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    Saturday, May 1, 2021

    Pokémon I intend to beat Steven with his own Beldum

    Pokémon I intend to beat Steven with his own Beldum

    I intend to beat Steven with his own Beldum

    Posted: 01 May 2021 02:08 AM PDT

    Awhile ago I completed my first HeartGold play through in a few years and came across Steven in Kanto. After meeting a few more times, including him introducing me to Latias, he offered to trade me a Beldum for a Forretress (it came with the nickname 'Iron'). I've since kept that Beldum and transferred it through generations to the PokeBank where I then put it on my team for my first ever Omega Ruby playthrough, Iron is now a full grown Metagross and ready to beat his OT to a pulp :-)

    submitted by /u/Dar4125
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    Is it just me or does Gen III have the most memorable and forgettable Pokémon at the same time?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 07:34 PM PDT

    We got the memorable Blaziken and then we got the forgettable Illumise. We got the memorable Gardevoir and then we got the forgettable Plusle. We got Aggron and then we got Gulpin. Flygon and then Lunatune. Milotic and then Chimecho. Salamance and then Gorebyss. The list goes on. Gen 3 somehow had my favorite Pokémon and least favorite Pokémon at the same time. Does anyone agree?

    submitted by /u/MathematicianBroad56
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    I wouldn't have minded the cut dex if SwSh had been ANYTHING like New Snap visually.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 07:03 PM PDT

    I know they're two entirely different games and the mainline series is predominantly by GameFreak (I say predominantly because of the DP remakes now), and Snap was Bandai-Namco. But... heck. I've been sitting in my chair playing New Snap for the last hour and I've been as giddy as a kid the whole time. I am so excited to see the environments, the Pokemon, and hear the excellent voice acting and just breathe in the game. Meanwhile, SwSh was fun I guess, but... none of this magic was there. New Snap is making me feel 10 again. SwSh reminded me that I'm a 33 year old fan who might have outgrown the series, maybe?*

    • (No, I haven't outgrown the series, I just mean GameFreak's attempts in the last few years makes me feel this way)

    New Snap has such amazing life and energy pouring out of it. SwSh has always felt so... stilted? Stiff? Awkward?

    New Snap actually makes me feel so sad for the mainline games we will apparently never get.

    submitted by /u/Aiyakiu
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    So after the first 24 hours what are your into so thoughts on “New Pokémon Snap”

    Posted: 01 May 2021 06:37 AM PDT

    Personally I'm loving it, it's a perfect game to pick up when you have a few minutes and just dive into the world of Pokémon I'm having fun trying to 10 diamond every Pokémon and can't wait to see what else I can unlock. It's also given me a new found love for Pokémon I never really cared about like can we talk about how cute they made Bidoof in this game?!

    submitted by /u/tasirorabi
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    Gen 1 Build Complete! Now I gotta build them all!

    Posted: 01 May 2021 09:09 AM PDT


    What is up, Gamers? My name is Joshua Wilkinson and I build custom themed computers in the Houston area, and i'm hoping to branch out and start shipping these art pieces! This is another build I very much enjoyed doing and i'm very much considering doing a gen 2 version.

    submitted by /u/1YardLoss
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    A scandanavian region would be neat

    Posted: 01 May 2021 07:53 AM PDT

    this will not be a full outline, just some cool ideas I thought of. firstly, it would make for an ice type heavy region (something pretty unique for the series), but still allow for other areas, now I'm gonna just get talking.

    the starters are a good place to start, so I'll begin our journey with them, they are based off of the arctic fox (water type, dual ice after evolving), a lemming, grass type that eventually just becomes very very large for it's final evolution (dual ground), and a musk ox that starts off as a calf, and becomes a stampeding monster (dual steel?). these are just some unique and cool scandanavian animals I thought of.

    then there's the main story, instead of being overly derivative, and some viking thing, it's about conserving the specific beauty instead of abusing it with tourism or industry. other than that, you have to get to the league and become champion.

