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    Sunday, February 21, 2021

    Pokémon The games don't necessarily need to be difficult. But they need to be less in-your-face easy.

    Pokémon The games don't necessarily need to be difficult. But they need to be less in-your-face easy.

    The games don't necessarily need to be difficult. But they need to be less in-your-face easy.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 04:26 AM PST

    Over the years, I've heard many people complain about the low difficulty in the modern Pokémon games. And I agree with them, to some degree. I think it's valid to find the games too easy. But I don't think high difficulty is necessarily worth chasing.

    I've seen many posts about how making a Pokémon game truly hard for veteran players isn't really feasible given the current battle mechanics (free +100% damage bonus if you can identify the typing of the opponent and have the right move for it being the greatest example), static enemy teams, and the symmetrical design philosophy (anything you can face, you can also use, with the same rules applying for both the player and the AI - although there are some exceptions to this philosophy starting in Gen VII). The player simply has too many advantages, and is given a large array of tools to exploit the foe's weaknesses. High difficulty is hard to create, and it probably wouldn't be very fun all in all either.

    But people want a step up from a "poke the enemy and it keels over" level of difficulty too. There is something about seeing late-game Gym Leaders carrying three Pokémon with several empty moveslots, a total lack of route Trainers carrying more than two Pokémon, held items almost never being used, or a conspicuous lack of anything resembling strategy from in-game opponents. As a player, you don't feel like you're being challenged on even terms. Instead, the game deliberately restrains itself from battling you on your level. And it's really upfront about it too. The rival deliberately picking the starter weak to yours is a great example of this. It's as if the game bends over to facilitate your victory, and it's being really obvious about it. That's frustrating. It's the difference between being challenged and being led to victory. Of climbing a wall versus going up an escalator. Winning feels less satisfying when you know the challenge is deliberately made more easy than it needs to be. It's similar to how "corridor" routes and dungeons are boring - there's no need to explore, no risk of getting lost.

    What makes me both frustrated and optimistic is that this is a fairly simple thing to address. Again, making the game hard for veteran players might not be feasible, but patching up the most obvious holes is easy. Adding another Pokémon or two to major battles, letting opponents use all their move slots and item slots, and giving them a few tools to address their most obvious counters. Or in other words, learning from BW2's Challenge Mode.

    Arguably, the Challenge Mode in BW2 doesn't make the game that much harder for a veteran player. Only a few trainers are affected by the setting, and them having higher-leveled Pokémon even means you're getting more XP to fight the common route trainers with. But still it feels good to see the Gym Leader having an extra Pokémon, with moves to address the glaring weaknesses of their specialty type. Or Elite Four teams full of held Items. It's the game letting itself play a little smarter, letting you face a higher level of challenge. It makes it a lot more satisfying to win. It's still not particularly difficult, but it's not "Oh no, here comes the player, better do everything we can to let them win!" And that makes a world of difference.

    The games don't have to be hard to be fun. But I'd say they need to be less in-your-face easy.

    submitted by /u/Codraroll
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    Trade evolution is stupid and I want to fix it

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 03:59 PM PST

    Aside from Karrablast/Shelmet and Porygon lines which make perfect sense why it should be trade evolutions, the rest just... seem out of place to me

    This is how I rework all of them:

    Most of them such as Alakazam, Gengar and Machamp should be the traditional leveling up cause that is the only way

    For Scizor and Steelix, I suggest the same as Weavile and Gliscor: leveling up at a specific level while holding an item, that being Metal Coat. Same goes for Rhyperior, Magmortar and Electivire

    And since Slowpoke is a unique Pokemon, here is how I do:

    Since Slowpoke evolves by having a Shellder bite its tail or head (or hand in Galarian form), it goes the same as Mantine except the location. If the Shellder is in the location below Slowpoke, it becomes Slowbro. If above Slowpoke, it becomes Slowking

    Are there any suggestions you think of?

    submitted by /u/Cream_Rabbit
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    If you could hug a Pokémon, which one would you pick?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 06:42 AM PST

    I'd probably pick Togekiss because

    a) it's one of my favorite Pokémon

    b) it's a cross of a cloud and a birb

    I'm curious which Pokémon you would hug if you had the chance to do so.

