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    Saturday, April 10, 2021

    Pokémon Pokemon Rangers would make for an awesome open-world setting

    Pokémon Pokemon Rangers would make for an awesome open-world setting

    Pokemon Rangers would make for an awesome open-world setting

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 10:04 AM PDT

    Obviously with a reimagining of the touch screen circle capture system. Pokemon Ranger's world is perfect for an open-world game. Imagine having a hub town where your Ranger Union is located, and then going out and fulfilling missions and requests from your Ranger Union. There could be other cities set up with more Ranger Unions, and along the way you can request for other rangers to team up with you when you go out into the wild. It also fits perfectly for an online multiplayer experience too. There's so many ideas you could use for random events you find while exploring, like lost pokemon or natural environments going haywire like a flood or forest fire.

    Hopefully Pokemon Legends Arceus is a good game with fresh ideas, but I think I will always be hoping for a Pokemon Rangers game in the Legends franchise.

    submitted by /u/PumpkinOfASoul
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    Just reached a huge personal achievement!!

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 10:17 PM PDT

    I know no one will care, as it's not a difficult task and millions before me have done it. However today I completed the Pokédex on Pokémon Crystal VC.

    I've been playing Pokémon since they came to North America. I haven't missed a single generation. Crystal has been and always will be my favorite. Despite the problems the game had (looking at you, level curve) I've always held Johto within a special place close to my heart. I've started and restarted these games more times than I could ever hope to count. But in January I bought a second DS and thought that it finally time I complete the Pokédex so I can maybe put it down. I'm so happy!

    P.S. Fuck Entei! 3 hours trying to find you!

    submitted by /u/SCRhyperior
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    Your favorite electric type design-wise

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 06:07 AM PDT

    Which electric type Pokémon has the best design in your opinion? To me, it's Luxray! I know he's far from being the strongest electric type in competition, but since I play for fun and not competitively, I always use him when possible since he's my favorite electric type! I mean just look at Luxray! His design just screams badass!

    submitted by /u/PkmnTrainerLucas
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    I really hope pokepelago or Pokémon camps come back in the new Pokémon games

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 07:32 AM PDT

    I really enjoyed the pokepelago in Pokémon ultra sun/moon, mainly since it made me feel less guilty about sending Pokémon to a pc only to never be touched again, plus it had those different islands where you could train your Pokémon or look for items/stones. It was much better than pokejobs in sword and shield which basically was "okay your going to do manual labor for an entire day in order to get stronger".

    I also loved the Pokémon camps in sword and shield, since you could actually play with all your Pokémon and feed them and watch them do their own thing.

    I really hope that they are brought back for Pokémon Arceus. A fusion of them would be even better, an island where you can cook and play with the Pokémon in your PC, I would love that.

    submitted by /u/whooper1
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    All My Progress Is Go e

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 07:37 AM PDT

    I recently got my Nintendo Switch fixed after it wouldn't charge. It came back with everything on it gone. All my games had cloud saved data except for Pokémon, which doesn't do cloud saves. I lost all my progress in Let's Go and Sword. I had got the DLC, had a bunch of legendaries, got the shiny charm, and had a bunch of shinies I had got. It had a bunch of random shinies from Pokémon Go, a shiny Melmetal I had grinded for, and lastly, my first ever shiny, which was a shiny Decidueye I named Apollo. I also lost all my legendaries and all of my first ever Pokémon. Sun was my first game and I transferred over my first started which also was Decidueye, that I named Fluffy (don't judge I was like 8). I'm so sad...

    Edit: Ignore the fact that gone is spelled miserably in the title.

    submitted by /u/BrayBray214
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    Thinking of fake signature Pokémon moves, day 171: Spinda

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 07:21 AM PDT

    I am coming up with at least 1 fake move that would be exclusive to 1 Pokémon or an evolutionary line of Pokémon. I am going in Pokédex order, and I will skip every Pokémon or evolutionary line that already has a Pokémon in it that has a signature move. Signature Z-moves or G-Max moves don't count. Also, I don't make moves for Pokémon to make them better in battle. While it may make them more usable, that is not my intent most of the time, I just make moves to give the Pokémon something they need, deserve or are said they can do, but aren't able to do with their current movesets.