    after that, there's the HMs, which are replaced with "poke abilities" which are unlocked by completing gym badges, and usable only by pokemon of a certain type and evolution. so flying types on their penultimate or final evolution can use fly. water types on penultimate evolutions can surf, and on final evolution can also dive. while normal and fighting types can break small trees on their first evolution, fighting types can break up rocks on their penultimate evolution, and normal and fighting types can move large boulders on their final evolution. this will encourage both having a varied team, and allow the same progression gating method as used in earlier games. speaking of which...

    the world and progression, are going to be pretty loose, after the first gym badge certain pokemon can break trees, after the second, the evil team are introduced and forcibly remove the roadblock that kept you from the third gym town (maybe blowing up a bridge that was blocked, and forcing you to go out of your way to chase after them, and then you go a different direction than initially assumed by the player?) and after that, you get to the third gym, and are allowed surf, which lets you travel to any of the three next gyms (which have no currently accesible land routes in them). on a minor note, water encounters would be revised, and only occur over "deep water" which also leads to each sea route having later explorable dive areas with higher levels, and in these dive areas, pokemon only spawn in deep sea reeds. with the surfing ability you will be able to go to the next three gyms, but they are all way too high level right now, and instead you will be incentivized to head out to the distant island (upon entering the gyms if you're underleveled you'll be told you might not be ready yet, and once you're beaten within the gyms you are told to go train on the island, but it is in no way required, just the easiest choice.), which has it's own sort of side quest feel involving the story, and the champion is on vacation there, meaning that you can meet him. once you've leveled up on the distant island you can return and re challenge all three gyms at a now reasonable level. and after the third one the region's land routes open up with both fly becoming available after the fourth gym, and rock smash available after the fifth. once these are beaten you can head inland to the other half of the region, challenge the last three gyms and the champion, defeating the bad guys along the way.

    now that the region and story are out of the way, let's get to new mons in the region. most important of these are the box legends, inspired by the world serpent Jormungandr, and the great wolf Fenris, Jormungandr is beneath a deep underwater cave dungeon, you need to have three hidden keys to get to, and Fenris is in a cave dungeon hidden deep in the woods that you have to navigate a randomly changing rougelike forest to get to. in one version you need to have broken the seals to get through the rougelike, and in the other you need to find one of the keys in the rougelike dungeon. thus changing the catch order of the box legends. then there are three roaming legendaries, one a thor inspired red haired lightning type with hammer hands that only appears in mountain biomes, it's a heavy hitter that's pretty quick. the other roamer is a loki inspired dark type that uses a lot of evasion and changing the shape of the battlefield. other legendaries are all from other regions, in the far north there's a large mountain route that's entirely deserted, and at the top of it is a shrine where you double battle Zapdos and Atricuno. in a volcano on the distant island you can find moltres.

    and that's all I've thought of so far. hope you enjoyed reading it

    submitted by /u/halfbakedmemes0426
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    The One Year, Eight Game Challenge!

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 11:15 PM PDT

    At the beginning of this year I decided to make it my personal challenge to play through every region. The order I played them in didn't matter, and the generation of origin did not matter. I simply had to play through one game for each region.

    As of tonight, I am halfway complete.

    I started my adventure in Galar (Sword). 1. Cinderace 2. Orbeetle 3. Barraskewda 4. Weezing (G) 5. Copperajah 6. Grapploct.

    Once I finished with my Galarian escapades, I made my way to Alola (Ultra Sun). 1. Incineroar 2. Raichu (A) 3. Sudowoodo 4. Crabominable 5. Araquanid 6. Salazzle

    I became Alola's first champion, defeated Team Rainbow Rocket, and left for Hoenn (Omega Ruby). 1. Swampert 2. Shiftry 3. Metagross 4. Armaldo 5. Banette 6. Salamence

    After repeated encounters with mad real estate agents and pirates, I decided to go back to a simpler place, Kanto (Blue Virtual Console). 1. Charizard 2. Victreebel 3. Persian 4. Jolteon 5. Cloyster 6. Hitmonlee

    Kanto was nice, but some weird kid kept threatening to smell me. I've decided to go exploring around Johto next. I hear it's lovely this time of year.

    submitted by /u/Sixty9Cuda
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    Dhelmise, Wishiwashi, and Stakataka are boss pokemon designs that get way too little love.

