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    Saturday, August 14, 2021

    Pokémon What’s your favorite fully evolved Water type starter?

    Pokémon What’s your favorite fully evolved Water type starter?

    What’s your favorite fully evolved Water type starter?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 01:16 AM PDT

    What's your favorite fully evolved water type starter? Sadly reddit polls only have a maximum of 6 options, so I'll have to go with the first 6 generations because these are most likely to have the most amount of votes. Besides, sobble and popplio seem to be liked more than their fully evolved forms.

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    submitted by /u/pleasebe_nice
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    Too many or not, Hoenn has the best water routes in the series

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 04:13 AM PDT

    This may be my worst Pokemon opinion, but I really think the Hoenn region has the most fleshed out water routes of any Pokemon game. Everything from the raging currents of route 134, to stumbling upon areas like Pacifidlog Town and Sea Mauville, diving, the chance Mirage Island spawns...I could go on, they just made sure there was so much to them!

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/HudsonTheFunniMan
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    Choose a pokemon move as your superpower

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 08:13 AM PDT

    Imagine that you can have superpowers, but you can only select a pokemon move. What pokemon move will you select to be your superpower?

    You can select any pokemon move from the mainstream pokemon games. You cannot change it later. If you can explain why you chose the move.

    Weak moves + Innovative uses are most welcome. I want to see the potential of the moves exploited.

    submitted by /u/sudobee
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    Who is the strongest/toughest first gym leader?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 09:05 AM PDT

    I'm trying to figure out who the strongest gym leaders are based on order, ie.) this is for first gym leaders.

    I can only use 6 options, but at the very least, it's easier to axe first leaders. If you struggled with the triplets, then you are playing the game wrong, and I don't know if Milo was particularly strong in his own right. So based on these, who was the toughest?

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    submitted by /u/X_Sacred_X
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    In the Pokémon universe, airplanes were probably reverse engineered by observing Latios and Latias

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 12:03 AM PDT

    I think we most often look at the Latis and see the obvious inspiration from airplanes in the real world, but it's cool to think that people in the Pokémon world might have seen their jet-like design and were inspired the other way around. Or maybe I'm just overthinking the implications of the Pokémon world. Probably that.

    submitted by /u/ohbyerly
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    It would be super awesome if they made alt forms of Voltorb/Electrode as all the different Pokeball types. A luxury ball Voltorb would be so cool.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 09:08 AM PDT

    They could make it into it's own mini side quest. Some NPC wants to see all the different Voltorb/Electrode variants. You get a checklist to keep track. You can find all the different Pokeball types except for one of course. The Masterball looking Voltorb would be your reward for showing the NPC all the other ones. Just like there (usually) being only one obtainable Masterball through normal means, there is only one obtainable Masterball-Voltorb.

    submitted by /u/AIMWSTRN
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    What was your first ever Pokémon?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 01:27 AM PDT

    The answer to this post must be the first Pokémon you owned, either in the games or merchandising (TCG, plushies, etc.).

    Mine was Magnemite. I know it's a weird thing, but I got it as a trading card when I was only 3 years old, 2 years before I started playing the videogames. I surprisingly still have it in a good condition, and 2 years ago or so got a Magneton from the same card expansion (Diamond & Pearl), so now I'm only missing Magnezone.

    After that card, I started growing my interest in Pokémon, and being 5 years old I would get a DS Lite and play Diamond for a few days (a friend broke my game by trading me a Torterra for my Turtwig), then Platinum (I was a pirate then). Nowadays, I still love Magnemite and its evolutionary line because a random school boy gifting it to me changed my life a lot more than I could think then.

    submitted by /u/Ravenoon
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    Theory: Cara Liss shows us why all fossils from Gens 1-6 are Rock-Types

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 02:08 AM PDT

    I've always found it odd that all fossils are Rock-Type, but I've just accepted it as a way to differentiate them from the rest of the cast, but now that's no longer the case. Cara Liss proved that Pokémon revived from fossils don't become Rock-Types under certain conditions with the creation of Dracovish, Dracozolt, Arctovish and Arctozolt. But what are these conditions? This also raises another question: Were all Pokémon alive back then actually Rock-Types? We know that Relicanth was a Water/Rock back then because it never went extinct or changed in over 100 million years. We also know that Aerodactyl was a Rock/Flying Pokémon when it was alive because of its Mega, which is stated to be how it truly was in ancient times. This not only proves that Aerodactyl was a Rock/Flying Type in ancient times, but also that the resurrection process isn't perfect. If it was perfect, then Mega Aerodactyl would be normal Aerodactyl. (Or the mega could have been artificially created, who knows?) Now why aren't the Galar fossils Rock-Types while all the other fossils are?

