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    Saturday, June 5, 2021

    Pokémon If Pokémon could have a third typing, what Pokémon would you feel most deserving of a third type, and what would it be?

    Pokémon If Pokémon could have a third typing, what Pokémon would you feel most deserving of a third type, and what would it be?

    If Pokémon could have a third typing, what Pokémon would you feel most deserving of a third type, and what would it be?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 05:37 AM PDT

    My vote would be to add Bug type for the Flygon line, due to the obvious reason of it being based off of antlions/dragonflies. Competitively it wouldn't add much(besides STAB U-turn), but it just fits Flygon too well. What other Pokémon do you think are most deserving of a third type?

    submitted by /u/Minerdomera
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    [Day 4] What is your favourite grass type and why ?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 10:10 AM PDT

    So the theme of the day is what is your favourite grass type and why ?

    Mine is Tortera because it looks so damn powerful and as if it has the whole earth on its back, it made me feel really attached to the Pokémon grass archetype and it was the first time in a very long time that I have had selected the grass type as the winner of the who is your starter question.

    Of course there is also Celebi which is so damn majestic and beautiful.

    What's your favourite Pokémon and why ?

    I will be reading your comments thru the day

    Have a nice day and stay safe !

    submitted by /u/Shutius
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    God bless mcdonalds

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 04:16 PM PDT

    I've had a rollercoaster of a week and felt sad today. My mum and dad are breaking up after 20 years my mum is needing to move out basically horrible atmosphere in this house. I've been a therapist/middleman to them both whilst dealing with my own issues .

    But today my dad went out and my mum asked me to order a happy meal for her and i got two torchics one was a shiny card with the toys. Ok I'm 25 but torchic was much first and favourite starter pokemon since playing saphire at 11 and it cheered me up so much and I'm taking it as a sign and good luck I just needed to share

    The little things ☺️

    submitted by /u/longdreamsX
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    Thinking of fake signature Pokémon moves, day 227: Skorupi and Drapion

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 05:41 AM PDT

    I am coming up with at least 1 fake move that would be exclusive to 1 Pokémon or an evolutionary line of Pokémon. I am going in Pokédex order, and I will skip every Pokémon or evolutionary line that already has a Pokémon in it that has a signature move. Signature Z-moves or G-Max moves don't count. Also, I don't make moves for Pokémon to make them better in battle. While it may make them more usable, that is not my intent most of the time, I just make moves to give the Pokémon something they need, deserve or are said they can do, but aren't able to do with their current movesets.

    The move for Skorupi and Drapion is called Stretched Sting, a Poison-Type Physical move with 95 base power and 10 PP. This move can't miss, even hitting Pokémon using Fly or Bounce, and has a 50% chance of poisoning the target.

    I made this move for Skorupi and Drapion because they are venomous Pokémon with big stingers. Drapion is known for having a very stretchy body, even competing with other Drapion to see whose body can stretch the most. Since Skorupi's tail seemingly is made up of similar segments as Drapion's entire body, I am pretty sure Skorupi can stretch its tail as well, which is why it also gets access to the move. Speaking of which...

    The move is performed by the user attacking the target with their claws, needles or other pointy body parts that can release toxins. Due to the size of Skorupi and Drapion's claws/stingers, Stretched Sting gets a pretty decent base power. The reason why Stretched Sting cannot miss, is because of how stretchy the user's body can be. Maybe they don't stretch that far that they can hit Pokémon that are high up in the air, but it would be a fun, if not almost pointless feature. I don't think I need to explain why the move can poison the target.

    Originally I was going to have a very different effect than just poisoning the target, however, that effect made a lot less sense than the current effect. I do hope I can use that effect for another move in the future since it is a pretty interesting one that I haven't used yet. So, I am a little disappointed that I had to make the move a little more basic, even if it is pretty useful. Like, Drapion has no shortage with good Physical Poison-Type moves, like Poison Jab and Cross Poison which are both very solid, but since Stretched Sting can't miss and has a higher base power and a higher chance to poison the target than both of those, I think it'd make Drapion a somewhat interesting Pokémon to go up against in a battle. Again, don't get me wrong, Drapion is a pretty solid Pokémon already, but this would just spice it up even more. Since I love Drapion, I'd love to see that in reality.

    I'd love to hear feedback or questions about my ideas, and if you have any ideas for signature moves for Pokémon, I'd love to hear them, I might use the ideas (with your consent of course)! Even though this is a daily thing, or at least, I'll try to keep it daily, I don't think I'll be consistent with the time of day I post another idea.

    submitted by /u/Noodnood966
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    I hate rollout

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 04:36 AM PDT

    Tried my first ever nuzlocke today with white 2 since I've never played the game and thought it'd be a fun little challenge. Because I thought I was good I also had a special rule, I couldn't level up beyond the gyms highest Pokémon until I beat them. So after I beat Cheren I had one Pokémon at level 14 which was my tepig named peggy and the other two in my party were level 10. Anyways, after beating him and heading towards the next city this nice lady with a cute little dunsparce challenges me. I had lead with Peggy and I was confident I could just tail whip then spam tackle. Boy was I wrong. Turn 1, this demonspawn clicks rollout and deals 1/3 hp to Peggy. Next turn I try to save it with a defense curl but it wasn't enough :'( . And the following turns all I could do was cry as I watched this evil dunsparce steamroll my party.

    submitted by /u/AfroCAW
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    Is there a story behind the "Skeleton Aerodactyl and Kabutops" sprite in Pokemon Red and Blue?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 08:44 AM PDT

    Hey everyone. So one of my all time favorite parts about the original Pokemon is the infamous Missingno glitch. I'm sure everyone here is already aware of it, but my question moreso has to do with specific sprites that appear along with it.

