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    Sunday, June 27, 2021

    Pokémon looking for a pokemon that my mother recalls seeing

    Pokémon looking for a pokemon that my mother recalls seeing

    looking for a pokemon that my mother recalls seeing

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 06:43 AM PDT

    she says it had a stripe like thing on its head, and brown dots on it. she asked me to show her bulbasaur then said its like that but yellow and "with more of a bottom". then i showed her Electrabuzz qnd she said it looks like him but less stripey. anyone know?

    EDIT1: its Kangaskhan

    EDIT2: my mom is delighted to know shes "reddit famous" and that im "viral".

    submitted by /u/felixrichterkinnie
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    Did any one else play the dark cave section in red and blue without flash?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2021 07:43 PM PDT

    When I was younger I had no idea flash existed so I spent days and days wandering around aimlessly in the caves memorizing every little movement I made until I was eventually able to stumble upon the exit. Did any else do the same or did they just get stuck there forever?

    submitted by /u/nook-inc-egg
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    Who's your favorite npc in Pokémon?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 10:07 AM PDT

    There are lots of npcs in Pokémon and some are unique in their own way. My personal favorite is N from Pokémon Black and White. His character was well written and his storyline is if not one of the best ones ever. I felt like Pokémon Black and White revolved around him instead of the player. My other favorites are Cynthia, Red, Silver/the rival in gsc, etc. What's your favorite npc?

    submitted by /u/Counterguy
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    Ultra-Necrozma fits perfectly in with the Dimension-Trio, better than in its own Trio

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 09:32 AM PDT

    So I personally think it actually fits too well to be a coincidence. First of all, they all obviously share the dragon type. Being Dragon/Ghost, Dragon/Psychic, Dragon/Steel and Dragon/Water. They all represent the 4 natural states of matter being Gas, Plasma, Solid and Liquid. They all have their assigned dimensions, being the distortion world, parallel dimensions/ultra space, time and space. So they basically all have a fundamental aspect of the universe assigned to them. They also have an individual counterpart, with Palkia and Dialga being one such duo, as one is representing solid, unchangeable time, the other is the liquid, every changing space. So how does Necrozma fit in? It's the counterpart to Giratina. Giratina is very dark, it also seems to have ties to black holes, as seen in the cutscene in Platinum, the distortion world has many gravitational anomalies, so it seems like gravity and black holes are actually Giratinas domain. Just like gravity keeps things locked in place, Giratina is confined to its own chaotic world. Ultra-Necrozma represents the opposite, expension, radiation and light. In USUM its said that its light poured basically into specific places where Pokémon than got a fraction of its power, the Totem-Pokémon and the locations of the trials. It's a bit similar to how some super heroes get their super powers through alien radiation. But the point I noticed is that seemingly its light expanded through dimensions, so unlike gravity it expands instead of keeping things in place. Wheras Giratina seems so pull things in, Necrozma has literal energy and radiation outbursts just by existing and these outbursts transcended even dimensions. I think it could very well be that Ultra-Necrozma is similar to a White Hole in that regard, that is spews out tons of energy and radiation, wheras Giratina is it's counterpart as it's more of a Black Hole, pulling things into its world where they won't escape. I should add that Necrozma as a Pokémon has so much meaning behind it, it could be based on a Pulsar, a Supernova, an ordinary star or as I said maybe even a White Hole. I just think there are many parallels between Necrozma and the Dimension trio and it seemingly fits more into their group than in its own. But what are your thoughts on this? Have you guys ever thought about similar things? One Pokémon being part of a certain group although it would fit better into another O.o?

    submitted by /u/Em0Birb
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    What would YOU do in the Pokemon World?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2021 06:20 PM PDT

    Of course the most popular path to take is to battle, but given the nature of the world, there are more opportunities than just battling. There are pokemon contests, pokemon showcases, breeding pokemon, researching pokemon, nursing pokemon and so much more! What are some other ideas that you can think of? What are some career paths in the real world that involve pokemon and nature? How about a ranger or a zookeeper? Police officer? Ninja? Armed forces?

    Edit: Given how much attention this post has gotten, I just want to say thanks for sharing your ideas. What a creative bunch! I hope that through this post you all had fun and are able to connect with other fans in a meaningful way.

    submitted by /u/TheBestPumpkinPie
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    Eeveelutions question for you: Umbreon or Espeon?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 12:50 AM PDT

    I can easily say, that out of those two, I am choosing Espy.

