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    Wednesday, November 20, 2019

    Pokémon Arceus arrives at the Galar border (OC)

    Pokémon Arceus arrives at the Galar border (OC)

    Arceus arrives at the Galar border (OC)

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 07:35 AM PST

    One culled Pokémon family every day until Dexit is reversed - Day 17

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 01:08 AM PST

    Since the Pokemon community is currently having its critical attitude met with "Who cares, it's still fun enough and it'll sell well," I decided to make something that response reminded me of.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 12:20 AM PST

    I finally finished the game with about 50 hours. After 20 years of being a fan, Gamefreak lost me.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 02:44 AM PST

    I know it's not particularly relevant, but I wanted to try and go through my issues with the game in a (hopefully) succinct manner, and clear my head a bit in regards to the franchise.

    The Good

    • Pokemon design: Most new Pokemon look very good. I do think some are horrid, but most of the new critters I think are great. Some have a design that I don't personally love, but I can still recognize that they are well conceived and executed.

    • The story: I know this may sound weird, but I mean this more in a conceptual sense, rather than an actual writing sense. I really like the presentation of the journey being this competitive, publicity-based sporting event. I like that the anime version of the league was kiiinda implemented. I like the idea of trainers working up their way and just competing. It's simple, it's a little less flashy than the looming E4 etc. but I really like the idea.

    • Presentation: By this I mean things like environmental designs or character design. I LOVE all the gym leaders. They almost have a My Hero Academia-kinda feeling, where you see a character and immediately get a very strong sense of their personality, which is then further underlined by their Pokemon choices and animations. I feel like often Pokemon has went with very lazy characterization (He's a fire trainer, red hair, done.) Obviously these games are still very on the nose, but the games have taken advantage of variety in body shapes, faces, body language etc. moreso than any past game.

    • Quality of life improvements such as being able to restructure your menu, mints, XP candies etc. are fantastic.

    Furthermore, ideas of environments are fantastic. Gleamwood is beautiful, the early routes, the train station, Marnie's hometown, MC Tower etc. are all visually very well conceptualized and have some striking features.

    The Meh

    • The Wild Area: I feel like the concept has almost infinite potential; dynamic Pokemon spawns, different biomes, interesting boss fights, and actual sandbox interaction with other players would be dreamy if executed right.

    Unfortunately, the Wild Area provides very little of what it could. The areas mostly feel samey, with the exception of Dust Bowl, raids themselves are incredibly dull (Honestly, I usually just mash A and watch a show while I go through raids, because I just don't need to pay attention at all to go through them) and on top of that, lengthy. Interaction with other trainers is abysmal, and the raids, assuming you can remain motivated through the sluggish battle system, are barely worth the time because they aren't offering anything beyond the actual Gigantamax Pokemon. I don't even wanna get into the lag and framerate drops.

    If camping actually added anything beyond seeing other's Pokemon, then that'd be cool: Camping together, playing minigames etc. would be awesome. As it is, camping is Pokemon Amie with a spin-off version of the Poff blending minigame from R/S/E. Very, very lackluster. Honestly, I should rate this as bad, but I like the idea behind it too much to discard it completely, and if everything else was fine, I'd love for this to be expanded upon and accept the first step being subpar. But we all know that going forward, the Wild Area will be discarded for the next gimmick and it will never go beyond being a poorly executed idea.

    • The music: I think the Gym Leader theme and Rose's theme are absolutely brilliant, while the Slumbering Weald theme is very good, but that's where the praise ends. Most other music is very wishy-washy (no, not the fish), bland, and doesn't really hold up to the immediacy of previous generations' songs.