    I thought long and hard, did a lot of research and came to the conclusion that it has to do with how many bones were used to resurrect the Pokémon. You need 2 fossils to bring back a Galar Fossil Pokémon while you only need 1 for the rest. 1 fossil might not be enough to fully resurrect a Pokémon, so the machines need a way to fill in the gaps. In Jurassic Park, the scientists used frog DNA to fill in the gaps in the dinosaur DNA. (I still don't understand why they didn't use bird or reptile DNA for that.) Whatever the machines do to fill in these gaps makes the newly revived Pokémon a Rock-Type. In both cases, we can see that there are inaccuracies. Jurassic Park's Dilophosaurus spits poison when it shouldn't and your newly revived fossil becomes a Rock-Type when it probably shouldn't. As for why the Galar fossils are the way they are, Cara Liss likely got the machines to spit out a non-Rock Pokémon by supplying them with enough bones so there wouldn't be any gaps, but made abominations that live in pain due to her incompetence.

    Now back to the question "Were all fossil Pokémon actually Rock-Types when they were alive?" I find it hard to believe that all Pokémon back then were Rock-Type even though less than 8% of all Pokémon today are actually Rock-Types.

    To prove that not all fossils mons were truly Rock-Types when they were alive, I present Anorith and Armaldo. They are 2 of the 3 non-Water Pokémon to have the Swift Swim ability, with the third being Beartic, a polar bear, an animal known for swimming in cold waters. Furthermore, Anorith and Armaldo learn a lot of Water moves. In fact, they can learn more Water moves than Bug moves and are one of the few non-Water Pokémon to learn Water Gun by level-up.

    The non-Waters that get Water Gun by Level-Up can be put into 3 categories: Goomy, aquatic creatures like Stunfisk and Pincurchin, and Pokémon that evolve from or into Water-Types like Dragalge and Azurill. Anorith and Armaldo are based on prehistoric shrimp, so they fall under the aquatic creatures category. If that wasn't enough, in the Crown Tundra DLC, they even follow you in the water. All of this suggests that Anorith and Armaldo could have actually been Water/Bug Pokémon when they were alive millions of years ago and that the faulty resurrection process turned them into Rock/Bug-Types.

    Also, according to the Pokédex entries, we know that Tyrantrum lived over 100 million years ago and that Alolan Ninetales became an Ice-Type to adapt to its new home in the mountains. This proves that Pokémon can change type due to natural selection and that the ancient Pokémon almost certainly had enough time to change their type to adapt to their current environment. Of course, natural selection starts with a pressure to adapt, so did that pressure exist back then? Of course. Case in point: Anorith and Armaldo again. Do you think a Pokémon that is not only weak to Water, but also struggles against bulky Water-Types would be great at hunting Water-Type Pokémon in the wild? No, of course not. A Water/Bug type would be much better at handling Water-Types than a Rock/Bug Pokémon.

    If my theory about scientists not using enough material to properly revive fossils is true, then what would happen if Cara Liss didn't suck at her job and assembled the fossils properly? Would we see non-Rock fossils like a Water/Bug Armaldo and see how the Galar fossils really looked like when they were alive?

    TL;DR: Cara Liss's fossil mixing shows us that other scientists aren't using enough bones to properly revive fossils and the resurrected Pokémon become Rock-Types as a result.

    EDIT: I edited this for clarity and typos.

    EDIT 2: I remembered Relicanth existed as an example of a Rock-Type in ancient times, but I can also point to the the fact that Shellder are confirmed to have existed alongside Omastar.

    submitted by /u/a526135
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    My 7 year old brother is playing Shield as his first Pokémon game. Thought I’d share some of what he’s said while playing

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 12:23 PM PDT

    "Is there a spider Pokémon?"

    "Why do I have to be friends with this guy"

    "I wish you could say something mean to them, especially hop"

    "How did that old woman get a diamond?"

    "He just never gives me a minute to have a nice time"

    "When can I get the spider?"