    Why? Because of how deep and calm his eyes are, and he looks like an exceptionally beautiful kitty! Also the purple color and the stone on his forehead win me over any day ))

    Espy is my favorite Eeveelution, by the way. What will be your choice?

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    submitted by /u/Olya_roo
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    All Male or Female Pokémon?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 05:55 AM PDT

    This may sound either incredibly dumb and patriarchal, or something that's already been talked about….but am I the only person that would try to make my Pokémon all one gender like the trainers or gym leaders you encounter? To the point you would run away and search in the wild again for 20 minutes just to get it? Even Silvally (One of my favorite Pokémon) was tough to have in my lineup because he didn't have the blue male symbol.

    Am I extremely OCD? Probably. Am I just a loser? Definitely. But what about you?

    submitted by /u/QuinnFinally
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    Zoroark in the anime

    Posted: 26 Jun 2021 09:27 PM PDT

    It's crazy how much attention Zorua/Zoroark were getting leading up to to Gen V, but Zoroark had one… ONE episode about it in the Best Wishes series. You would think it was being made to be the next Lucario.. I even thought if they ever made a new smash game it was going to be in it. It ended up getting used in the Sun and Moon series but that was years after the spot light was on it. Idk I think Zoroark deserved better in the anime (although Best Wishes was meh)

    submitted by /u/thenewhalen
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    What Pokémon’s do you sometimes think is from another region than it is?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 04:15 AM PDT

    Some of mines is milotic and sinnoh because Cynthia uses almost exclusively sinnoh mons but also milotic. Rotom and gen 5 it's the gen it got it's different types for it's forms.Fearow and johto because you get Kenya in goldenrod.wubbafet and gen 3 because wynaut was introduced there.Or skarmory and gen 3 because it is rare in johto and nat as rare in hoenn I think. Also politoed is gen 5 because you se it so much in gen 5 competitive

    submitted by /u/Themineking09
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    It's been four months since BDSP was announced and there's still no sign of new info.

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 08:01 AM PDT

    Look, for something like Legends Arceus that is due to release eleven months after its reveal, it's understandable that it'd take longer than the usual three months to start the prerelease hype trickling out.

    Waiting forever for updates isn't anything new for Pokemon, ever since SM we've gotten three months of silence after a game reveal before they start dropping new trailers.

    This is something else entirely.

    In about a week or so from now, we'll reach the midway point between BDSP's announcement and its release date. Since it was announced on Pokemon Day, the only additional bits of info given to us have been a release date and a tweaked screenshot. The previous two remakes managed to have decent promo periods by either this time of year or the three-month mark, actually showing new content.

    The game's graphics are hit or miss, everyone is in some form or another making guesses about what Platinum features are going to be in the game considering ORAS or if post-Gen IV Pokemon will make it in considering LGPE and Dexit, and there's little to be excited about for a lot of people when faced with either a stagnantly-faithful remake that is yet to show what it has over the originals - or a brand new game that inspires intrigue over its premise and what the series can do with the era started with the Wild Area.

    This thing comes out in nearly four and a half months. Are we going to get a fucking trailer soon or what?

    submitted by /u/notwiththeflames
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    Flint's design

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 02:31 AM PDT

    So I'm doing a randomized nuzlocke run of pokemon platinum and had to prepare for the elite 4(for the levels). After looking at Flint (the firetype dude) it all clicked for me. His design is based off of a match. A red and round hairdo with a yellow slim body... I honestly dont know how it took me this long to figure out.

    Link for the lazies: https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Flint_%28Elite_Four%29

    submitted by /u/Kritzhi
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    I love how Fossil Pokemon are “weak” until Gen 8

    Posted: 26 Jun 2021 03:19 PM PDT

    Fossil Pokemon have been a mainstay since the very first game. Almost every major region has introduced new fossil Pokemon which are revived and you get these cool Rock types which always have two glaring features:

    1. Their designs are amazing


    1. Despite decent stats, are deceptively frail

    And while we can argue that yes Aerodactyl is quite serviceable and the likes of Omastar can Shell Smash to become powerful, or how Bastiodon, Cradily and Armaldo even have the defence to tank hits, none of them really match up to their designs, in-game or competitively (I'm sorry Steven)

    Here is my theory as to why: they are extinct! By definition fossil Pokemon were extinct which implies there is a degree of real world survival of the fittest happening in the Pokemon world.

