• Breaking News

    Thursday, November 21, 2019

    Pokémon It took me 20 years to realise Sudowoodo is a play on the words "pseudo wood", since it's a rock-type that looks like a tree

    Pokémon It took me 20 years to realise Sudowoodo is a play on the words "pseudo wood", since it's a rock-type that looks like a tree

    It took me 20 years to realise Sudowoodo is a play on the words "pseudo wood", since it's a rock-type that looks like a tree

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 05:54 AM PST

    I've been a Pokemon fan for 20 years but I never questioned the name (Probably because when I was 5 I had no idea what "pseudo" even meant.

    So yeah I was today years old when I realised a 20 year old pun. Probably common knowledge at this point, but I wanted to share this fun revelation with anyone else who is a little slow on the take like I am lol

    There might yet be a tonne of smart translated names that I've yet to get the joke of, feel free to share some if you know any

    submitted by /u/ZixtyZix
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    One culled Pokémon family every day until Dexit is reversed - Day 18

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 02:25 AM PST


    Disclaimer: Not a real protest. Share your stories and feelings about your favourite Pokemon. Be kind to each other in celebration of my favourite boy, Poliwhirl.

    060 Poliwag - 062 Poliwrath / 186 Politoed

    Full gallery (it should be fixed now!)

    submitted by /u/jamiedrummond
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    Pokémon Sword and Shield sold 6 million worldwide since its launch

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 01:51 AM PST

    The Pokémon Company announced on their twitter account


    That's a new record on Switch as well, surpassing Smash Bros Ultimate sales from the first week in 2018. XY did 4 million in the same time period, while Sun & Moon did 7.2 million by the end of November 2016.

    The game has sold 2 million units in Japan in its first week. So about 700k were just digital in there with vouchers and such as many of us expected.

    submitted by /u/SufficientBase0
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    Sales tell us nothing about the quality of the game. Stop trying to claim it does.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 05:58 AM PST

    So now that the sales numbers have been revealed, the number of cheeky posts and comments have increased by an order of magnitude.


    Here are a couple things to counter all these reactions.

    There is absolutely no need to tell us "We told you they'd sell well"

    The vast majority of those critical of GameFreak made no illusions that we would have any major impact. We always knew that even if thousands of us refrained from buying the game, that would still be a drop in the bucket.
    That was not the point. We didn't support the game and that's all we could do.

    We knew these games would sell amazingly well because it's Pokémon on the Swithc. That's all you need to guarentee success, the actual quality of the games don't matter because the majority of people who buy it won't even have heard of most of the criticism these games have garnered.

    Sales numbers don't tell us anything about the quality of the games

    Call of Duty sells well each year.
    FIFA sells well each year.

    Yet FIFA and Call of Duty have virtually been the same game each single year.
    These franchises have so many casual and hardcore fans that they will never not sell well.

    But what's the difference between these franchises and Pokémon?
    These franchises stay the same and release the same game each year. Pokémon on the other hand has been on a steady decline in terms of content delivered in each game for years now.

    The issue is that the majority of players never made use of all this content before so will not miss it when removed completely, leaving those that did use them high and dry and completely screwed over considering there isn't any meaningful difference we can make and plenty of people will defend GameFreak no matter what out of blind brand loyalty.

    The games are not amazing or the best in the franchise

    If you enjoy the games, great. More power to you. But stop trying to use that enjoyment as an argument for why these games are the best in the franchise.

    I could make a small essay on the problems with these games and how much they've dropped the ball when comparing it to the Nintendo DS-era games.

    Let's just keep it at this: the games are more expensive and on a much more powerful console than all previous games, yet nothing in the games reflects that.

    As I said, if you enjoy the games, great. Go on and enjoy them. But don't try to discredit or invalidate valid criticism people have about both the games and GameFreak.

    submitted by /u/Giglefreakz
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    With all the controversy surrounding the new Pokemon games right now, we should step back and celebrate Gold and Silver's 20th birthday and what it represents for the Pokemon Franchise

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 04:08 PM PST

    Gold and Silver were released on November 21, 1999.

    20 years ago, Game Freak released (widely agreed) one of the best entries in the entire series of mainline Pokemon games.