    The Bad

    • The writing: I'm sorry but the story is absolutely horrible. The whole story, once you get your first badge, is basically seeing other characters investigate and do interesting things, while you rush from gym to gym. There is barely any story, and the little bits that are there are dangled in front of you, only to be solved and experienced by other people. The big plot twist about Rose and his assistant is poorly done, obvious, and unreasonable because the whole energy crisis argument directly contradicts more-or-less all of the franchise's own utopian presentation. Characters are also mostly dull, with the supposedly most important character in the whole region having basically only three lines of speech: "I'm unbeatable!", "I'm bad with directions.", "Let the adults handle this.". Hop is incredibly annoying, but I can at least appreciate that he's going through some development throughout the game. Leon is not so lucky, and neither are most others. Rose is a strange, short-sighted maniac for, like, 10 minutes, after apparently being a benevolent genius for decades before, and a remorseful, reasonable man immediately after.

    It's terrible.

    • The technical performance: Yeah, sorry, but the game just runs badly and often looks incredibly dated. The Pokemon models themselves are fine (I especially like the sheen on new mons, like Rolycoly or Corviknight), but the actual world is, I'm sorry, pretty ugly. The tree textures have been mentioned to death and beyond, but they ARE horrendously dated. Literally Nintendo 64 levels of ugly. Modders, within a day of release, have done better, so it's hard to let this pass. Battle backgrounds have been reduced in favor of inaccurate ones or plain placeholder voids, and yet the ones we DO have are not above the 3DS games whatsoever. In a world where Breath of the Wild delivers giant AND beautiful worlds months before Sw/Sh, it's just inexcusable. There are areas that look nice (Gleamwood, Ballonlea) but most of the game looks like it was made for the early days of the Wii. I wanna mention the pop in issues here, too. People have said that this isn't so bad, but it's very extreme. A whole city goes from brimming with life to feeling dull and empty because the models disappear at minimal distance - even important, storyevent-only models. It's disruptive and ugly.

    • Level design: The cities and routes in this game have to be the worst in any Pokemon game ever, including the monotony of gen 1. Giant towns feel empty and lifeless, or are flat-out barricaded off. Turffield looks beautiful, but it's basically a facade, with 75% of the city being inaccesible and only for decoration. Spikemuth is visually brilliant and interesting, but has NOTHING in it other than the gym and the Pokemon Center. Wyndon, despite being the final stop, and this supposedly giant metropolis, has a bunch of houses that hold nothing or can't even be entered. Routes are linear, not just game-play wise but even visually. There is never any doubt to where you're supposed to go, and if you want to stray not out of confusion but interest, you aren't allowed; there either is simply nothing there to explore, or you're told and forced and told to do exactly that. Galar isn't a region you explore, it's a region you witness.


    I could absolutely tolerate individual issues on this level if anything else was fine - especially some of the visual shortcomings, because I truly don't play Pokemon for the graphics - but it's not.

    Ugly textures, framedrops, pop-ins that ruin immersions, model animation that belongs in the late 90s, a shallow and easy story, and on top of all that we are deprived of experiencing the abysmal content with the Pokemon we've caught in previous games because... Well, that's the crux of it, isn't it?

    What excuses were we given? Balance? Can be achieved without the cut. Model work? Disproven and retracted. Improved animations? Bad joke. Creative decision? Well, what creative decision was made that necessitates it? The only answer that remains logical with all things given is that Gamefreak simply wants to stronghold people into paying for home and future titles, by making Pokemon's very existence a privilege, instead of the basic staple feature the series was built on.

    Sword and Shield are bad Pokemon games, and subpar, average-ish games in general. But what is MUCH more important is that they have changed the very idea of the Pokemon franchise, and I'm not into it at all. I'm glad I got the game pretty cheap, because Jesus, 60+ bucks is a rip-off, and I'm glad I played it because it settled this unpleasant uncertainty about Pokemon for me.