    Now traditionally we expect the extinction of species in the real world to be tied to either that or to some cataclysmic event such as meteors or volcanic eruptions. However the Pokemon world has conveniently placed legendaries to prevent exactly that! We already know Rayquaza destroyed a threatening meteor once. We know Groudon and Kyogre keep each other in check under Rayquaza's surveillance. Heatran alone isnt world-endingly powerful

    And if you notice, lot of them have a very readily exploitable quadruple weakness. Grass for the Kanto pair, fighting for Bastiodon and Aurorus, etc. And even in the case of Armaldo and Cradily who have bulk, they have so many weaknesses that its not impossible for them to have been extinct through combat

    But you may ask, what about the threatening gen 8 legendaries? Well don't forget they are freaks (sorry)! They are chimaera beings which might have been quite exploitable with their original typings

    Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/InfinitySlayer8
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    Who is the most powerful Pokémon?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 06:08 AM PDT

    So I've heard it was Mewtwo but then I discovered Arceus, now correct me if I'm wrong but aren't they suppose to be the Pokémon's franchise equivalent of God? If so then I would presume that Arceus is the most powerful Pokémon, several news articles suggested this as well

    However then I discovered Pokémon such as Primal Groundon and Eternimax which have much higher base stats

    So what's going on?? Which one is really the most powerful??

    submitted by /u/Sabre_Killer_Queen
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    Strongest Pokémon champion (gen 1-5)

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 06:38 AM PDT

    With each regions end you fight the elite four and then the champion as we have all seen, I threw in the remakes for the labels and correct me if I'm wrong but I don't recall battling Wallace with his champion team like in emerald in Oras.

    Also yes I'm counting N as a Pokémon champion due to him beating Alder, and if the player becomes champion after beating the champion it should count for N too.

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    submitted by /u/Techsreddit
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    How Ghetsis could work as a Smash Fighter

    Posted: 26 Jun 2021 05:34 PM PDT

    Yes, I decided to redo a previous concept. Fight me, in Smash.

    The mastermind of Team Plasma, adoptive father and manipulator of N, and one of the vilest villains to attempt control over the world of Pokemon, Ghetsis comes to the world of Smash. Ghetsis brings three Pokemon with him, Cofagrigus the Coffin Pokemon, Eelektross the EleFish Pokemon, and Hydreigon the Brutal Pokemon. These brutes will help him in the conquering of the Smash world.

    Notes: All three Pokemon will be heavyweight fighters with large hit boxes, but would all be rather floaty. All three Pokemon are rather slow, with Eelektross being the fastest and Cofagrigus the slowest. All three Pokemon have three basic jumps and a slow decent of falling. Cofagrigus can wall cling, and Eelektross can crawl.


    Cofagrigus: will swing one arm forward, slam another down, and then claps its lower hands together

    Eelektross: Eelektross will do two swinging punches

    Hydreigon: Hydreigon will do a double-hit with its arms before releasing a flurry of embers

    Dash Attack:

    Cofagrigus: Cofagrigus lunges forward for a diving body slam, with some bad end lag as a result

    Eelektross: Eelektross rushes forward on the ground

    Hydreigon: Hydreigon charges forward for a brutal, crunching bite

    Forward Tilt:

    Cofagrigus: Cofagrigus will swing a clawed arm forward far distance

    Eelektross: Eelektross will whip its head forward for a biting attack

    Hydreigon: Hydreigon will throw a fireball forward

    Up Tilt:

    Cofagrigus: Cofagrigus will make several shadowy wisps swirl above it

    Eelektross: Eelektross will shoot several sparks into the air

    Hydreigon: Hydreigon will do an upward bite

    Down Tilt:

    Cofagrigus: Cofagrigus will create two shadowy domes on either side of it, serving as weak explosives for a split second

    Eelektross: The user will slam its tail on the ground

    Hydreigon: The Dragon-type will swing its tail in a circle

    Forward Smash:

    Cofagrigus: Cofagrigus creates a massive Shadow Ball in front of it to trap foes in for flinching damage, before the orb explodes and launces the foe forward