    Posted: 01 May 2021 10:44 AM PDT

    I seriously don't understand why some of the most unique awesome designs are the ones that get absolutely no love, these pokemon are literally the opposite of basic and simple and yet people look at them as "just a fish" or "just an inanimate object" even though these pokemon literally look like nothing else, these 3 pokemon in particular are among my top 10 favorites, with Dhelmise literally being my favorite pokemon, yet for some reason gen 7 might be literally the most overlooked generation. Gen 7 has my favorite designs of any generation with literally no second thought, and yet the only pokemon that people even find memorable from the gen are the mythicals, starters, and Mimikyu. How?

    This gen gave us:

    A living meteor that can change forms and has unique color variations

    An exploding turtle dragon

    A 3 form rock wolf

    A literal menagerie of some of the most unique and strangest 1 off pokemon designs in the form of the UBs

    A literal dragon god of light

    A schooling beast fish

    A plant pretending to be a bug ffs

    A super-genious guru monkey

    An old man dragon

    The first regional variants


    An evil sand castle

    And so much more

    Come on and show some love to gen 7, people, sure it is the most linear Pokemon title but I argue NO generation has tried to change up the formula as much as this generation, whether gameplay wise, or pokemon design wise.

    This will be my favorite generation probably forever, and I will hear no slander to my bulky anchor boy.

    Thank you for coming to my TED Talk

    submitted by /u/ThisistheJ17wasTaken
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    Is this a bug in New Pokémon Snap?

    Posted: 01 May 2021 04:05 AM PDT

    Hey, i have a problem. In New Pokémon Snap i got the mission to take a photo of a Torchic burning an apple. But when I got this mission I had already shown the professor such a photo. Now it seems like I can no longer complete the mission, even if I submit a new photo of it. Did I get something wrong here or is it actually a bug? Do any of you have the same problem?

    P.S .: This is my first post in the forum and due to the huge number of rules I am afraid I did something wrong by mistake. If so, please delete the post.

    submitted by /u/Max____98
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    Best Pokémon game?

    Posted: 01 May 2021 11:05 AM PDT

    For me, it is by far Emerald.

    The intro is absolute perfection.

    The story has depth and it actually pretty fun, especially compared to the later games.

    It is actually rather challenging, I don't feel like I'm playing a game for kids when I go back to pre gen V.

    And all the wonderful memes.

    It may be nostalgia, but no game compares to it.

    While I like some aspects of ORAS, I nust find it way to easy. The flying Latios/Latias is cool asf tho.

    submitted by /u/The_Trash_Gamer
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    Thinking of fake signature Pokémon, day 192: Glalie

    Posted: 01 May 2021 07:52 AM PDT

    I am coming up with at least 1 fake move that would be exclusive to 1 Pokémon or an evolutionary line of Pokémon. I am going in Pokédex order, and I will skip every Pokémon or evolutionary line that already has a Pokémon in it that has a signature move. Signature Z-moves or G-Max moves don't count. Also, I don't make moves for Pokémon to make them better in battle. While it may make them more usable, that is not my intent most of the time, I just make moves to give the Pokémon something they need, deserve or are said they can do, but aren't able to do with their current movesets.

    I'm skipping Wynaut because I already gave Wobbuffet its own move already.

    The move for Glalie is called Frostbite, an Ice-Type Special move with 40 base power, 90% accuracy and 20 PP. It traps the target and if the target isn't an Ice-Type Pokémon, it also slightly damages them at the end of each turn for 5 turns.

    I made this move for Glalie because of its incredible ice powers. It is said to be able to instantly freeze anything, according to its Pokédex entries. Since no other Pokémon's Pokédex entries state that they can instantly freeze anything, for as far as I know at least, I'm assuming it is a big deal.

    The move is performed by the user freezing the target to the floor or other platform, this damages the target slightly and the part of their body that is frozen in gets damaged over time too. This is why the move is called Frostbite, since the move simulates frostbite.