    Thanks for the fun games from a few years ago, but you lost me, Gamefreak.

    submitted by /u/rouvee
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    I lost my older sister almost a year ago. I like to tell my nephew (her son) that this is them in-game

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 05:30 AM PST

    The house right by the Hulbery train station, if anybody's interested. There's nothing special in there but they remind me of Courtney and Bryce so I decided that's their names. He seems to like it

    submitted by /u/Queen_Kiripatra
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    Is anyone going to talk about the new baby Pokémon?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 03:55 AM PST

    I don't know how many people have noticed this yet, but this little guy, Toxel, classifies as a baby Pokémon. It's a first stage non-legendary Pokémon in the undiscovered egg group who evolves into a Pokémon not in the undiscovered egg group. Now, you may be thinking, "who cares?" In fact, this is kind of a big thing. We haven't actually had a new baby Pokémon since Generation 4's batch. Really weird how they'd randomly make another one over 10 years later.

    submitted by /u/satoukage
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    'In battle, animations are closer to South Park' - BBC review for Pokemon Sword/Shield

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 07:19 AM PST

    I feel like there is a portion of this community that likes to convince themselves that previous titles were "difficult" and newer titles are "way easier", when in reality the game's never really been that hard. You're conflating convenience with difficulty.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 07:36 AM PST

    I've played pretty much every Pokemon there is, from Yellow onward, and I keep seeing this nonsense about "old game hard new game easy". I feel like people are vastly misremembering how difficult previous games were, and/or they're trying to somehow pretend that access to QOL resources "lowers difficulty".


    "Too much healing"

    This isn't making anything "easier". It's just convenient. If you wanted to, in every previous gen, you could be fully healed before every single trainer fight, save for the League, free of charge, at a center. Or, with a decent wallet of change built up, you could simply fully heal your team after every fight with items, also in every single previous game. That hasn't changed. The only thing that's different is there are more places you can go to heal, which may save you some time running to and from areas and perhaps get you out of a few wild encounters, perhaps saving you money. Healing isn't making the game itself easier, you're just using a resource you've ALWAYS HAD ACCESS TO more often now because it's right in front of you and you like to press A. It's convenient, but not inherently "easier", as you could just as easily choose to NOT heal, and experience the rush of a low-health team all the way through route X or whatever it is you're running through.

    "Team too strong cuz exp"

    The game is designed in such a way that if two mons of the same level face off and one has type advantage, it's pretty much an easy win. Always has been, and more than likely always will be. The only thing that makes newer games "easier" is that it takes considerably less grinding and time to keep your entire team leveled appropriately. This then allows you to cover a larger type pool more reliably, giving you a much higher chance of having a type advantage, meaning you win. The real difference is in previous titles you typically only had 1 or 2 'mons on your roster that were level appropriate for your point in the game, and if they didn't make type advantage or fell to an unlucky crit you'd be SOL, unless you dedicated a lot of extra time to leveling a full team to whatever the current level range was for your progress point. This made the game "harder" in the sense that it took a lot more time to level up, but the core gameplay is still pretty braindead easy. Get type advantage, be roughly the same level, win. Bonus points if you have STAB. So basically, the core gameplay of leveling and progressing was still just as easy, the only real difference was the time you needed to dedicate to grinding to get your team up to where they needed to be, which really isn't "difficulty", it's just grinding. It's time consuming, and was typically complained about as it's not exactly thrilling to sit in a bush fighting the same Rattata 85 times because you need your Beedrill to learn a decent bug move to handle Celadon gym because you've been banking on your Wartortle and Graveler to carry you to victory but that plan's not working anymore. The gameplay isn't difficult, the process is just more drawn out. Easier isn't the right term, it's really just more convenient and streamlined.

    Would the game be "harder" if the level scaling put you significantly behind if you didn't make it a point to grind your team up on the side? Sure, but you could also just grind your whole team up and skate on by without issue. Takes time, but isn't in any way "hard". If you intentionally force yourself to fight underleveled throughout, that's hard. Props to you for creating your own challenge, in the kid's game. Play how you like, I'm not judging here.

    "Trainers 2 easy"

    They were never that hard. I can count on one hand the amount of random encounter trainer NPCs that gave me a hard time in any of the games. Again, if you were at level and had type advantage, the game's almost always been a pretty easygoing steamroll of a time. Now again, the biggest difficulty point was, if you played like me and prayed that your starter could solo literally everything and kept your bird about 5 levels below just to have a backup, you'd be in a pickle if you got hit by an unexpected oneshot. That said, if you consistently maintained a full team of 6, level appropriate, type varied 'mons, you were almost always for the most part easy sailing through the entire game. It's not a hard game.

