• Breaking News

    Saturday, March 13, 2021

    Pokémon If BDSP are truly faithful recreations of the originals, we're getting some cool features returning to the series.

    Pokémon If BDSP are truly faithful recreations of the originals, we're getting some cool features returning to the series.

    If BDSP are truly faithful recreations of the originals, we're getting some cool features returning to the series.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 04:42 AM PST

    Warning: slight spoilers ahead!

    • Following Pokémon - Amity Square let you have a Pokémon from a fairly small list of eligible one follow you around the park in Hearthome City. This could definitely be expanded for the full region, but the Pokémon might be chibi like the rest of the overworld.
    • Pokémon Contests - Returned briefly in ORAS, but DPPt had many changes from RSE's contests. 3D dress-up for your Pokémon would be interesting.
    • Pokéball Seals - Items used to customise the animation of Pokémon sent into battle, but now in 3D!
    • The Sinnoh Underground - Secret bases and mining for items. Also catching Spiritomb.
    • The Wi-Fi Plaza - Online minigames.
    • The VS Seeker - You get to fight trainers more that once again!
    • Looker - He became pretty important in the postgames for BW, XY and SM, with brief appearances in ORAS and USUM. Maybe we'll have a postgame like the Delta Episode but focused on Giratina.
    • Tower Tycoon Palmer - Even if the Battle Frontier doesn't come back from Platinum, Palmer and the Battle Tower were in every Gen 4 game. He'll probably make a comeback at the least.
    • The Stat Trainers - Cheryl, Riley, Buck, Mira and Marley; five trainers with a little side quest each and become multi-battle partners in the battle tower after that. These guys are like the XY rivals, but almost infinitely more memorable and better.
    • The Game Corner - Removed in Platinum in some regions due to new rules surrounding gambling. Hopefully we'll get a new Voltorb Flip instead of removing it entirely.
    • The Pal Park - You got to transfer Pokémon from the GBA games onto the DS, but now that it's on the Switch I wouldn't be surprised if they turned it into a Dynamax Stadium to connect with SwSh for online battles. Who knows what'll happen to it though.
    submitted by /u/Vantagor
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    Replayed Pokémon Black/White

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 01:18 AM PST

    Love Gen 5. It's one of my favorite. Ballin' creature designs, a nice pixel style, very engaging story/campaign playthrough, cool pixel cutscenes, a sequel/master version set that has PokéStar Studios: there's a lot in these games I love about them.

    Went about both versions with two teams that balanced type spread without using the same Pokémon, even if I just used parallels to each other to get by. Finally played with Archeops, Gothitelle, Reuniclus, Clonkeldur, Gigalith, and Galvantula; I now love all of them except Archeops, that was a mistake I won't make again.

    Pretty easy games, ngl. Audino helps to cheese everything after the first gym, and the Lucky Egg and two exp shares you can grab so easily only help the grind. Heard people say Pokémon used to bw hard back then, but I barely saw it. There wasn't a challenge until I was hit by N and Ghetsis without the best type coverage on my team, and even then that was only in my White Version where I struggled while Black Version clapped them both while also being underleveled. Type diversity really is everything in determining difficulty in these games.

    10/10, would defo recommend playing the fifth gen of Pokemon games. These games don't miss.

    submitted by /u/MegaSwampert18
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    Pokémon Go gets me out of the house every day, and alongside this sub, it hasrekindled my old passion for the franchise.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 03:30 AM PST

    If this isn't allowed, I'm sure the mods will mod, but I just wanted to express gratitude towards this sub for being really cool.

    I haven't been a fan for some time, since I was 13? I'm 33, and while it's a bit awkward to stop by the local playgrounds for short periods of time to take back gyms (Mystic, represent) and swipe poke stops, I'm finding the old passion I used to have for this franchise as a kid.

    I've walked close to 100kms this week, and that's more than I do in 3 weeks, even if I do go out for a walk. Someone has to tend to the eggs, you know?

    Thanks folks of this sub for being generally cool, too! I might even pick up a switch and get back into the games.

    submitted by /u/whales-are-assholes
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    Does anyone else think it's weird they've never made a TV Rotom Forme

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 05:15 AM PST

    Just something weird I've wondered since I was a kid... I guess with the existance of PC and Dex rotom you could make the arguement that Rotom can go in to devices other than the 6 forms it has... but still... You literally first find Rotom in a TV... Why isn't there a TV rotom Form...

    (I'm also slightly disapointed that Galarian Weezing is not the Mythical Three Headed Weezing mentioned in D&P's Dex entry, but that's a whole other issue)

    submitted by /u/NightspawnsonofLuna
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    Would you like new forms/evolutions in Origin: Arceus

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 08:35 AM PST

    For example, Sinnoh-region forms, ancient types of old Pokémon, and specifically, new evolutions for the starters: Rowlet, Oshawott, and Cyndaquill. I think this would be a controversial, yet new twist to the games, especially since they have been the underdogs for a while. If not, maybe Mega Evolutions? I'd like that to come back.

    submitted by /u/Speedster012
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    Thinking of fake signature Pokémon moves, day 143: Shiftry

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 08:24 AM PST

    I am coming up with at least 1 fake move that would be exclusive to 1 Pokémon or an evolutionary line of Pokémon. I am going in Pokédex order, and I will skip every Pokémon or evolutionary line that already has a Pokémon in it that has a signature move. Signature Z-moves or G-Max moves don't count.

    Shiftry's move is called Leaf Slash, a Grass-Type Physical move with a base power of 80, 100% accuracy and 15 PP (PP was increased from 10% thanks to a suggestion from u/pSilver68932). It has a 30% chance to flinch the target.

