versa for larger Pokémon.

    Some attacks targeting a Pokémon or area of some element may be not very effective and or guaranteed to miss and in cases stronger than normal and or easier to land. For example using a fire ability on Pokémon beneath the water surface vs using electric powers against said Pokémon. Fire against vegetation.

    Sorry my post is maybe quiet messy and not formatted well

    submitted by /u/ManetKast
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    is this toy rare?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 11:05 AM PST

    I have a 2005 basic fun squirtz blastoise keychain/toy. i can only find 2 people on ebay selling one and probably 2 websites 1 i cant access selling one. Ive had it for years with no intent to sell but its a bit surreal to find almost little to no other people posting about it on google or selling one.

    submitted by /u/eboyoj
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    Pokemon Go Maker Niantic Wins Lawsuit Against Cheat Makers

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 03:46 AM PST

    Niantic, the original developer of the game Pokemon Go is now settling a case against several copyright infringers after the latter agreed to pay Niantic $5 million. The infringers were alleged to be stealing the code of Niantic games, tweaking them, and publishing them for profit, and giving the players an unfair advantage over genuine players.

    Source - TechDator

    submitted by /u/harshsharma9619
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    Does anyone know where this is from?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 11:25 AM PST


    So, I was watching a DYKG video a few months ago (I can't even find the video, I'm so forgetful) and it had a cgi trailer for Pokemon Colosseum. The footage DYKG got the clip from was from a youtube user called: mrjonothanjoester. I found he had deleted his channel and the clip therefore was gone.

    I searched the internet but couldn't find a source for this trailer. Does anyone know of a Pokemon Colosseum CGI promotional trailer? I've never seen it until that DYKG video, which I can't even remember what DYKG video it was exactly. I just remember screenshotting this image once I saw it, and now that I'm going through my phone and trying to find where this image was from, I can't find it anywhere.

    submitted by /u/snspidey55
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