    Let us throw away all the infighting among Pokemon fans right now. Let us take a moment to discuss the happiness, memories, and wonder Gold and Silver brought us.

    Happy 20th Birthday, Pokemon Gold and Pokemon Silver. To Satoru Iwata and Game Freak of 1999, a massive thanks from all of us for everything done that made these games great. We all thank you for putting your heart and soul into these games.

    submitted by /u/ForkliftBagel
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    Leon x Sonia x Charizard Fanfiction

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 05:02 AM PST

    Sonia sighed as she gazed wistfully upon her former rival. It was late into the evening, and she had finished organizing the day's selection of rare curry specimens about an hour before when Leon loudly barged into the lab, Charizard in tow. Now, as she gazed upon her undefeated companion before her, she felt a feeling of longing that was all too familiar to her by now.

    She watched as he hunched over, violet locks cascading down his champion shoulders as he attempted to reattach the seventeen stickers that had fallen from his cape when he executed his famous "Charizard Pose". Charizard - Leon's loyal companion - softly illuminated the room with his Charizard Tail Fire™, exposing the soft features of his master's undefeated face. Shadows danced across his visage like playful Charizards in the night. She flicked her Charizard-coloured hair to the side, exposing a discerning eye that was the colour that Charizard would be if Charizard was green.

    "Leon…" she began, nervously searching for the right words to address the undefeated champion before her, "What are you doing here? It's so late…"

    "Hey, I'm Leon!" he replied matter-of-factly, "This is my buddy Charizard! We've never been defeated in a battle before, but if you train hard maybe one day you can challenge us in the Pokemon League!"

    Sonia floundered for a moment as she watched his undefeated hands struggle to affix the first of seventeen stickers back onto his cape using a piece of scotch tape. "Oh…" she said as a small frown began to manifest on her lips, "I see…"

    Leon's Charizard – the one that Leon had owned for some time in the past and would continue to own into the foreseeable future – yawned sleepily, the rumble of his voice reminiscent of the deep bass of a Charizard's yawn, because he was a Charizard. He appeared, upon closer inspection, to be having a champion time.

    Leon looked up for a moment at his undefeated companion, Charizard, and a bright smile formed on his face, which was also undefeated. "Wow! Looks like Charizard is having a champion ti-"

    "Leon, there's something I need to tell you!" Sonia interrupted, her face the colour of a slightly oversaturated Charizard. "I, u-um… was thinking about what you said the other day after Charizard training… how you never bothered with love or intimacy because Charizard was "the only buddy you ever needed"." Leon gave a brief nod of approval to his Pokemon, which was a Charizard.

    Sonia continued, her face beginning to sweat. "I just wanted to let you know that I… c-can't help but... lose myself in your eyes… d-do you… feel the same…?"

    Leon stood up abruptly, the force of the motion sending the stickers flying across the room with a gust resembling the Air Slash of an angry Charizard. Noticing his master's sudden change in disposition, Charizard quickly turned and smashed his head through the wall of the laboratory, opening the room to the cool night air beyond. "No!" Leon said, still smiling.

    "W-what…?" Sonia cried, her hair resembling a burning hot Charizard Tail Fire™ as it moved in the wind, "But why?!"

    Leon appeared not to be listening as he climbed atop his trusted Charizard friend and steed, gaze pointed skyward as he scanned the horizon. He blinked slowly, so as to keep the moisture of his champion eyes undefeated by the dry air sweeping across his face. The flap of Charizard's wings had stirred up a mighty gale in the room, and Charizard began to shift his weight forward as he prepared for takeoff. With a contented nod to his partner, Leon turned to his long-time friend and former rival.

    "I never lose!" he said. And with a mighty crash, the undefeated champion and Pokemon took off into the night.

    submitted by /u/MrOontzOontz
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    Evidence from a game designer that gamefreak has never adapted to 3D game design

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 06:22 AM PST

    So, let me preface this by saying I do a lot of work in the modding community, and while I am certainly not of the caliber of a professional dev, the way this game is laid out screams amateur when it comes to ALL the 3d elements. This is why the quality of the visuals in towns is so much greater than the visuals in say, the wild area. Here's a few examples with explanation from a dev perspective what makes the 3d elements seem amateur, and NOT just rushed as many other fans have said.