    If a frozen Pokémon gets hit by a Fire-Type move, they usually thaw out. However, this effect is different, since it doesn't free the target from the frostbite immediately when hit by a Fire-Type move. Instead, the timer for when the frostbite effect lifts is halved rather than the frostbitten Pokémon just being freed. The reason for this is mainly to differentiate the freezing status effect from this frostbite effect, but also because I feel like Glalie's power would allow it to form ice that doesn't melt as quickly as normal ice. That is just my idea and interpretation of Glalie's power though, so if you don't think that is a valid argument, that's completely fair.

    I'd love to hear feedback or questions about my ideas, and if you have any ideas for signature moves for Pokémon, I'd love to hear them, I might use the ideas (with your consent of course)! Even though this is a daily thing, or at least, I'll try to keep it daily, I don't think I'll be consistent with the time of day I post another idea.

    submitted by /u/Noodnood966
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    Pokemon that are from a different generation than the one you associate them with

    Posted: 01 May 2021 07:17 AM PDT

    I can't be the only one this has happened to:

    when you are playing one generation of pokemon or looking up a route in a certain region, and you spot a pokemon you could have sworn debuted in a later generation.

    The first time it happened with me, it was Slugma. You could have put a gun to my head and I would have swore that Slugma was a gen 3 debut. But apparently not. Apparently Slugma is a gen 2 pokemon. How I didn't know this is astounding, as Gen 2 was the time I was singularly obsessed with Pokemon!

    Has it ever happened to you? If so which Pokemon was the culprit?

    submitted by /u/Ctlimh
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    Are there any Pokémon you find yourself regularly associating with the wrong generation?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 06:30 PM PDT

    I have a few such instances: 1. Meditite - Gen 4. It's in more locations in the wild and on more trainers' teams than in Gen 3, serving a bigger role than being mostly just the occasional gym trainer curve ball. 2. Luvdisc - Gen 2. In no game have I spent more time hunting down Luvdiscs to farm Heart Scales than in HeartGold, because it's so difficult to get any otherwise. 3. Zygarde - Gen 7. Screw GF for denying us Pokemon Z and relegating Zygarde to Gen 7 and changing its lore. 4. Slugma - Gen 3. Slugma is almost nonexistent in Gen 2. But it becomes much more common in Gen 3 including being on your rivals team, and being the first non-Kanto Mon most people encounter in the FR/LG postgame.

    submitted by /u/scottthang
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    Which main series game are you most likely to start over and play again after beating the game?

    Posted: 01 May 2021 06:44 AM PDT

    You beat the elite four, and have completed the endgame content (if any) in the game. If you were to start over with the same game, which main series game would that most likely be for you?

    Sorry, Reddit polls only give six options. If you picked other, state the game :)

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/I_Fart_On_Cats_LOL
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    My platinum nuzlocke ended in complete failure, and I am seething over it.

    Posted: 01 May 2021 12:22 AM PDT

    I lost my ace of a Gyarados to the second elite four member, but I managed to make it to Cynthia. Immediately, she beat the hell out of me. For Christ's sake, she doesn't even use Garchomp to wipe me out. I invested 92 hours into that play through for fucking nothing! I usually kick Cynthia's ass — not the other way around! Almost 4 days — gone! I can't even begin to describe how furious I am at the moment. To hell with all these critical hits that kept landing on my team. To hell with that play through where I meticulously planned my path to getting a Gabite only to have it die in a single hit (while grinding, no less). Mind you, this happened mere hours after capturing it.That game was cursed from the very fucking beginning. I'm hoping I get better luck on the next game. To hell with this shit.

    submitted by /u/Looney_forner
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    a better way to fix HMs

    Posted: 01 May 2021 07:58 AM PDT

    from what I can tell, sword and shield's approach to enviornmental obstacles, is to... not have any, instead using much more artificial roadblocks, which is a shame. here's how I would do it, instead of having one partner pokemon use all of the HMs, or having you call in some other pokemon that you didn't raise, I would have the pokemon you trained be the way you overcome these obstacles. I would replace HMs with "poke abilities" which are unlocked by completing gym badges, and usable only by pokemon of a certain type and evolution. so flying types on their penultimate or final evolution can use fly. water types on penultimate evolutions can surf, and on final evolution can also dive. while normal and fighting types can break small trees on their first evolution, fighting types can break up rocks on their penultimate evolution, and normal and fighting types can move large boulders on their final evolution. this will encourage both having a varied team, and allow the same progression gating method as used in earlier games.

    submitted by /u/halfbakedmemes0426
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    Did the later generations of Pokémon exist within the first games?

