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    Pokémon Just replayed Platinum... Best Decision

    Pokémon Just replayed Platinum... Best Decision

    Just replayed Platinum... Best Decision

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 11:00 PM PDT

    Context: Pokemon Platinum was my first Pokemon game. I played it at age 8 in 2009.

    The game is very very nostalgic for me. The sounds, the graphics, anything about it will take me back to an innocent simpler stage of my life. The pandemic has made me (and I assume many others) want to relive the easier days of our childhood.

    Now, out of nowhere, I decided to play Pokemon Platinum in early June. I haven't played through Platinum completely since the early 2010s, and let me tell you... I'm so glad I did. I've done a lot of activities during the pandemic (at home ofc), but this has to be one of my favorites.

    I usually like to play Pokemon for competitive battling or Nuzlockes. That's been my mentality since X/Y released. But this time, I decided to play Platinum as if I was 8 again. Meaning, I pick my team based on Pokemon I think are cool. Even if they're hard to get (Gliscor and Driflimb) or much rarer than those on most teams (Froslass), I tried to make this experience feel extremely personalized.

    With this mentality, I felt like I was taken back to 2009 while I played. I didn't think about a pandemic. I didn't think about all the stresses of being a college student (Computer Engineering if curious). I just felt free, and this was one of the best (if not the best) Pokemon playthough I've ever done.

    The game was magical to me in 2009, and playing it with the same mentality revived that magic in 2021.

    (Also today I found a random shiny Shinx! My first ever shiny in the gen 4 games)


    TLDR: Play your first Pokemon game, as if you were the age you first played it. It's perfect escapism.

    submitted by /u/Seg_Faults_Hurt
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    What pokemon line do you think needs an evolution most?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 02:41 AM PDT

    So this can be an evolution at anypoint in the evolutionary line, for e.g.

    maybe you think there should be a pre evolution to sneasel

    Maybe you think there should be an evolution between magikarp and gyarados

    Or you just want a second evolution to a pokemon thst doesn't evolve like spiritomb

    Or you want a third evolution to a line like an evolution for noctowl

    It could even be a split evolution like how gloom can evolve into vileplume or bellossom

    Pretty much whatever you want. The only rule is no mega evolutions.

    My choice would be kantonian Mr. Mime, as a kid a hated Mr. Mime and Jinx borh, they were peak uncanny valley for me but after watching detective pikachu where they imbraced that and delibrately gave him psychotic serial killer vibes and further embraced it in pokemon journeys, I've come to really like Mr. Mime and considering the galerian mr. Mime got an evolution, I'd really like to see one for the kantonian version.

    submitted by /u/ebrithil110
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    I can't be the only one who's actually excited for BDSP, right?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 08:16 AM PDT

    I know what you're thinking. I've seen the criticism surrounding BDSP, and the overall reception has been very negative ever since the reveal trailer. It largely seems to have stemmed from the chibi art style of the games (also from what I've seen, quite a few people are claiming it looks like a cheap mobile game), but other factors seem to have come into play, such as whether they might end up being 1:1 remakes of DP, the fact that we haven't had substantial news for just over 4 months, as well as the recent stigmas surrounding SwSh and how they will end up affecting BDSP. It's gotten to the point where I've seen a few people claiming that the game is going to be bad, purely based on a single trailer.

    However, the problem is that I feel like it's gotten really hard to actually express positive thoughts and be excited about BDSP, because the most it will likely do is ignite discussions about the game that will often paint it in a negative light. As for my thoughts, I'm still remaining cautiously optimistic, and at some points I've felt excited at the prospect of going back to Sinnoh again. While Ruby was my first game, it was Platinum where my love for Pokemon truly took off, and even DP on their own, despite being flawed (and these issues will hopefully be fixed here) I have associated with various childhood memories, most of them from school. I'm also looking forward to the remixed soundtracks, as well as being able to take part in optional gameplay modes that I hope are expanded, such as Contests and the Underground (which I honestly hope make use of online capabilities; ORAS had a massive missed opportunity with this regarding Contests). As for the art style, I really don't mind it at all. I think it looks cute, a neat throwback to the original sprites, and possibly a means to ensure that the sense of scale from the original game was preserved.

    Are any of you also excited for BDSP, or is it just me? Even if this is not the case, how are you feeling about BDSP, as it stands?

    submitted by /u/HeroLinik
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    Pokémon fans are weird

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 04:28 AM PDT

    So, when megaevolution came around I remember very well everyone saying that was a broken mechanic and that was unfair that not all Pokémon could get access to mega, making some Pokémon more viable than others and making the competitive scene more boring. Then when dynamax and gigantamax came they started saying that was just "pokemon big" (ignoring gigantamax forms that are basically megas) and that was dumb that every pokemon could dynamax because it makes the game unpredictable and more luck based. Why can't people just be happy or stop playing altogether? They are gonna complain no matter what.

    submitted by /u/Kustler
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    If you could eat any Pokémon what would you eat and how would you prepare it?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 09:34 AM PDT

    I would eat Cosmog brownies. I would use a standard brownie recipe then add a couple of Cosmog a to the mix and bake at 350 for that oh so sweet crunchy edge and soft center brownie. Then I would sprinkle a few Cosmog pieces on top for presentation.