    "I don't want to be nice to hop"

    "Is this where I get the spider?"

    "WOAHHH" (upon seeing Pangoro)

    "Shut up"

    "Do I still have to follow mr talks a lot?"

    Edit: yes he caught a Joltik

    submitted by /u/AngloKiller
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    Use code V1CT0RYENG1NE25 to receive Wolfe's Coalossal in Pokémon Sword & Shield!

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 09:19 AM PDT

    The code to receive Wolfe's GMAX Coalossal has been announced:

    • V1CT0RYENG1NE25
    • The password will work until August 16, 2021.

    Event Details:

    GMAX Coalossal

    • OT: Wolfe
    • ID: 210813
    • Level: 50
    • Female
    • Ability: Steam Engine
    • Nature: Modest
    • Hold Item: Weakness Policy
    • Moves: Heat Wave, Meteor Beam, Protect, and Solar Beam
    • Ribbon: Battle Champion Ribbon
    • Extras: Gigamax Factor and Dynamax Level 10

    Nintendo Switch Online is not needed to redeem Mystery Gifts!

    how to redeem 🎁

    X Menu (not Y-Link)

    Mystery Gift

    Get a Mystery Gift

    Get with Code/Password

    [input code]

    Save your game!

    Player's Cup Invitational Livestream: here

    submitted by /u/fernnifer
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    Your job in the Pokémon world

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 07:44 AM PDT

    If we lived in a world with Pokémon how would your job be different? Which Pokémon would be most helpful at work? And how would the Pokémon or other items that exist change your job.

    For example this summer I worked for an HVAC distributor as an intern. Honestly Pokémon would probably completely change the industry but if it didn't change too much.

    In the warehouse some Machamp would've been nice, or maybe like a Gengar who could fly up to high shelves to move things.

    Counter sales I feel like they'd want something cute up front and something functional like a Poliwag to fill up water for techs who run out on jobs after coming by to get supplies.

    Purchasing would probably want an Alakazam or psychic type with future sight to predict what we'd need.

    Techs would probably want a Frostlass or Glacion to help keep them cool and some sort of fire type maybe a Growlith or magby for the heating side of it. Both would be functional for the job side of it too.

    Just thought this would be cool to see what people think a functional partner Pokémon could be for their jobs.

    submitted by /u/Ironman870
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    Which Eeveelution do you think (If they existed in real life) would be the most dangerous and harmful to people/nature?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 09:58 AM PDT

    Who doesn't love cute lovable cat, fox, dog things? Who doesn't love cats that can burn houses down or cats so powerful they manipulate dark energy and kill things around them?Despite these cuties being helpful in Pokemon, they wouldn't be that stable in real life. But which would be the most unstable and harmful to humankind and the environment around us? (including the forests, seas, arctic etc.)I'm not including Eevee, Leafeon or Sylveon for starters because of the max limit of options and secondly because Leafeon and Sylveon are goody-two shoes nature loving eeveelutions.

    No answer is wrong, as every Eevee wields magical powers that can blow a house down, but the main purpose of this poll is to determine what you guys think is the Eeveelution capable of ending mankind by simply existing.

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    submitted by /u/Novel_Pristine
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    Favorite fully evolved grass type starter?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 10:58 AM PDT

    Yeah so i got inspired by the water type poll so i made one for grass types, as they said you can only put 6 options so i gollowed their example with the first 6 gens even though rillaboom is really cool. My personal pick is probably Serperior but i also really like Sceptile.

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    submitted by /u/helmantoss
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    Best Pokedex design

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 09:40 AM PDT

    My favorite is probably the Rotom one, I'm used to seeing it the most and I also like that it's possesed by a rotom

    I also like the Kalos one because its it uses a hologram which I as an 8/9 year old kid thought was way more cooler than the Rotom dex only for only that reason, cuz it uses holograms

    but I dont know why I prefer the Rotom one more now

    also I couldnt put all of them here cuz reddit only allows 6 options

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    submitted by /u/JebWozma
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    Pokemon starter theory

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 03:35 AM PDT

    So yesterday I restarted Sword and when you get your first Pokemon I just wanted to leave, run into a random Pokemon and capture that instead, because Gen8 has my least favorite lineup of starters

    That got me thinking though: What if Team Rocket uses Pokemon like Ratticate and Golbat, because their members never got a Pokemon from a Professor so they just walked into a random place, threw some rocks and Pokeballs (Safari zone style) at the first thing that showed up and started calling themselves a trainer? It would explain why they carry whip and also why bugcatchers have a net or bird trainers have a cage. Silver also proved that you can steal Pokemon, even those who already have a trainer and they will still fight for you.