    Most of you probably nailed 6/8 gyms on your first try. Some of you nailed 8/8 gyms on their first try. Those people bypassed the legendary Miltank with a Heracross, and we hate them for that.

    The League is the League. It's clocked up, shit hits harder, it's more impactful, but at the end of the day I'm pretty sure we all squashed Lance with 8 uses of Ice beam and called it a Tuesday. You certainly had to work harder in the League to steamroll, which I appreciated, but it still wasn't anything type advantage didn't make mostly pretty one-sided.

    "Type advantages are spoon-fed to you."

    Except they aren't. Any 'mon you haven't encountered is a blank canvas, and you know nothing about its typing other than what you can infer. After you log it in your dex and know its type, yes, now the game educates you on your type advantages in combat, but you could have just as easily looked it up in your dex and researched what moves beat what. That's public information, and was always accessible to the community, even back when you had to buy a cute little book before the internet was big. The only aspect of difficulty here is how eager you are to learn your types and if you can remember simple idioms like "people are afraid of ghosts bugs and the dark, so those beat psychic" or any other of the weird little logic trains that explain type matchups (mind over matter psychic over fight/poison, steel is harder than rock, the only thing as strong as a dragon is another dragon, etc). There's no "difficulty" in just not learning your types. That's called ignorance, and it can be as painful or blissful as you'd like it. If you're a genius that can automatically guess a typing off sight alone, that's not "easy gameplay", that's you being so trained in the art that it's no longer difficult for YOU.


    I've had to say this before in other communities that were known for their game being "difficult", but even though the context is different, the point stands. Not only is Pokemon really not a hard game, nor has it ever been, you've also probably pretty much mastered it at this point, unless you're like 10 and don't feel like learning types. In which case, good for you, play on.

    I don't disagree with the notion that the conveniences and extra bits this game provides make the process of playing easier in the sense that it takes MUCH less time to progress with less hassle, which for some can make the game dull in the sense that you feel less challenged, but I don't agree that this somehow is an argument for the game being "easy". It's not really an issue of difficulty. If you wanted to take the time, the game's almost always been a cakewalk throughout the bulk of its main storyline.

    I personally, don't mind. It's a game that's finally starting to fade in my life because I've grown out of the kid-oriented storylines. If these changes and conveniences makes the game feel less rewarding to you, that is an opinion I encourage you to have and maintain as long as you so choose. I just wish we'd stop making the argument about "difficulty", because I simply don't think that's where the problem lies.

    TL;DR, it's always been an easy game, the newer titles just make the steamroller roll just a wee bit faster, and with less bumps. Is that a bad thing? That's a personal opinion.

    EDIT: My point is not that this game is not easier than the likes of Hoenn or Sinnoh or Unova etc. My point was really just that those games weren't really all that hard to begin with, and we seem to be exaggerating the gap between them. Maybe that clarifies some things.

    Not entirely sure why I'm getting downvote bombed in my comments for simply making statements but hey, polarizing topic.

    Nonetheless, I appreciate the civil discussion.

    submitted by /u/TheLoneRook
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    Gen I Sword and Shield: Postwick to Wedgehurst

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 12:17 AM PST

    While waiting for friends to catch up in Sword/Shield so I can get those dreaded fossils, I decided to remake Postwick, Route 1, and Wedgehurst using Gen 1 graphics with minor editing, but still keeping it in that retro style.


    Edit: Due to the overwhelming response, I will be doing the entire Galar region and expect to be done with it likely over the Thanksgiving weekend. I make maps like these for my pen and paper campaigns for Pokemon and never thought to share them, so thanks for all the positive comments!

    submitted by /u/SuddenlySundew
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    The two games per generation doesn’t work anymore.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 04:32 AM PST

    Something has grown increasingly unnerving to me as I played through USUM with my sister. Between the two gens, there were little to no differences or reason to get both games. The split games served no purpose to us other than me shitting out Alolan Vulpix to everyone within a 5 mile radius.