    Grass in the routes : in the routes and towns, gamefreak is able to control the angle of the camera, so they render the grass patches you discover only from one direction, and spaced in such a way as to look natural (they probably have a brush-type tool for placing tall grass, similar to the brush in Photoshop of that helps you imagine), and even though each blade of grass is basically identical, the spacing and angle makes the grass look more full. This is a classic 2d technique.

    Grass in the wild area : if you will notice, spots with short grass (not the grass with Pokemon in it) is placed sparsely around the map, but is placed in patterns that mimic the "star" sign on a phone. This is done to make grass look full from any angle you view it at, but falls apart when grass is looked at from above. The problem with the short grass in the game is that the short grass can ONLY BE VIEWED from above, because the draw distance on it is so poor that you cannot really see it until you are directly next to or on top of it. There are many ways around this, like placing individual grass blades, and having the engine cull, or render only the visible sections (so if one blade of grass is directly in front of another, only one is rendered). This requires more work, but is infinitely more visually appealing.in other games, The technique used for the short grass on this game is generally ONLY used for grass or foliage that is too tall for the player to see from above, or at the very least, that the player is unlikely to see from above ( the far cry games have examples of this for instance). Implementing the technique they did here for the short grass screams of a lack of understanding of how multiple points of view work in a 3d game.

    Textures -

    *Towns : * towns are really beautifully designed, with stylistic shading to drastically improve the quality and appeal of the overall image you get, but again, all of these assets can be viewed from only one angle. This means that most likely, each hose in the game, probably does not even have the back or sides not visible from the standard view, even modeled out. So a lot more work can go into the facades of buildings as most of what you are seeing in towns are actually just flat textures, and not really 3d models .

    *Wild area : * there are remarkably few man-made dwellings in the wild area, I think chiefly because Gamefreak does not know how to lay them out properly, or how to model their entirety in a way that makes sense both gameplay wise and logic wise. The ground textures are muddy, and use a lack of detail to mask the fact the the same textures are used over and over and over, with minor bits of variation thrown in after the fact to try and hide this (ground textures are basically solid colors with pre-baked highlights and low-lights). These textures have virtually no specularity, no bump mapping (using shading to create the illusion of 3d shape where it is actually just a texture, world of Warcraft armor is a good example of this).

    Shaders / post processing

    *Towns : * towns all use lighting and shadi in g that is pre-baked, meaning the look of them, the lighting conditions and shadows, are mostly baked into the textures, so the switch doesn't have to do a whole lot of this rendering itself, but the towns still manage to pop, look colorful, bright, and distinctive, as a result of gamefreak pre-baking the optimal lighting conditions in. This really only works this well because you cannot change the camera angle.

    Wild area : by comparison, the wild area is embarrassingly flat. There is no anti aliasing as far as I can tell. No bloom. No ambient occlusion. None of the visual techniques that make a 3d environment look real, and give it a sense of place. It is just the same technique gamefreak applied to the towns, but without the pre-baked shading since gamefreak cannot predict where the player will be standing or looking.

    In short, all of the techniques gamefreak uses in sword and shield for constructing the visuals are MEANT FOR, and work well in 2d, or 3d where the camera is locked to a specific angle, but fall apart when they try to use them, or misuse other techniques, for fully 3d areas. This becomes even more obvious when you put into context the fact that gamefreak creates whole new models for each pallette swap or variation on a Pokemon or character. That is something you would have to do in a Sprite based game. You would have to create totally new sprites for each new color, but for 3d, this makes ABSOLUTELY no sense, and for the life of me I cannot understand how or why this plan would make it past the planning stages for this game. It should never have been done this way. It also may explain why they ACTUALLY culled half the Pokemon. The game is nearly 10gb as it is, and by all accounts most of that data comes from redundant textures and models. It is entirely possible that with the other models in the game, the game cart would have had to be higher capacity (and as such, more expensive for the company), or they may even have had an internal requirement for the filesize of the game, to try and make sure it would be downloadable for the largest number of users as possible without an additional upgrade.

    Now I don't know why gamefreak is still doing art / area design like this is a 2d game. Maybe it's because they have long time employees that have only ever done 3d. Maybe it's because of out-of-touch management pushing outdated techniques. Either way, the game has a lot of amateur mistakes in it's 3d design. I think if the series can't be developed by a different studio , the next best thing would be to bring in a large infusion of new talent, and to restructure the teams gamefreak has now to accommodate a more modern development structure and cycle.