    Eelektross: Eelektross encases its arms in electricty and slams them into the ground

    Hydreigon: Hydreigon shoots a blast of dark energy right into the ground in front of it, causing a geyser of shadowy energy to erupt

    Up Smash:

    Cofagrigus: Cofagrigus summons three will-o-wisps above it that spin around before exploding

    Eelektross: Eelektross spits a ball of acid in the air that bursts into a toxic blast

    Hydreigon: Hydreigon's arms rise up while exhaling blazing fumes

    Down Smash:

    Cofagrigus: Slams all of its arms into the ground, this having a dangerous amount of horizontal range

    Eelektross: Eelektross creates a massive discharge of voltage on the ground

    Hydreigon: Hydreigon slams its body into the ground, an attack with solid burying potential with the downside of some end lag

    Grabs/Pummels: Cofagrigus wraps a target in its long arms and begins to constrict them, Eelektross wraps a foe in its body and begins to bite them, and Hydreigon grabs a foe with its arms and headbutts them with the central head

    Forward Throw:

    Cofagrigus: Cofagrigus sucks the foe into its sarcophagus, and then shoots them out as several bandages fly out as well

    Eelektross: The eel-like Pokemon lifts the foe up with its sucker mouth, and spits them out a decent distance depending on the target's weight

    Hydreigon: Hydreigon spins around, letting go of the target as they fly forwards

    Back Throw:

    Cofagrigus: Cofagrigus sucks the foe into its sarcophagus, and then shoots them out as several bandages fly out as well. It turns around as a result of the move

    Eelektross: Eelektross spins around, and pushes the target with its electrified arms like they were defibrillators

    Hydreigon: Hydreigon spins around, letting go of the target as they fly backwards

    Up Throw: All three Pokemon will release the target, allowing Ghetsis' Seismitoad to jump out for a Bulldoze, launching the foe into the air

    Down Throw: All three Pokemon will release the target, allowing Ghetsis' Bisharp to deliver a brutal Guillotine attack for massive damage

    Neutral Aerial:

    Cofagrigus: Cofagrigus's arms disappear as several wisps appear around it for burning damage

    Eelektross: Eelektross flails its body around wildly, with its entire body serving as a reckless hitbox

    Hydreigon: Hydreigon shoots a slow moving fireball forward

    Forward Aerial:

    Cofagrigus: Cofagrigus slams its arms downward, knocking foes down

    Eelektross: Eelektross will dash forwards a far distance, knocking foes out of the way

    Hydreigon: Hydreigon thrusts its heads forward for a triple headbutt

    Back Aerial:

    Cofagrigus: Cofagrigus spins around, with two arms on one side doing an awkward lariat

    Eelektross: Eelektross whips its tail backwards

    Hydreigon: Hydreigon turns around to bite the nearest thing to it

    Up Aerial:

    Cofagrigus: Cofagrigus claps its hands upward, doing small flinching damage

    Eelektross: Eelektross creates a small orb of energy above it in its arms, and it sputters out several jolts of electricity

    Hydreigon: Hydreigon does a quick lunge upwards for a biting attack from its arms

    Down Aerial:

    Cofagrigus: Cofagrigus plummets straight down, with its entire body being a hitbox. Being hit while directly under the Ghost-type will have a spiking chance. Cofagrigus will plummet straight down until it hits the ground or blast zone.

    Eelektross: Eelektross will do a quick downward headbutt

    Hydreigon: Hydreigon shoots several meteors downward as explosive, gravity effected projectiles. This move can only be used once in the air

    Special Moves:

    Neutral Special:

    Cofagrigus: Night Shade

    The user shoots two dark energy beams from its eyes. These energy beams have long range and decent damage, but cannot KO or launch a fighter. The move can be used for an indefinite amount of time, but they are locked in the same position unless they are attacked or release the B button.

    Eelektross: Zap Cannon

    Eelektross will have a charged attack that will grow in size and travelling distance with a longer charge. This attack does massive damage with a solid chance to launch, but it moves pretty slow. At the end of of its travel, it explodes into an electrical explosion.

    Hydreigon: Tri Attack

    Hydreigon summons three orbs of energy, and shoots them each as a beam of elemental energy. The beams are basic attacks, but can burn, freeze, or paralyze targets at random. The attack is rather fast, so Hydreigon has a window to attack foes while they are afflicted with a condition.