    As I'm watching footage of SwSh, the same problem is happening. The different versions amount to this: A handful of pokemon for each gen and the gen's respective legendary. There's no story alteration anymore. At least in ORAS, the game changed the Team's motives and flipped their roles. Now, it amounts to nothing. The only changes are the legendaries.

    So, what's the point in selling two of the same game? The obvious answer is money, but I believe the fanbase has become so used to the two game formula that we're unwilling to see how backwards it truly is. Why should we pay for that $90 game pack when we'd just be buying the same game? Why not let us have one full game?

    Perhaps I'm missing something here, but I see no point in the two game formula the more I think about it. What are your thoughts?

    EDIT: Thank you to those who have shared your thoughts so far! I'm going to give my honest opinion on as many as I can in the short time I have!

    Why complain now? Well, I haven't been in the series as devoutly as most of you have. I was already concerned with the tactic around Sun and Moon which was my second game in the franchise! With the newest controversy, I've been thinking about what could make the games better in the future, and this feature seemed like something that could be worked around.

    Version exclusives. They're cool and all, but the era for those has come to an end. In a time without large internet spaces, maybe this would still be useful. Now, the exclusives can be gained ridiculously easy. Trading can be encouraged without this, such as trading for shinies or that certain pokemon you've been looking for (whether it be stats or type)

    Other games weren't as varied. I cherry picked ORAS on accident since that was a main game I've played and my introduction to the franchise. Apologies. However, the point could still stand. If two games are released, it should still be an expectation to show some more variety since trading is now not the biggest problem. Save files, as many of you mentioned, are also no longer an issue since the switch has one per profile.

    Also, I've never personally bought both games. The reason I am more annoyed with it now is the fact that they're advertising the games (SwSh) as a $90 bundle. Some people may believe they're getting 2 games for the price of 1 and a half, but in actuality they're getting the same game for a higher price and minimal extra features.

    Thank you for all of your worthwhile insight!

    submitted by /u/StarPup01
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    PSA - You can get infinite (shiny) raid pokemon

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 05:02 AM PST

    The way that raids work in SwSh allow players to effectively abuse in game mechanics to create infinite of any one raid pokemon by abusing soft reseting.

    For those who are unaware, the pokemon, IVs, moves, natures, and shinyness seem to be determined when the raid is spawned. The reason we know this is because if you save before a raid, and reset after catching and checking that pokemon's values they'll always be the same.

    This is good to know if you ever fail to catch a raid pokemon and want a second shot.

    For people who join the raid, they too will be catching the same pokemon. Everything is determined from the start, and everyone who catches that pokemon in the raid will effectively have the same pokemon.

    So this is where infinite shinys come into play. If you save before each raid, and happen upon a shiny, you can then reset and invite up to 3 friends to join the raid to also catch the shiny.

    Once up to three of them catch the shiny (you can attempt to, it doesn't matter if you fail it). You then reset your game, restart the raid, and your three friends can recatch that shiny pokemon. This will effectively give you infinite of that shiny pokemon (at least until the raid resets at midnight).

    Steps to reproduce

    • Save before each raid until you find a shiny raid
    • Reset once you've found the shiny
    • Invite up to three friends to the determined shiny raid
    • Have friends catch shiny
    • Reset console (and go back to step 2)

    This can also be abused to farm infinite high IV ditto, high IV anything, items, etc.

    I'm not totally sure how I feel about this mechanic being in the game, I'll let the internet be the judge of that.

    submitted by /u/BenignLarency
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    In-game proof Dynamaxing will not be returning in Gen 9

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 03:55 PM PST

    Removing the GTS is probably the most numbskull decision they could've made

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 02:25 PM PST

    Only excuse I might take for it would be they're not familiar with Switch tech enough to bring it back yet.