    I wish everyone a great Sunday and a good start into the week!

    submitted by /u/ThiefofHeart05
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    I like Pokémon TCG but can’t stand 99% of PokéTubers.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 08:45 AM PST

    I can't stand all the Poketubers who have those cringe thumb nails looking surprised with their hand on their face or head and holding their mouth open next to a card. It's all click baity and all the same. It's unbearable to watch. I will admit I don't mind Maxmoefoe Pokémon though. Again I don't know why but his content is less cringe

    submitted by /u/TheHydrogenator3000
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    The tale of Evan the Umbreon

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 03:35 AM PST

    (True story, somewhat paraphrased)

    I played through Crystal for the first time fairly recently. I decided to use Bill's gifted Eevee and I named him Evan. At first, he was one of my strongest Pokemon, but before too long he was struggling to get by. He wasn't warming up to me enough to evolve, he was really closed off.

    After my battle with Clair, I like to think Evan saw how much I love him, despite his relative weakness to the rest of my team. So on the trek leading up to victory road, he finally evolved into Umbreon.

    And that Umbreon was my ace after that point, beating down half of the inconsiderate Silver's team, crushing Will mostly by himself, and holding his own against Lance, who was the fight of my life up to that point.

    The journey to Kanto, however, was when Evan really shined for me. Sabrina nor Koga were a match for him, and after learning zap cannon he played a huge part against Misty.

    Blue was the first battle in a while to give me trouble, but Evan didn't dissapoint. He took down Exeggutor, finished off Gyarados, and almost beat Alakazam 1v1 before falling to it. The rest of my team cleaned up shop after, but the mvp was clear.

    As I'm sure you all know, only one thing was left. Red. After climbing to mount silver, I was confident in my plan to defeat him. Evan played a huge role in that plan, taking down Espeon and finishing Snorlax with a crit return, the moment I knew training him was worth it.

    Blastoise and Evan were the only ones left before long. I had tried to fight the Blastoise with my Kadabra, but he got one hit off and stood little chance thereafter. It was raining, and I wasn't sure Evan could win it for us. But he did. Zap cannon crit right out the gate, and in a string of full paralysis and bite flinches, I chipped away about half of it's health.

    The Blastoise broke through though, and Evan nearly got ohkod under the rain. I knew I needed to do something there and then, and once again, my dear Umbreon didn't dissapoint. A crit zap cannon put him barely outside healing range, letting 1 more bite finish the job, winning me the battle.

    Do you guys have a Pokemon to ramble about? Whether it's a regional ace, a competitive Pokemon, a shiny...I'm curious to hear your stories down below!

    submitted by /u/HudsonTheFunniMan
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    Poisonous blob appreciation

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 11:05 AM PST

    I love the poisonous blob pokemon, and it seems Gamefreak does too - Muk got an Alolan form, Weezing got a Galarian form, and even Garbodor got a gigantamax form. There is one left though. I'd be super excited to see the oft-neglected Swalot get some attention in an upcoming game. Maybe a regional form, new evolution - I'd even be happy just to see it as a poison gym leader's ace!

    Anybody else love Gulpin and Swalot?

    submitted by /u/jordanw21
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    My Heartgold Nuzlocke~

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 10:50 AM PST

    Chapter 1: Hello Johto!

    After watching Jaiden Animations Nuzlocke videos, I felt inspired to do my own Nuzlocke. I dabbled with the idea of White Version 2 and Pokémon Ruby but due to some situations I won't go into, I finally settled on Heartgold. And here I shall document my adventure, of highs and lows, in the Johto Region.

    Here we go~

    I come too in my room after a crazy quiz by a guy named Professor Oak who asked what gender and my name is. Alright what was I smoking? Shrugging that off I go downstairs to my Mom who tells me my friend Lyra was looking for me and then I should go over to our acquaintance Professor Elm to do a task for him. But before I leave she gives me a Bag, my Trainer Card and the ability to pause time and save it at anytime. As well as Options to change how the world works. Okay my Mom is a god...

    Dismissing this I go outside and find Lyra's Marill and Lyra who simply goes off without saying anything to me. Weird.