    Spinda's move is called Dizzy Dance, a Normal-Type Physical move with 60 base power, 80% accuracy and 25 PP. It raises the user's Evasiveness by 1 stage and has a 30% chance to confuse the target.

    I made the move because Spinda is always dizzy, simple as that. It can already have Teeter Dance and Dizzy Punch, it can have Contrary and its base stat total is 360, and y'know, a circle is 360 degrees.

    The move is performed by the user dancing in a very irregular manner. Due to Spinda's constantly dizzy state, it moves irregularly already, so this is an easy move for it to perform. This weird movement pattern can also make it more difficult for Spinda to hit its target though, which is why the move has 80% accuracy. The odd movement is also the reason for why Dizzy Dance raises the user's Evasiveness, just like the possible confusion of the target who could get dizzy itself when having to watch the move in action. Overall it's a decent move, I think, although it is hindered by the less than stellar accuracy and the fact that Spinda is the only one to get it (not including Smeargle of course).

    There isn't really a reason for the move being a dancing move (thus being copied by Pokémon with the Dancer ability) except that dances are usually strange movements that you don't usually perform. Well, dances are elegant and professional while this move would be closer to just flailing around, but you get my point.

    I'd love to hear feedback or questions about my ideas, and if you have any ideas for signature moves for Pokémon, I'd love to hear them, I might use the ideas (with your consent of course)! Even though this is a daily thing, or at least, I'll try to keep it daily, I don't think I'll be consistent with the time of day I post another idea.

    submitted by /u/Noodnood966
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    Is the Darkest Day connected with the war in Kalos?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 10:56 AM PDT

    Both the Darkest Day and the Kalos war was 3000 years before the present. It seems strange that two big potentially catastrophic events occurred around the same time. My theory is that Galar was the region Kalos was at war with and in an attempt to win that war, someone either created or release Eternatus to fight on their side but it turned out to be too powerful to control and ended up causing the Darkest Day. It makes some sense since in real life there have been times when England was at war with France, the real life versions of Galar and Kalos respectively.

    submitted by /u/kanna172014
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    Just finished my first playthrough of Sword. It was honestly quite a bit better than I was expecting.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 11:53 AM PDT

    I hadn't been sure if I wanted to give this generation a go, given the overwhelmingly negative responses I had seen to it, including from friends and family. Decided to give it a chance, and I'm glad that I did. It wound up being a lot better than I expected. Other than the starters being complete garbage (and that's something I can work around, as I've previously done playthroughs of previous generations where I don't use the starters for any extended period of time), there weren't any huge negatives for me. I really appreciated the huge variety in types and moves that were readily accessible in this generation. I wouldn't say that it's my favorite generation of Pokemon games, but it's solidly in the middle tier for me. Sometimes you come in expecting amazing and are disappointed when you don't get it, but with this one, I came in expecting very little and was pleasantly surprised by what I actually got. I guess everyone has different tastes.

    submitted by /u/Ruhrgebietheld
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    Pokemon Home nearing completion!

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 08:09 AM PDT

    So I have been trying to fill the Pokemon Home national dex foreverrrrrr it feels like, and unfortunately due to bills and life I've had to sell my old DS and games, losing all of my mythics from that time frame. I am currently 47 pokes away from completing the national dex. I am by all means a collector and breeder. I like battling, and breeding for battles, but I'm not gonna be winning any tournaments anytime soon. Off topic. Anyway, I'm assuming with diamond and pearl, and arceus coming out I will get Manaphy, Phione, Shaymin, and Arceus. So my only hope for diance, hoopa, etc..., feels like pokemon go and possible random giveaways. Do any of you know how I might be able to obtain these guys since you can't trade mythics on Home? I've had them all at one point so in my eyes it should count but obviously nintendo wants you to have them forever.

    submitted by /u/Morty945
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    I unexpectedly fell in love with cradily

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 09:15 PM PDT

    So, a while back i decided to make a sandstorm team in my UM save, and after researching some good mons for that i came across the (very reasonable) suggestion to have a storm drain mon, like gastrodon, maractus and, of course, cradily.