    Beyond that though - the GTS made Pokemon so much more accessible to those who maybe didn't have a gob of friends with tons of free time to just meet up and trade. Pretty sure it boosted the amount of people interested in Pokemon at the time it was introduced, too. It is just astounding that someone at GameFreak thought this was a wise idea to cut from the game - it literally is like being asked by your school to stop using the Internet for research in this digital age and go back to the library and thumb through the musty encyclopedias for a report.

    submitted by /u/sexytime102
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    The trend of pokemon games getting easier and easier is making the games boring

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 06:11 PM PST

    Whilst playing pokemon shield I've noticed that there is literally zero challenge. All of my party is around the same level from me using one pokemon. I had 6 level 15+ Pokemon when i reached route 3. I don't know why i need both camping, as well as tons of NPCs that just heal you to full in the middle of routes. How could i ever white out? I just camp before any "challenge" then just wipe their entire party with one pokemon. What's the point of fainting if you have a built-in revive with camping? You don't even have to learn pokemon types anymore, the game will just tell you if your move is effective now. I don't understand why GF has progressively made the games more and more tuned for people who are playing their first video game ever, but not allowing like an "Expert mode" where NPCs don't hold my hand down the street. I used to try to get as many types of pokemon in my party as possible so I could overcome any challenge by having the counter. Now I just overcome it by having 6 pokemon all of the same level (Higher than whatever im facing). If GF is Insistent on making the games more and more geared towards people who have never played a game before, can we please get a way to play the game without all those features?

    Side Note: NPCs on routes with 1 pokemon are pointless

    submitted by /u/SolaVitae
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    Pokémon could be the greatest game of all time

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 12:39 AM PST


    They have everything. The resources. The funding. The lore. The hardware. The sales. The fan base. The depth. The nostalgia. The casuals. The hardcore gamers. the weaboos and the gaijins. $90 billion. EVERYTHING.

    The reality is they could easily make the greatest game of all time. To think they have to settle for any less is to sacrifice the gift. Pokémon is fun, it is now and it always has been, but... it's all there. They just have to make it happen. They can, we all know they can. Anyone with all they have, could. Will they? Who knows.,. but we know they can.

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    [MEME] My name is Pokemon Champion Leon. I am 33 years old.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 02:32 PM PST

    My name is Pokémon Champion Leon. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Galar, where all the villas are, and I am undefeated. I work as a Champion for the Galar Region, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't get defeated, but I occasionally I gigantamax my Charizard. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure my Charizard and I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a bowl of warm curry and doing about twenty minutes of Charizard training before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, my Charizard and I wake up without being defeated in the morning. I was told there were no defeats at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life with my Charizard. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me or Charizard to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me and my Charizard happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone.

    submitted by /u/SquareOfHealing
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    I think I've figured it out!

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 03:33 PM PST

    Game Freak is modeling and animating their games like how one would do pixel games. This was inspired by a few things all just lining up today. This post by u/BigHailFan and a comment my friend made to me in person about this post by u/SamuelTheManuel, my friend said, "This cutscene just looks like how they did all their cutscenes in the past.

    If you think about "modeling" and animating pixels for older games you realize that the methods are being applied to this 3D modeled game. Attacks are just a simple model animation and a few rotations/squash and stretches. Since it has come out that each color variant of each Pokémon is it's own unique model you have to think back to the days of sprite mapping. Where to get a unique color you would make a new "model" (sprite map) but in that color.

    This just shows that Game Freak is 20 years behind industry standards when it comes to 3D modeling and animating techniques.

    submitted by /u/yifftionary
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    I went and did the insane task of taking note of how many times Leon (and his other names) was mentioned.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 08:22 AM PST

    I might have lost count somewhere, but after watching a cutscene compilation of Sword and Shield and counting everytime 'Lee', 'Leon', or the word 'Champ(ion)' is mentioned, the count racked up to...

    ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY FOUR. Specifically 144 in Sword, 145 in Shield (the Ice leader has a line which has 'Champion' in it, while Gordie does not) And that's not even counting the town NPCs you might talk to in your playthrough. Or postgame.