    Before I go inside Professor Elm's lab I see an anime hair coloured guy outside. I ask him what's he doing and he just does a soliloquy about how it's the lab of Professor Elm. Then he pushes me away. Douche.

    Finally heading inside I ask Elm what he wants and he says he wants me to take a Pokémon and walk around with it to document if there's any special growth. Easy enough. Then he gets an Email by his acquaintance Mr Pokémon who wants him to check out his new discovery. Being the busybody he is, Elm nominates me to head to his house instead. Don't I get a say in this?

    I pick Totodile and name him Sobek and get told where to go to find Mr Pokémon.

    A brief talk with Lyra outside informs me that 'Sobek doesn't seem used to its own name yet.'

    I go home to tell my Mom I'm heading out to do a job for Elm and she gives me my fixed Pokégear and how to use it.

    In head out to Route 29 to head to Cherrygrove City and get ready to catch my first Pokémon. Or I would if I had any Pokéballs. So I'll ignore all the encounters that come up until I have them.

    Battling through Hoothoot after Hoothoot I finally make it to Cherrygrove City. Where I get taught about the world by some old guy. And as a gift I gain the ability to run via Running Shoes and a Map function for my Pokégear.

    Heading up to Route 30 I enter the first house I see and talk to an old man who turns out not to be Mr Pokémon. But he does give me an Apricorn Box to store Apricorns. Neat~

    After finally entering Mr Pokemon's house I get given the Mystery Egg and get told to deliver it to Professor Elm. Professor Oak, who was briefly visiting, also hands me the Pokédex and tells me to fill it in. I'm already on a quest old man. But I'll do my best.

    Elm calls me after I exit to tell me something terrible has happened and I need to head back ASAP. Noted.

    Rushing through Cherrygrove I encounter anime douche who tells me Sobek is too good for a wimp like me. Then he challenges me to a battle. To which Sobek happily Scratches his Chikorita to hell. He does a small speech about how he's going to be the strongest Pokémon Trainer and pushes past me. But he drops his Trainer Card allowing me to see his Name. Oh I won't forget your name~

    Back at the lab a policeman accuses me of stealing a Pokémon, until Lyra steps in and tells him it was anime douche who did it. Non apologetic he asks me for his Name. Oh I know his Name~

    He's called Kevin.

    After the incident Elm takes the egg and tells me he'll study it. Then seeing how I have the Pokédex he suggests I do the Gym Challenge. Man who gave you power over my life? What if I wanted to be a Teacher.

    Against my better judgement I decide to do this crazy thing. And the first Gym is in Violet City. Better say goodbye to my God Mom.

    "Bye Mom I'm going out on a deadly adventure I'm probably never going to return from due to the fact I'm 10 years old."

    With that out of the way I got out to Route 29 where Lyra teaches me how to catch Pokémon. And gifts me five Pokéballs to catch my own Pokémon with. Now the Nuzlocke can truly begin.

    I catch a Pidgey for my first encounter and name her Alita, or rather Alit. due to a mistake on my part. But for all intents and purposes I will call her Alita for the rest of this.

    Buying and training lightly in and around Cherrygrove City I head onwards to Violet City, where on Route 30 I catch Belinda the Metapod and a few battles later I'm standing in Route 31. While I'm here I catch Charlotte the Spinarak and head on through to Violet City, grabbing the Vs Recorder from Lyra on the way.

    I head to Falkner's Gym and get ready to challenge him, but get told to do some training in Sprout Tower beforehand. Okay fine.

    In Sprout Tower I start fighting my way to the top through all the Sages, who all use Bellsprout. Fair enough. At the top of the Sprout Tower I see Kevin who talks about how he only wants strong Pokémon and every other Pokémon is worthless. He then uses an Escape Rope and I head over to fight the Elder Sage...

    Or I would if a Gastly didn't blindside me. Okay Gastly caught and I name her Wraith, man I need a bro for Sobek. But anywho!

    Alita leads and bodies his first Bellsprout with Gust and then Sobek comes in to wipe out his Hoothoot with Water Gun after a brief bout of Hypnosis. Then Alita comes back out and beats his second Bellsprout with another Gust. The Elder Sage gifts me Flash and tells me I'm ready to fight Falkner.