    Posted: 01 May 2021 12:15 PM PDT

    May sound like a stupid question but I've been wondering this and can't find anything online when I ask it.

    I know that the later pokemon weren't literally in the game files, I'm just wondering if they existed, or had been discovered in that world at that point in time?

    If so, what's the excuse for them not being in the pokedex, and if not, at what point in time would they have been discovered? I know the timelines with pokemon can be a bit strange so this may be more complex than initially thought.

    I know this question doesn't really have a real answer but I wanted to hear about people's different theories or beliefs on where the pokemon could have been in times of Gen 1 / 2 / 3 etc...

    submitted by /u/Enceladus_98
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    Pokémon BW 1&2

    Posted: 01 May 2021 10:52 AM PDT

    Why are they so expensive in comparison to every other Pokémon game? I've been searching for a cheaper version of these but they're all close to $100 or more. Why is it like this? My only other choice is to dive deep into my brothers recluse-filled storage to find it somewhere.

    submitted by /u/098wer
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    The main characters in the games do have dads, we just don't see them because they're at work.

    Posted: 01 May 2021 08:54 AM PDT

    Norman in Emerald: " I walk the 30 minutes from home to here every day."

    So Norman does indeed live with you and your mom, it just takes him 30 minutes to walk from your house in Littleroot Town to the gym in Petalburg City every day.

    The same could apply to the other MC's dads, we just don't see them because their jobs aren't Pokemon-related and thus aren't important to the game.

    submitted by /u/RadDudesman
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    I am really stupid and I am pissed about it!

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 09:03 PM PDT

    So I love collecting special pokemon, like All Cap Pikachus or Mythicals, right? Well today I decided to hop onto Ultra Moon and I encountered a Furfrou and was like (Hmm, I think I might wanna collect 9 Furfrous for all 9 Fur Styles) and so I began to grind

    Here I am in Poni Island, spending at least an entire hour of knocking down an endless amount Inkays and Pelliprs and Gastrodons just to get me the 9 Furfrous I wanted, and I finally go to Akala Island, I give all 9 Furfrous nick names that sort of match the Fur Style Names. I then go to the Akala restaurant and go on at least 10 Dinner Dates with Olivia and use her for her Heart Scales, then I fly to Ula Ula island and talk to the Granny in the corner to teach all 9 of the dogs some moves to get them prepared and what not! I then go to 2 trips in the Ultra Wormhole(2 trips because you can only have 6 pokemon in your party so I had to make 2 trips) and 1 Shot an Ultra Beast with my Lv 83 Salamence and raise all of their levels to a reasonable state! I end the entire grind session by finally going to Mele Mele islands barber shop and give all 9 of the Furfrous each Fur Style Available! Im feeling happy that I finished! Here I am all happy and accomplished and what not that I now have a nice new collection of colorful dogs in my PC Box....Only to then find out and realize AT VERY LAST MINUTE!!! THAT FURFROUS CANT KEEP THEIR FUR STYLES ONCE WITHDRAWN FROM THE PC BOX!!!! (in ultra sun and moon at least from my understanding.) NO ONE HAS EVER TOLD ME THIS!!!

    No Way am I going to be paying 500 pokedollars (4,500 in total for all 9) every time I will be withdrawing them from the PC Box for personal use, SO NOW I ALMOST HAVE AN ENTIRE PC BOX FULL OF F###ING FURFROUS AND FURFROU EGGS THAT I NOW PLAN ON GETTING RID OF AT THE WONDER TRADE AND GTS!!!

    2 Hours of my life that I will never get back Gone to the Bin!

    submitted by /u/UrDadLezbian69
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