    The sprites in question are the Skeleton Aerodactyl and Kabutops that can be found. These have always fascinated me, and I've never known if there was a story behind them or not. Like, do we know what they were going to be used for originally?

    Pictures of the skeleton sprites: https://imgur.com/gallery/UYxkFj5

    submitted by /u/ChronoSpammer
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    How does Gen 5 AI work?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 09:07 AM PDT

    I'm doing a mono-fire nuzlocke of Pokémon Black. My current plan for Clay is to use Pignite to Work Up+Flame Charge his Krokorok and then grass knot and fire pledge the rest of his team. But the problem is that Clay's Krokorok knows Swagger... will it Swagger Turn 1 or will it Bulldoze? The bulldoze does around 45-50% damage.

    Edit: it also knows torment. Will it be random which of these two moves it uses since it doesn't see a kill?

    submitted by /u/TheRedditK9
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    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 09:33 AM PDT

    protagonist name confusion

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 09:48 AM PDT

    Soo what are the actual name of the protagonist from main pokemon games .
    gen 2 - Ethan or Gold
    gen 3- sapphire or May / Ruby or brendan.
    i confused what to call them because the manga and the wiki have different names soo which one is correct .
    In Pokemono Ruby and sapphire manga the protagonist are called Ruby and sapphire but in wiki it says Brendan and may. same goes for gen 2 games and manga.

    submitted by /u/onlySaikikhere
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    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 11:42 AM PDT

    Wondering If I should upload Pokémon content on my main channel and slowly shift my audience to Pokémon, or create a new channel with a new audience? I know you guys don't watch my channel, but I needed someone to ask since I have small audience on all my socials. Cheers!

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/LapisBunny_YT
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    Greek Region - the Olympia region

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 11:35 AM PDT

    The legendary Pokémon based on Zeus is an electric/dragon (a Thunder serpent), its located at Sky Temple, the highest point at Mt Olympia.
    The legendary Pokémon based on Hades is a dark/fire taurus bull, its located at the Underground Lair (similar to the red area in Immortal Fenyx Rising).
    The legendary Pokémon based on Poseidon is a water/steel horse, its located at the Sea Cavern.
    Other semi-legendary Pokémon resembles the Greek god/ess.
    Athena (Psychic), Hermes (Flying), Gaia (Ground), Ares (Fighting) this Pokémon mostly uses Punch-based moves, Apollo (Normal) god of music Pokémon mostly uses Sound-based moves, Aphrodite (Fairy), and Hephaestus (Steel)
    While not a Greek god, another legendary Pokémon is a Fenrir, a Nordic wolf (Ice), its located at the Arctic Circle.

    submitted by /u/Sjonathon92
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    I am confused

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 11:32 AM PDT

    So I was doing max raid and after I did one o thought I got a shiny xerneas so I posted it on r/shinypokemon and people said that it is not shiny do any one else remember xerneas not shiny having yellow/white antlers or did they change the colorings for it.

    submitted by /u/Flashy_League7532
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    The /r/pokemon Discord is hosting an AMA with Smallant TODAY!

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 11:32 AM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    As the title says, the /r/pokemon Discord is hosting an AMA with Smallant today!

    Smallant is a streamer/Youtuber who speedruns and makes Pokémon challenge videos! Some of the challenges he has completed are no damage, shiny Pokémon only, randomized teams and even no exp runs! He also provides commentary for Lowest Percent, a Youtube channel dedicated to the lowest% category of speedrunning. His YouTube channel can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/user/Smallantone

    If you have any questions for Smallant, head on over to the /r/pokemon Discord and ask them in the #ama_questions channel that will be available until today at 4 PM EDT (about an hour and a half from the time this is being posted). Please be sure to read the rules pinned there before posting. Each person may ask up to two questions, but please be sure they aren't already in Smallant's FAQ! Smallant will start responding to the questions in the #ama_answers_2 channel around 7 PM EDT.

    That's all, folks! We and the /r/pokemon Discord team hope you enjoy this opportunity to ask Smallant whatever questions you might have for him!

    submitted by /u/SnowPhoenix9999
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    Creating previous different form Pokémon for SWSH

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 11:30 AM PDT

    Crystal Onix
    Ability: Snow Cloak/Sturdy HA: Slush Rush
    HP: 35
    ATK: 55
    DEF: 110
    SPA: 40
    SPD: 85
    SPE: 60
    BST: 385
    * BST same as Onix, but more stats in Special Defense
    * Crystal Onix doesn't evolve
    * can use many Ice moves
    * Arctic Edge as its signature move; it's basically an Ice type Stone Edge but the power and accuracy is swapped

    Armored Mewtwo
    Ability: Download
    HP: 106
    ATK: 110
    DEF: 100
    SPA: 134
    SPD: 120
    SPE: 110
    BST = 680
    * Same BST as Mewtwo, but more defensive
    * Same level up/move learn TM/TR as Mewtwo; however, can also use Iron Head, Iron Defense, Flash Cannon, and Steel Beam

    Shadow Mewtwo
    Ability: Pressure
    HP: 106
    ATK: 137
    DEF: 90
    SPA: 137
    SPD: 90
    SPE: 120
    BST: 680
    * Same BST as Mewtwo, but more offensive
    * Psystrike is replace with Dark Nova as its signature move
    * Similar TM/TR move list learn as Mewtwo; however, can also use Night Slash, Sucker Punch, Knock Off, Throat Chop, and Dark Pulse

    Shadow Lugia
    Ability: Pressure
    HP: 106
    ATK: 90
    DEF: 120
    SPA: 130
    SPD: 124
    SPE: 110
    BST: 680
    * Same BST as Lugia, but more offensive
    * Aeroblast is replaced with Shadow Blast as its signature move.

    submitted by /u/Sjonathon92
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