    Readying up by buying Potions for outside battle healing and more Pokéballs for the road, I decide to train Wraith up a bit before taking on Falkner. One short grind later I head in for my first Gym Battle.

    Now Falkner is a Flying Type expert. So Belinda and Charlotte would get killed easily. Sobek, Alita and Wraith will help pave the way to victory. Why Wraith? Well as a Ghost type she is immune to any and all Normal type moves and she has Hypnosis as well. I only hope it lands when I need it.

    Entering the Gym I'm confronted with a choice of two Trainers and Falkner. Or no Trainers and Falkner. But I opt for the former for a bit of extra levelling, which would help out later on.

    Sobek clears out the Trainers no issue and even gives Wriath a sneaky Lvl up. And here I was. The first Gym Battle against Falkner. Here we go.

    Sobek leads the charge and beats his Pidgey by spamming Water Gun. His Pidgeotto was a lot tougher however.

    Sobek landed a Water Gun but was hit a little harder than I would've liked from a Gust. I figured it was time for the Hypnosis strategy. But. It would come at a price.

    I switched Belinda out and watched as she died to a single Gust. My first death. This early. But I can't stop now. For Belinda. Her death allows me to freely switch in to Wraith who tanks the next Gust on 1hp and landed the Hypnosis. Wraith your awesome.

    Sobek came back out and more Water Guns and Gusts put both him and Falkner's Pidgeotto to red. I bring out Alita who tanks the follow up Tackle and Gust to then finish off Pidgeotto with a Gust of her own.

    Close to say the very least. Pidgeotto was packing Roost and if at anytime it used it. I wouldn't be able to win.

    But as I held the Zephyr Badge in my hand. I felt satisfaction. But it was mixed with loss. Belinda had nobly sacrificed herself for the good of the team. I'll never forget you Belinda.

    This really hammered home the difficulty of this challenge. And I still have seven Gyms to go before I can take on the League. This challenge would test my resolve to the limit. Will I succeed in completing this Nuzlocke? Find out in the next upcoming chapters~

    submitted by /u/WinterKing975
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    Free Toxtricity Event Code

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 05:37 AM PST

    So I wanted to drop this free code for anyone who wants a free shiny Gamestop Shiny Toxtricity Event Code. I got two not knowing you can only use one code per save file. So I thought it would be nice to give back to this community. First come first serve unfortunately as I only have one. I would leave a comment if you claimed the code so others will know its grabbed already.

    Here is the code: U100C3KQWF8M06NC

    submitted by /u/yen_the_lesser_evil
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    Fun Fact: Shellos/Gastrodon was originally planned for Gen 3

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 06:55 AM PST

    In the May 2007 issue of Nintendo Power, Junichi Masuda stated "There's also a sea-slug Pokémon that we weren't able to put in Ruby and Sapphire that we were able to put in this one, Pokémon Diamond and Pearl", which likely suggests that Shellos and/or Gastrodon (existing sea-slug Pokémon) were planned for Generation III instead of Generation IV.


    submitted by /u/Jbaquero
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    You now work at GF. Your job is to come up with unique and interesting evolution methods for every pokemon. You're not allowed to use level-ups.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 08:23 PM PST

    Use new posts in this topic to post your own! Use replies to comment on another's ideas.

    I'll start:

    Caterpie -> Metapod: Stand facing a tree in any forest. Enter the menu and use "String Shot", available as an out-of-battle move. Caterpie evolves and leaves the party immediately afterward.

    Metapod -> Butterfree: Return to the same tree 24 real hours later. Metapod rejoins the party and immediately evolves!

    Bagon -> Shelgon: Imagine it's a following Pokemon in the style of HG/SS or LG:P/LG:E, jump from the top of waterfalls or cliffsides 10 times while Bagon follows.

    Shelgon -> Salamence: Bring Shelgon to the top of Sky Pillar. Approach any side while Shelgon is following. A cutscene plays in which Shelgon approaches the side, looks off, and jumps! A moment passes... it returns back to your side as a Salamence!