    Since cradily is the only rock type of that list (and i only had a t-tar of that type) i decided why not? Probably a good idea since sandstorm buffs their special deffense.

    Let me tell you, that bad girl (that i named lily, yeah, i know, real original) started carrying me so hard she not only managed to get a whole sweep a while ago (from a mix of good storm drain predicts and ancient power buffs), but she literally just saved from a battle that i had considered to be doomed, since i had lost my t-tar and sandstorm went with her (the opponent had a ninetales).

    With one storm drain buff (that apparently my opponent didn't know existed since he just tried to use hydro pump with her already on the field) she started wrecking his team, being immune from sleep powder / spore and overall extremely bulky and having a pretty good offensive typing

    Idk, i just wanted to share my newfound love for those little ancient green thingies and give my MVP her due credit

    submitted by /u/Risciaven
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    If you could have a Pokémon in real life what Pokémon would you chose?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 09:24 PM PDT

    Why would you pick the Pokémon you picked. I would choose riolu.

    My only reason why is because I think it's cute. I would never want it to evolve. Why would you pick the Pokémon you picked.

    I recently started watching Pokémon journeys and riolu is in it a lot. He seems very loyal. Well many pokemon are but even with its small size riolu never gives up.

    Is the Pokemon you chose from your first Pokémon generation? My first generation was Gen 1.

    submitted by /u/justachu93
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    :SPOILER WARNING: After seeing Drizzile animated in the up coming Pokemon journeys episode where they show a trailer of the episode it doesn't look that bad to me anymore.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 09:19 AM PDT

    So yeah it looks like Go's Sobble evolves and the design looks good to me i don't know why maybe because its moving and not stuck in a terrible pose like in the game and the official art work at first i thought Drizzile looked terrible to bad i can't say the same for Inteleon it still looks terrible animated in my opinion i love Scorbunny and its evolution line even though ( i have my grapes with it )and Grookey looks adorable i have no problem with it it got even better when animated to bad it evolves Thwackey is ok but no for me and Rillaboom is a yikes for me just ugh but at least its not Inteleon lol

    submitted by /u/Sufferance-Cat07
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    Pokemon X Y revival

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 08:06 AM PDT

    Hey. I really enjoy X Y( especially the 3DS game which is part of my main reason why I am messaging) I was disappointed that a sequel game was never made. I heard rumours that a sequel was in development but was cancelled. I have started a revival campaign on twitter to get the X and Y series another chance. ( maybe include new episodes of the X Y series. If you are interested to join the accounts name is Pokemon X Y revival( sequel)

    submitted by /u/shaunzombie16122001
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    Make a Kanto Team but...

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 10:38 AM PDT

    You can't use any of the starters and their evolutions or legendaries.

    You can use regional variants such as Alolan Raichu or Galarian Meowth and their evolutions like Perrserker.

    I'm asking this because I had a hard time thinking about how I'd make a team, and I'm interested what other people create.

    I think Kanto is great, but I never realized how much my love of Kanto was just because of the starters.

    I'd love to see what teams you guy make!

    submitted by /u/Lepoke78
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    Poses and animations should vary between games.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 12:01 PM PDT

    Remember back in the 2D era where nearly every game came with a new set of sprites for every pokemon? And how there haven't been any large-scale changes to how pokemon visually behave in battle since then? And every old pokemon has shown the same personality since X/Y? I think it's time for a changeup. No need for new models, just make them pose and move a little different! This could go a long way in terms of making the pokemon feel alive.

    submitted by /u/Frayed-0
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    Hoenn starters: Mudkip line

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 03:10 AM PDT

    So, Hoenn is a good region in my opinion. Especially,starters are really good. We can take Sceptile. It's really good. But in this poll,i will let you vote for the mudkip line. To be honest,my favourite is Swampert. I got a really big bond with Mudkip line, not gonna lie.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/who6am6i
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