    Excuse me, I need a sleep to cleanse my brain of all the Chanpion and Leon bullcrap.

    submitted by /u/ZeroAbis
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    Nintendo are emailing to ask for feedback on the games

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 12:05 AM PST

    Screenshot of email

    It's a very extensive questionnaire. It initially mostly focuses on the positives of the game. However it does allow space to write criticisms. It also asks how much you'd recommend the games to others and how they compare to Let's Go & US/UM.

    I've never had a survey this extensive from Nintendo before. I hope it means they're taking feedback seriously.

    submitted by /u/Jonny_Hyrulian
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    Petition to make Adamant Mint to get re-named to Adamint

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 07:26 AM PST

    Just think about it, instead of saying "I need to get an Adamant Mint from the battle tower" you can say "I need an Adamint from the battle tower".

    I have nothing else to say so this is just filler. Hows your day? Mines been pretty good. That should be good.

    submitted by /u/RedPanda1834
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    Poke-Shower Thought: Alcremie's many forms are a charming idea, until you realize that it means there are an extra 128 models in game because of it.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 05:10 PM PST

    That is one model for every form it has, one model for each of those form's shinies, and two more for Alcremie's normal and Shiny Gigantamax form. I am no expert in models, but I do believe that this is most excessive. Someone, teach Game Freak how to optimize, please.

    Edit: It has come to my attention that this may not be as stupidly redundant as I once thought. My point about them needing to learn to optimize still stands though.

    submitted by /u/Arealtossup
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    This Kotaku article about Dexit is so condescending

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 08:10 AM PST

    Not only should Game Freak hear your feedback, so should the common consumer so they can make an informed decision. Please leave comprehensive reviews on consumer sites as well.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 03:49 AM PST

    With the holiday season coming soon, there will be many parents, relatives, and friends who will consider buying Pokémon SwSh for someone in their life. While our feedback to Gam Freak may not cause immediate change, it is crucial that we inform the common consumer about the whole story of the game along with its positives and negatives. They should know about the whole story so they can make a properly informed decision, so we must make sure that they are aware of this. Some important things you want to highlight and note for these reviews include:

    • it is important to assume that the reader has not played a single Pokémon game in their life. Try to avoid jargon (I.e Dexit, GTS, IV's, etc.) and try to explain them in laymen terms.
    • Be as honest as possible, leaving out important information will not do anyone any good
    • As above, bring up the major controversies surrounding the game such as Dexit
    • Gameplay
    • Time spent to finish the main+post story
    • replay ability after completing post story
    • Online capabilities and experiences (should they buy Nintendo switch online for this?)
    • Difficulty
    • Graphics/Animations
    • World/route design (how do they compare to previous games?)
    • Polish
    • Story
    • Is the game worth the $60 or should they wait for a price drop?
    • Is it worth buying the switch just for SwSh?
    • Is it worth buying two versions of the game like with previous generations or do the multiples saves on one profile result in not needing that?
    • How does it compare to Let's Go? Would you suggest let's go over SwSh or not (Like if they wanted to introduce a very young child to Pokémon for the first time)?
    • Should they try to purchase Pokémon home when it comes out in 2020?
    • If the person they are buying it are long time fans of Pokémon, would they most likely have a strong stance of this game either for or against it (especially if they have a large Pokémon collection from prior gems)
    • Are there good alternative games on the switch?

    So be sure to place your reviews on the site(s) you got the game! The consumers must know the whole story before purchasing the game.

    submitted by /u/SingleYike
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 09:33 PM PST

    850+ eggs and 9-10 hours of breeding later......

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 09:03 AM PST


    I was going insane calculating percentages and looking it up since this is my first Mesuda hatch.

    Advice for all: KEEP GOING!

    EDIT: Hatched with Prankster, 4 perfect IVs and Adamant nature!

    Have about 20 boxes full of 4 IV prankster and frisk adamant nature impidimps BTW

    submitted by /u/Jadenkid22
    [link] [comments]

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