    Purrloin -> Liepard: Teach Purrlion "Thief" via TM, then successfully steal 10 items.

    Munna -> Musharna: Successfully use "Dream Eater" 10 times.

    Cutiefly -> Ribombee: Consider that all Cutieflies and Ribombee's could have both "Honey Gather" and "Shield Dust" abilities as their effects are mutually exclusive. Have Cutiefly successfully gather Honey 10 times.

    Wimpod -> Golisopod: If the ability "Wimp Out" is activated, but Wimpod is unable to switch by the effect of Block, Mean Look, Arena Trap, etc., Wimpod switches from the "flight" response to the "fight" response and immediately evolves to fight back!

    Gossifleur -> Eldegoss: Teach "Pollen Puff" via TR.

    That's it from me for now. Interested in seeing what everyone comes up with. :)

    submitted by /u/FlyingJively
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    First Pokemon Nuzlocke

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 07:40 AM PST

    I just finished my first Pokemon nuzlocke ever! Went a little spicy and did a randomized run of Fire Red. Such a fantastic adventure. Lost 7 good boys including 3 during the final battle against the rival. Only survivors where Kvicco the Sceptile, Catnip the Raikou and Cronk the Crobat. Imgur

    submitted by /u/Irwe
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    Website to explore interesting type combinations

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 05:55 AM PST

    Poketyped.net !

    My son is very much into Pokemon, and always asking me questions like "What's a fire and grass pokemon?" "What're all the dragon and rock pokemon?" etc. etc. (the answers are "They don't exist!" and "Tyrunt and Tyrantrum" respectively). I should have seen this coming since I introduced him to Pokemon, and who am I kidding, I love Pokemon too. But I couldn't find any website online that could provide answers to such questions up to my standards, with the additional constraint that my son is too young to read and type. So I created PokeTyped to answer his questions, and also satisfy my own personal curiosity regarding the type distributions and effectivenesses.

    submitted by /u/PokeTyped
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    What was the best thing that has happened to you in pokemon?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 10:40 AM PST

    My best moment was when I was shiny hunting lunala in shield. While I was doing it I found a shiny sigilyph, after that I decided to take a break from shiny hunting and catch a tapu bulu, and to my surprise it was shiny, I then decided to go back to shiny hunt lunala and i found two shinies in the same den, manetric and tentacruel, all in the same day. Long story short, I came looking for copper and I found gold.

    submitted by /u/Butterrabbid
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    How would you feel about a Pokémon being released with an unknown evolution?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 01:14 PM PST

    I'm talking about if a new Pokémon in the game had just been recently discovered to exist and no one knows how, when or if it evolves.

    The Pokémon company could make it a super weird evolution, think Galarian Yamasks evolution, but we weren't aware of the method beforehand and had to figure it out on our own.

    I think this could be cool to get everyone playing Pokémon in a sort of hunt to see who can find out the evolution of this Pokémon first and then maybe the first person to find the correct evolution steps, GF could award them by putting they're name in the Pokédex entry.

    Ignoring problems like people getting at the source code for the game and finding the evolution and people in GF just giving away the answer.

    I think it could be a very cool idea for GF to get the community working together, all depending on it being executed correctly obviously.

    submitted by /u/LongIslandIceJoe
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    Getting back into Pokemon after 5+ years

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 09:16 AM PST

    I was a huge Pokemon fan back when I was a kid, started with Pokemon emerald and played that game tonnes and tonnes (I had a bunch of games for my game boy and I only played Pokemon). Then I got Diamond when I upgraded to a DS, I logged over 300 hours on that game.

    I want to get a switch and play the more modern games. I have revived my game boy advance SP and been replaying emerald for the nostalgia and it has got me back into it so much (made me realise how much I skipped in the first time through many many years ago).

    Anyone who has played the newer games, any ones to recommend to play?