    Side Special:

    Cofagrigus: Toxic Fumes

    Cofagrigus exhales a stream of short-ranged toxic gases. These gases will immediately poison any target who gets too close. The fumes do no damage, but slightly push targets back

    Eelektross: Electrical Current

    Eelektross slams its arms on the ground, creating an electrical shockwave that travels through the ground at incredible speeds until it reaches the end of the stage/platform. This grounded attack paralyzes foes caught in its electrical reach with some small damage. It doubles damage on buried foes, but doesn't paralyze them

    Hydreigon: Snarl

    Hydreigon releases several dark energy waves from its mouth to do damage. This has average knockback, and will weaken the attack power of any opponents in its attack vicinity. The attack has ok range and damage, but serves more as a defensive move

    Up Special:

    Cofagrigus: Phantom Force

    Cofagrigus fades into darkness, and via player control, reappears at a higher distance in any direction to deliver a powerful attack before going into freefall. Cofagrigus's Phantom Force has a good chance to launch foes. Cofagrigus can only use this once in the air

    Eelektross: Volt Switch

    Eelektross shoots a ball of electricity up in the air. If it hits a target, the two players immediately switch places. This electrical orb does little damage, but moves a decent speed.

    Hydreigon: Dragon Rush

    Hydreigon jets up high in the air, leaving behind a dark blue trail of energy. This rushing attack does high damage with heavy knockback to anyone caught in its path. This move can be pointed in any direction, and can actually be used twice in air before going into freefall.

    Down Special: A Pokemon Switch that goes from Cofagrigus, to Eelektross, and finally to Hydreigon and back.

    FINAL SMASH: Mastermind's Ice Storm

    All three Pokemon will create a trapping move in front of them. For Cofagrigus, a Shadow Ball; for Eelektross, a massive ball of electricity; and Hydreigon gets a large draconic energy sphere, all of which serve the same purpose. All foes caught in the attack will be placed in a cinematic smash within the Giant Chasm where Ghetsis calls out Kyurem. The Boundary Pokemon will roar into the air, summoning several massive icicles that circle around the players before crashing into them. This does massive damage, and will KO any targets with high enough damage.

    Alternate costumes:

    1. Ghetsis appears in his outfit from Pokemon Black 2 and White 2
    2. Ghetsis' outfit turns white and red, giving his Pokemon red hues (based on Reshiram)
    3. Ghetsis' outfit turns black and blue, giving his Pokemon blue hues (based on Zekrom)
    4. Ghetis' outfit turns green and brown, giving his Pokemon white hues (based on N)
    5. Ghetsis gains an alternate costume based on his appearance from Black and White, his Pokemon take on purple hues
    6. Ghetsis' B/W outfit turns gray and cyan, giving his Pokemon gray hues (based on Kyurem)
    7. Ghetsis' B/W outfit turns purple and black, giving his Pokemon purple hues (based on Zinzolin)
    8. Ghetsis' B/W outfit turns yellow and light blue, giving his Pokemon yellow hues (based on Colress)


    1. Cofagrigus will do a sinister laugh, Eelektross will bounce around with its yellow spots lighting up, and Hydreigon will exhale some burning embers
    2. Cofagrigus will go to sleep, with its arms disappearing, Eelektross will flail its head around while screeching, and Hydreigon will give a menacing growl
    3. Cofagrigus will open its sarcophagus, with several bandages falling out, Eelektross will do several slashing motions, and Hydreigon will flap its wings a bit to gain some extra air

    Victory Animations:

    1. Ghetsis raises his staff in the air as several Plasma grunts kneel behind him, and the winning Pokemon stands by his side to give a mighty roar
    2. Ghetsis arrives on a flying Kyurem, and calls out the winning Pokemon as he descends from the ground and says " I am absolute perfection."
    3. All that is shown is a desolate wasteland of ice, with Ghetsis' staff being planted firmly in the ground.
    submitted by /u/Kapples14
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    What Dragon type Pokemon has the best move pool/coverage?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2021 04:58 PM PDT

    Currently putting together an all Dragon team and I've come to the conclusion that im gonna need one team member for type coverage. So that being said, which dragon types have the best move variety in their learnset?