    I made this move simply because when I imagine Shiftry attacking, it slashes at its foes with its leaf-hands. So I made that a move for it. I know it has similarities with Leaf Blade, I mean, how could it not? The main reason for this move's chance to flinch the target is because of Shiftry's Dark-Type. It could use a weird technique for using Leaf Slash that disorients the target for a little while, which could prevent them from making a move. But, granted, it is a weak reasoning. I guess you'd flinch if you were getting cut, that could work too.

    The move is performed by the user slashing the target with its leaves. I mean, it's very self-explanatory. However, this description would mean a lot of other Pokémon should be able to get this move, so I would just make it Shiftry's move for a while, then spread it out to more Pokémon.

    I'd love to hear feedback or questions about my ideas, and if you have any ideas for signature moves for Pokémon, I'd love to hear them, I might use the ideas (with your consent of course)! Even though this is a daily thing, or at least, I'll try to keep it daily, I don't think I'll be consistent with the time of day I post another idea.

    submitted by /u/Noodnood966
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    Remembering Pokemon Black & White

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 11:20 AM PST

    Sometimes I just randomly find myself thinking about Pokemon BW(especially Black cause that's the one I played as a kid). It just has a super good story, amazing characters, fantastic music, and when I think about it I get nostalgic, and feel sort of sad and happy at the same time. Anyone else?

    submitted by /u/filmstudent2400
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    Need help finding plushie

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 09:12 AM PST

    Hi! I really want a fireless Cyndaquil plushie (I know, heresy, pls burry me after I got my plushie, not before). Any tips where can I find one? I searched a lot, but everything is out of stock, or has some weird plush "fire".

    I live in Hungary but no country should be too big of a problem nowadays.

    Thanks for any help!

    submitted by /u/Karabars
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    1v1s or Tournaments on YouTube?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 08:48 AM PST

    I got Pokémon Sword yesterday. I have not played Pokémon since Pokémon Y and I'm definitely out of the loop. I was wondering if people hosted tournaments or 1v1s on YouTube? I think it would interesting to watch/partake in. I use to attend local IRL tournaments back when I played but that's obviously not possible right now lol. I guess I'm curious about whether or not the community would be interested in something like livestream 1v1s or tournaments?

    submitted by /u/JacobCalai
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    Questions about Sw/Sh. Wanting to get back into the Pokémon games...

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 08:50 AM PST

    Hey everyone! Lately I've been mulling over the idea of picking up Pokémon Sword. I haven't played the games in a long time. I grew up with Pokémon, starting off with Pokémon Blue when it first launched on the original Gameboy. The last Pokémon game I did buy was Pokémon Sun at launch, but I didn't get around to playing it much. I believe the last games I actually sunk some time into were the gold and silver remakes.

    Anyway, currently I have a job where I do a lot of driving, and there are a lot of periods of time during the workdays where I'm sitting, with nothing to do. I own a switch, but don't have many games for it. But I keep seeing posts on reddit and other sites about Sword and Shield, and it's really catching my eye.

    That all said, I was wondering if I could get some real personal opinions on the game from the community. What are some things you love and hate? Would you recommend the games to me, or should I pass? How is the multiplayer? Were the expansions worth it?

    Also, does the game ever go on sale? Money is painfully tight right now for my girlfriend and I, so I was curious if they occasionally pop up for less than $60. I don't want to put us in a bind over my lulls at work, so if it does go on sale I'll play the waiting game.

    Thank you in advance for any responses! Have a great weekend and game on!

    submitted by /u/Darkmiroku
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    HGSS grinding

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 10:37 AM PST

    I know HGSS are old games, but it's the one I've chosen to go for my next hardcore nuzlocke on.

    I'm planning on doing the nuzlocke right up to the final battle against Red.

    Does anybody know the best way to grind to level up my pokemon to their 80's. I kinda guessed it'd be just rerunning the E4 but I'm wondering if there's a better way before I get to the long grind.

    submitted by /u/SbR3flex
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    How Do You Raise Immersion in Your Playthroughs?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 10:08 AM PST

    As the title states, I'm looking for ways that might make my playthroughs more immersive and interesting. Finding websites/posts that go over ways to make the games harder is quite easy, but that's not the primary goal I'm currently after. I don't mind if recommendations do result in an increase in difficulty, but immersion is the more important goal right now.

    I find that I usually develop a pretty solid relationship with my Starter, but outside of them (and maybe one other party member), it feels like I'm just using tools from a toolbox to accomplish tasks/win battles.

    I'm starting a second playthrough in Sword and the things I've come up with so far are...
    1) My character will be attempting to become a new Gym Leader. My focus is going to be on raising Electric types.
    1b) As the game goes on, I will be more stringent about using Electric types.
    2) I will be matching the number of Pokémon in Challenge battles (for example, I'll only be using 2 Pokémon in the battle against Milo).
    3) I'll have my battle style switched to "Set" for at least Challenge battles, potentially the whole playthrough.
    4) Every Pokémon will be nicknamed. Need to come up with a theme for these still.
    5) When I encounter a new Pokémon species I will attempt to catch it then as opposed to returning later. Makes the task of filling the Pokédex feel like it's actually got some importance as I progress, not this side thing that I focus on after becoming Champion.
    6) I'm going to keep a log of each play session. A journal that goes over the most important events that happened (Pokémon I caught, story details, important battles, Pokémon that evolved, etcetera).

    If you have any recommendations that build on what I have already or are entirely independent of them, let me know!

    submitted by /u/genericbeaver
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