    I never got to play original generation which kinda bummed me out cause finding original games are expensive and few and far between.

    submitted by /u/benjy7990
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    2003 - 2005 was my favorite Pokémon era

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 11:24 AM PST

    So I just want to brag on how absolutely amazing the Gameboy Advance / GameCube era of Pokémon was. First you had Ruby and Sapphire which introduced one of the most overpowered rosters of any generation of Pokémon. All three starters final evolutions, Flygon, Milotic, Aggron, Gardevoir, Metagross, Salamance... updated graphics and better visuals, good storyline and a fun region to explore and awesome new legendary Pokémon. Then the next year you get FireRed and LeafGreen which were amazing remakes, with the addition of the Sevvi islands and the rematch of the elite four, plus the missing johto Pokémon from Ruby and Sapphire. THEN you get Colosseum and it's awesome storyline and all the unique Pokémon you can get there, then to top things off in 2005 you get both XD Gale of Darkness AND Emerald version. And the fact that all those games tied into each other, cross compatibility with gameboy to GameCube. I could go on forever but that seriously was for me the most enjoyable era of Pokémon.

    submitted by /u/JollyPirateDonuts2
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    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 11:44 PM PST

    Yes, this is the best night ever. So basically, I found my nintendo 64 along with a lot of my old games like pilot wings 64, GoldenEye and Majora's Mask a couple nights ago. Well, if that wasn't the icing on the cake, I just found Pokemon Stadium while trying to find an fluffy blanket. Well, I know what I'm doing tonight and all day tomorrow lolll.

    submitted by /u/katrinathekat
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    Improving the Sinnoh Dex with Sinnohan forms!

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 10:20 AM PST

    With iamond and Pearl remix set to be the next remakes, we have to take a second to wonder if GameFreak will slavishly reproduce the content of those games, or actually give us a good product ( :p ). One big aspect that, I don't think many will dispute, is that the Sinnoh Pokédex in Diamond and Pearl SUUUUUUCKS. It has only 151 Pokémon before the post game. If you don't count the Lake Trio, Dialga, Palkia and Manaphy, the distribution of fully evolved Pokémon ends up looking like this:

    Grass: 6*

    Water: 16

    Fire: 2 (one is Infernape)

    Normal: 10

    Electric: 3

    Flying: 12

    Bug: 7*

    Rock: 4

    Ground: 9*

    Poison: 8*

    Fight: 6

    Psychic: 7

    Ghost: 4

    Ice: 2

    Dragon: 1

    Dark: 5

    Steel: 6*

    Fairy: 2

    *There include the Wormadam forms. I only counted them once for Bug and then once for each secondary type, so I guess Bug could be 9 choices.

    That's a really skewed spread, don't you guys agree?! Why is there so many Water and Flying types? There's only TWO ice types in a region with its famous snow route?! Really?! Only one Dragon? Only 2 Fire? Now... one way they could improve is to keep the additions done to the dex by Platinum, but I think there's a way more fun way, and it's in the title: Sinnohan forms!

    Bring in Pokémon from Gen 5 onward and give them regional variants! I mean, you could obviously add Pokémon from future games in as well, and if you can think of Pokémon that would fit the region go ahead an mention them! But I also want to hear what you think would make good regional forms and what fun and silly justifications they could bring!

    One I think would be cool would be to bring a Lilligant in and make it a Fire/Grass. The story would go as follow: "These Pokémon were brought in for their beauty, but had to adapt to the cold. This Pokémon produces spicy elements to keep itself warm!" It's flower would be replaced by a big red pepper that would look like a side ponytail and the yellow petals around its neck would have grown into a full on cloak/poncho to keep warm.

    Another interesting one would be a Rock type Gogoat, who roams the rocky slopes of Mt. Coronet! (I guess it could keep the grass type but it'd be more interesting that way, no?). Maybe Rock/Fighting because it's gotten used to fighting other Gogoats for scarce ressources?

    How about an Electric Watchog? (Regular Watchog can already use Eletric moves thanks to TMs) Faced with longer hours of darkness in the winter, this Pokémon began producing light beams out of its eyes to see approaching enemies better!

    Maybe Silicobras have moved into Wayward Cave and to better fend off the Gible, Gabite and Garchomps of the region, they developped the Fairy typing, giving us a Ground/Fairy snake? With little wings!