    If you have other examples or something that tells me this is completely stupid, feel free to share.

    Tl;dr N did nothing wrong

    submitted by /u/suerte1870
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    Anyone else think Stantler is actually kinda cool or just likable?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 11:15 AM PDT

    I was playing Pokémon stadium 2 and in that game I chose a Stantler because I was doing a self imposed rule where I can only use certain Pokémon after I've beaten a certain gym leader, like I can use charizard or Pokémon that evolve around 30s once I reach like Chuck etc, and the Stantler suprised the hell out of me. It had intimidate for its ability and it had hypnosis and dream eater. Plus it actually had decent attack.

    submitted by /u/ReviewAlarmed
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    Electrode's New Pokeball Evolutions (Main Idea by AIMWSTRN)!

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 11:04 AM PDT

    This isn't that much of a post yet, but me and some others thought it would be cool if Electrode could evolve into different pokeballs, for example if it did a specific thing related to master balls it would turn into a master ball electrode (obviously with a stat buff) and I did this with most every pokeball with most types (I didn't really know what to put Ground and Ice as) so here is my compilation! As I said earlier, it isnt much but its a start! tell me what you guys think of this idea! (also i dont know if this counts as creative ideas but i read the rules and it doesnt seem like it so here i go)
    The types of Electrode would be:
    Ultra Ball: Rock
    Master Ball: Psychic
    Safari Ball: Grass
    Moon Ball: Dark
    Friend Ball: Normal
    Love Ball: Fairy
    Heavy Ball: Steel
    Premier Ball: Fighting
    Timer Ball: Poison
    Dive Ball: Water
    Net Ball: Bug
    Cherish Ball: Fire
    Quick Ball: Electric
    Dusk Ball: Ghost
    Beast Ball: Dragon
    Nest Ball: Flying
    Tell me what you guys think, and if some balls should be changed!

    submitted by /u/Novel_Pristine
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    If pokemon were in the real world, what is the most realistic team of 6 that you could make?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 10:07 PM PDT

    As much as we all love to have a team of all starters or pseudo-legendaries, if Pokemon were real it might not be the case due to their apparent rarity. So I ponder, taking into consideration your own experiences with animals, your country's environment and whether that pokemon can actually live there and the animals already near you. For example due to the lack of any snowy region here in the Philippines there are probably very few to no ice types to be found but being an archipelago there are an abundance of water types So, what is the most realistic team you could assemble should Pokemon be in the real world?

    For me it would be the following:

    Persian - cats can be found almost anywhere, but the reason I chose the meowth line is becasue they are more akin of the street cats I often see roaming the streets duh. Also we have a white cat.

    Crobat - Around 5-6 pm here you can often find bats just flying around. I remember one time when a bat flew into the house and stayed in our attic for a few days before flying away.

    Centiscorch - I have seen a lot of centipedes in my general area and because of the high heat we experience here year in year out (often our city registers the highest temperatures during the summer) I believe that the Sizzlipede would be thriving here.

    Dragalge and Gastrodon - Speaking of summer heat, is there any other way to beat it that going to the beach! Beaches are abundant here so there are a lot of sea creatures one could train, but If I really had to choose it would be these two. Also look I caught a shellos in pokemon go while I was at the beach so...

    Sableye - I felt a ghost type would be appropriate because we live near not just 1 but 2 cemeteries. Also grave robbing is a serious problem in the Philippines. Also also we also have these mythical creatures called Duwende which are small playful creatures that often live in dark uninhabited areas.

    submitted by /u/Spark-Plug_1969
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    Which of the following locations would you choose for a movie?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 04:11 AM PDT

    Pokemon has mostly been fun and games but there are sure a number of creepy locations that scared the shit out of me when I was a kid. In recent years, Pokemon definitely has acknowledged the older fan base by adding certain elements that the mature audience would know into the games, resulting in tons of creepypastas and fan theories online.

    If Pokemon would design a storyline and make a movie for one of the below creepy locations. Which would you most want to see?

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    submitted by /u/Alolan_Teddiursa
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