    I'm also open to using any Pokemon that are technically not dragon type, as long as they can at least pass for a dragon. For example, Charizard and Gyarados are most likely going to be a part of the team even though they aren't dragon type, but I mean, someone tell me how they aren't dragons.

    Edit: Just for clarification: this is mainly for a Pixelmon server me and some friends made recently. So no restrictions, every Pokemon is available with their most recent move pool being the one that's used in game.

    submitted by /u/LoQualityTV
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    The "Pokemon calls for Help" feature is on one hand a nice touch; on the other completely annoying

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 08:10 AM PDT

    Like, I get why it exists - to have multi-battles with wild Pokemon and to make it seem more like they're animals living together etc.

    But on the other hand, at higher levels it is a complete waste of time and just wastes the end of a turn for you. At lowers levels it is frustrating and slows you down from training or catching the Pokemon you want. The fact that they can try it EVERY turn as well is super frustrating.

    At best, it should be limited to ONE time per battle, and it has a 50/50 chance, and the wild Pokemon doesn't get a second chance if they fail.

    submitted by /u/ParagonFury
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    Most Underrated Music in Pokemon Games?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2021 08:14 PM PDT

    Since Gen 1, one of my favorite things about the games has always been the music

    What songs from the games have you always loved but never felt like they get the attention they deserve?

    I've always loved the theme from outside the League building in Sinnoh, and how it has a daytime and nighttime version


    What about you?

    submitted by /u/blondicon
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    What is your favorite middle gen Pokemon game and why?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    I personally love Gen 3 because in my opinion it has the most well rounded Pokemon selection. I enjoy how the mons don't seem repetitive like Kakuna and Metapod (yes I know bugs have cocoons). My favorite Pokemon, besides Shellos and Crustle are found in Gen 3: Skitty, Seviper, Metagross, Walrein and Camrupt. The only pokemon I hate in Gen 3 are Slaking and the Regis.

    I can see the argument for Gen 5, it's my third favorite after all, but I also have a lot of Pokemon I don't like from that gen. It felt like there were to many legionaries for me.

    What is your favorite and why?

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    submitted by /u/GoldenSkitty
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    Which is the weakest HM Move in Battle from this List?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 10:50 AM PDT

    As we know, HM moves are used to help us navigate throughout the Pokémon world. However, some are very good in battles, while some others struggle to show their value. Which HM move do you think is the worst in battle? IMO it would be Rock Smash (from this list) , since it is such a low power move. Keep in mind that Defog, Rock Climb ,Flash etc. are not included on this list.

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    submitted by /u/StrawberryGod06
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    What was a/some dumb things/thing u thaught about pokemon when you were younger or a child?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 06:37 AM PDT

    1. switching meant trading

    i thaught that if u pressed switch you would trade pokemon with the trainer i was battling

    1. the only way to catch elektrike was by using a quick ball

    i think i thaught this because when i played pokemon brick bronze (first pokemon game i played) there was a quick ball on the same route i dont exactly know why i thaught this

    submitted by /u/Emil_thegamer
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    If Stealth Rock was never a TM, how would the competitive scene be?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 12:33 PM PDT

    Stealth Rock was a TM in Gen 4, being given to you by Roark after you beat him. And of course a variety of Pokémon can learn it, like the dominant Skarmory. However, only the Geodude line, the Onix line, the Gigalith line, the Crustle line, the Tyrantrum line, Carbink, Diancie, the Lycanroc's, Minior, Necrozma, Coalossal and Stonjourner can learn it by TM, and the best three in the competitive scene out of all of them is Necrozma, Gigalith and Diancie. Toxic Spikes is also a TR in Gen 8, but it's not as important so I'm not counting it.

    submitted by /u/RazorLeafie
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    Rant about the GTS

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 10:48 AM PDT

    I started trying to complete my pokédex in Y and i really thought it wouldn't be so hard because of the GTS. Well i was wrong. I don't need the shiny form and it being level 100 while your username is shady af. Also if you want to give me a Chespin level 15 than why do i have to give you a Palkia level 91-100? What is wrong with those people? Why do people think i'm in need of hacked pokémon?

    I was wondering why they didn't add this with swsh but I get it, the GTS is so toxic. All i wanted was that little help in completing my dex, it's only going to take me longer than i thought it would.

    submitted by /u/wnderfulsmiler
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