    Also maybe Arceus, just curious how Pokémon tastes like. I think good?

    submitted by /u/scorchknights
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    How do you use legendaries in your Pokémon games?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 08:18 AM PDT

    Sup trainers, I've been playing Black 2 and as you (should) know you can catch the Swords of Justice mid-game and use them on your team. I'm using Coballion because he fits my team best (and it's my favorite), but it got me thinking about legendaries in other games. I've used Primal Groudon and Rayquaza in Omega Ruby before and I think Eternatus, but other than that, I don't believe I've ever used a legendary in a play-through. And so I pose this poll to you, it will NOT be changing my opinion on using legendaries but I wanted to know what other people thought.

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    submitted by /u/SmileyAce3
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    Are the Pokémon movies ‘canon’?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 03:19 AM PDT

    I've just started watching Pokémon Journeys for the first time and Ash runs into a legendary Pokémon he's met before so I was curious to ask if the movies are canon as the there was no 'nice to see you again'

    Are there multiple of the same legendary Pokémon? I know in an early episode there was a Lugia and a baby Lugia.

    Has Ash ever met a legendary he has met before and/or mentioned the events of the movie the legendary was a part of?

    Thanks for answering in advance!

    submitted by /u/Drathyyy
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    Based Generation 4 opinion

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 09:31 AM PDT

    In my honest opinion having played gen four tons of times over, I can say turtwig is the right choice good and solid early on and has the bonus of being adorable and badass in later game, chimchar May have better stats and typing but nothing to me is better then that grassy turtle in d/p/pl….. so long story short TURTWIG SUPREMACY, anyway let me know if you guys agree?

    submitted by /u/SpadedAced
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    Just started Let’s go and loving it. What’s your surprise pokemon game you ended up liking?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 11:50 AM PDT

    Finally got a copy of let's go and I just have to say I am in love with this game, what a great bit of nostalgia and the art style is just beautiful! Can't believe I've sat on this for so long, I really didn't expect to like it and it's now easily in my top 3!

    Did anyone else get pleasantly surprised by a game they didn't expect to like?

    submitted by /u/Jack_ljb93
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    imo BDSP look adorable

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 08:02 AM PDT

    I really like that they went for a remaster look instead of remake.

    I think the only improvement that they should really do is with the lighting. The shados arent strong enough but tbh that's such a small thing so it doesn't really matter.
    Also the hands. Why do they have fingers. It's creepy.

    But all in all i really can't see why some of you guys are so upset. Maybe it's because of your expectations being too specific. I didn't really expect anything tbh (I actually didn't want them to announce remakes at all) so this was more of a suprise than a disappointment. Still i can't really change peoples opinions when it comes to art.

    But saying that the whole game is gonna be trash or whatever is just wrong.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/MicaMicaMica12
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    My list of the coolest pokemon

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 08:27 AM PDT

    Golurk, A giant knight powered by ancient and unknown energy which can fly, what more do you want?

    Blaziken, Self explanatory, a flaming chicken which can beat the shit out of you with their powerful legs

    Tyranitar, It's godzilla

    Aggron, Kinda like Godzilla, but made from steel

    Excadrill, A pokemon with very sharp claws with a "drill" on it's head

    Krookodile, It wears sunglasses and it looks like it will kill you if you look at him wrong

    Machamp, A strong as hell pokemon with 4 arms who can fling you over the hill

    Hydrogion, A three headed dragon based on mythology, who doesn't like that

    Ho-oh, Japanese flaming rainbow bird

    Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Elemental dogs are no joke

    Zapados, Moltres, Articune, Same as the legendary dogs

    Mewtwo, A genetic experiment resulting in a powerful cat

    submitted by /u/SickSickleDude
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    Observation about the EXP Share

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 09:46 AM PDT

    This post may not have much a point but its something that I've realized when talking to a friend who's played Pokemon but isn't really into it.

    My friend and I were talking and Pokemon came up in the conversation. He mentioned how one of the reasons he never got into Pokemon was because of the fact that you have to level up each mon in your party for the gym and then once you beat that gym, you do that again for the next. I looked at him with both confusion and a sense of "well... yeah."

    I was confused because that was kind of the enjoyment of Pokemon. Training up your favorite monsters and making them be the best they can be. He even mentioned prior that Pokemon's concept of literally catching and raising hundreds of different monsters is one of the best ideas for a video game.

    I then said to him that he would probably like the newer games (gens 6-8) because of the EXP Share, and also mentioned how I usually turn it on and off to not get left behind the level curve but also to not be overleveled, to which he replied with "Oh I'd never turn that off."

    I found it really interesting that to many of us in the community, we don't really like that the new EXP share is mandatory and would at least be given the option to turn it off. Versus someone who isn't a part of the community actually really likes the idea of it.

    I guess it was really shocking to me because it showed that some GameFreak's decisions aren't really made for the benefit of hardcore people and are more geared towards a casual audience.

    submitted by /u/LunaRose_17
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    With the new Galar region, we have now been introduced to a total of 6 Titan (Regi) Pokemon. Out of the 6, which one is your favorite? Comment below which one is your least favorite

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 08:53 PM PDT

    Going way back, we got the Original Trio with Regirock, Registeel, and Regice. Then, we got Regigigas. And now with the new Galar Pokémon, we now have two more Titans; Regieleki and Regidrago. Grouping all 6 together, which one is your favorite? Why?

    Also, comment which one is your least favorite. I'd love to have a conversation with you guys about your favorites and least favorites

    Can't wait to see the results. For me, I'd probably have to say my favorite is Regice. I doubt it will get the most votes but idk why, ive just always loved Regice. But in order, my favorites are Regice, Registeel, and Regidrago. What about you?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/M9L9_B
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