    Maybe there's a hidden cave deep in Mt. Coronet where Fossil Pokémon can be found in their original, non-revived, forms and we can have Tyrantrum and Aurorus without the Rock typing? I can see Tyrantrum being Dragon/Dark (get that STAB on Crunch!) and Aurorus being Ice/Psychic or Ice/Fairy.

    And as far as regular Pokémon, I think Jellicent, Druddigon, Golurk, Carbink, Talonflame, Toxapex, Drampa and Dubwool would all make sense. Furthermore, maybe Cara Liss is there and you can find the half-fossils in the underground! Maybe they could surprise us and include a new head and a new butt to give us even MORE crazy combinations?!

    I know some purists would complain that 'it's a remake, it should be like the original!" but the original Diamond and Pearl experience sucked. And I know there's little chance of interesting stuff like this happening, because GameFreak, but who knows? At the very least, I hope they give us the Platinum dex.

    submitted by /u/Triangulum_Copper
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    what do you think is the most interesting type combination?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 08:28 PM PST

    personally, i think Rock/Grass is the most interesting, since Rock and Grass have a total of 10 weaknesses (5 each, but all of them are completely different types, so 10 total), but when they combine into Rock/Grass, they now only have 4. they lose over half of their weaknesses. it's pretty cool, imo

    submitted by /u/TheLego27
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    If mega evolution ever returned, who would you want to get one?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 09:58 AM PST

    Kingdra would make an actually effective swift swimmer, if it just got an extra 40 points to either attack stat. Or a mostly evenly spread of an extra 70 points could make it a dragon dance sweeper.

    Celebi, jirachi, and victini have been shafted by a perfectly even stat spread. A jack of all trades is a master of none, definitely applies in their case. A much more specialized spread could put them at the top of OU as they'd be on par with the psuedo legendaries. Alternatively, an extra 10 points to each stat could allow them to be a good cross between bulky, and heavy hitter.

    Flygon, is yet another victim an even stat spread. He does have a good move pool, levitate, and a mixture of resistances which have allowed him to find success before but he has fallen out of favor. A mere 30 points to his speed would in all likelihood allow him to find a new niche.

    Walrein would be so cool if it just got an extra 40 points to it's special attack.

    submitted by /u/TaxFormer
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    Was Munna a very old idea they had ?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 11:23 AM PST

    There was an NPC back in gen 1 saying she loves chunky pokemon and that there should be a pink one with floral patterns on it!! The NPC is a girl right outside the cave up from Lavender town,i find it so bizarre that she said that lol!This little conversations in every game are very interesting to me since we can find out more about the origins of pokemon and ideas,Do you guys know any other similar NPC conversations that had to do with future games or so??

    submitted by /u/AresuKing
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    Come up with darkly humorous Pokedex entries

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 09:32 AM PST

    It's in the title. Create Pokedex entries with dark comedy.

    Pikachu - Pikachu who live with Mimikyu usually steal their sticks to use in hunting. In particular, a video of them mercilessly beating a Sneasel with sticks has become viral.

    Mimikyu - In habitats where they live alongside Pikachu, they have to deal with the sticks they use as fake tails being stolen by the Pikachu they live alongside who use them for hunting.

    Gengar - Turns out that Gengar are only merciless to the truly wicked. Usually they try and come up with a plan to make their targets suffer and most of the time have trouble coming up with good plans and decide to just get to the point.

    Parasect - In a weird twist, it's been discovered that the consciousness of the Paras has transferred to the mushroom upon evolving meaning that the Pokemon is always in control, even when the mushroom tries taking over the body.

    Snorlax - If a Snorlax ever decides to prey on several Magikarp, eventually they will have to come face to face with a Gyarados, surprisingly the Snorlax usually comes out as the victor, even if the surrounding area is heavily damaged by their fights.

    Palossand - In spite of their kind being offed by several trainers using Pokemon strong against them, they still choose to try and prey on humans despite the huge risks. Some people see these Pokemon as insane for expecting to get out scotfree when attempting to hunt.

    Drifloon - Due to their weakness to rock types, they seem to have a phobia of rocks, if a they find a child holding rocks, they usually flee and look for somewhere else. Not helping is that they usually get rocks thrown at them as they flee.

    submitted by /u/MisterZygarde64
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