    Sorry for the long post, just had not heard anyone explain this point in any detail, and there's a definite lack of feedback on here from people involved in making games / modding games. Hope it was interesting.

    EDIT : Since this seems to be a point of contention let me make this clear. I have made actual games, and did go to school in part for game design. I mentioned that I do work in the modding community, because that is where the vast majority of my experience lies. As this has come up a couple times I wanted to address it directly here instead of explaining it individually to anyone who comments about the term "game designer" being used.

    submitted by /u/augoosto
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    The Pokémon.com updated with details on Shiny catching and brilliant Pokémon odds.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 08:23 AM PST

    Bring back sassy scottish pokemon trainer!

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 04:25 PM PST

    So I Took a Biology Test Today...

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 08:19 AM PST

    Pictures below, I'll update with my score later!


    submitted by /u/SensitiveMedicine
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    Dumb showerthought: If Game Freak did a controled mod thing like Bethesda did for Sword/Shield, they could get credit for solving all the games issues without really doing much work.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 05:43 AM PST

    Think the game is too easy? Download one of the many Nuzlucke Rules mod!

    Hate Dexit and want your National Dex? Wait for the unofficial Full Dex mod! Combine with the Wild Area update mod for bonus mons!

    Want some real good endgame content? Someone has just modded in the Battle Frontier!

    Game Freak would solve everyone's issues with the games in one fell swoop, and all the work they would have to do is curate the best mods like once a month while they get to work on Slashing Sword and Shining Shield.

    submitted by /u/Kylestien
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    If GameFreak is dead set on us customizing our character, then can they at least give us a color wheel and color codes for our outfits?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 06:15 AM PST

    I'm sure that's more control than what GameFreak is comfortable giving us. I'm sure they even cringe at the thought of us playing the game our own way. But if they added in more base outfit options and we can just add in the colors ourselves, then it would at least give me a feeling that I truly am the only trainer in the world that looks like this.

    submitted by /u/TheTallOne93
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    My plan to end Leon's undefeated streak since we learned about his Charizard.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 05:54 AM PST

    I drew the most important character in SwSh, Ball Guy

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 09:47 AM PST

    (Gold and Silver Anniversary) Did you know that these games were programmed by a team of only 4 people? (Fun facts inside)

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 07:04 AM PST

    To this day, Gold and Silver are still renowned for being ambitious sequels to the original Pokemon games that brought many staples into the series that have carried on through all of its successors. These sequels are even more impressive when you look at the development that these games went through. For such a large scale game in comparison to its gen 1 predecessors, some of you may be surprised to know that the programming team for these games consisted of only 4 people.

    Here are some more interesting facts that many people might not know about these games:

    -During development, there were plans to replace the usual bike with a skateboard! This would have been a really neat change for the games, and it would have been very interesting if they had followed through with this change.

    -Gold and Silver were supposed to be the final entries to the Pokemon mainline games.

    -Many old(and even some new) Pokemon were planned to have new evolutions and pre-evolutions in these games.Evolutions included Tangela, Quilfish, Vulpix, Growlithe, Meowth, Ditto, Goldeen, Eevee, Farfetch'd, Pinsir, Paras, Mr.Mime, Lickitung, Bellsprout and Doduo.

    -A more commonly known fact: About halfway through the game's development, developers were told to include Kanto into the games. The development team struggled to fit all of the data into the cartridge, so Satoru Iwata stepped in and developed a program to solve the data issues, effectively allowing the team to include the Kanto region into the games.

    If you have any more fun facts to add, write them in the comments!

    submitted by /u/lordofallcats
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    "That's A Weird Lookin FUCKIN Cat!" [OC]

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 09:33 AM PST

    After 63 hours of game time, here are my thoughts

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 11:25 PM PST


    I bet you expected an actually well thought out and well written post on why this game is good or is bad or what problems/improvements can be made but NOPE. This post is literally just EXCLUSIVELY for this damn shiny bird that took me 63 HOURS OF RUNNING AROUND ON ROUTE 1 BEFORE I EVEN WENT TO THE GYM.

    It started off as "sure, I'll just get a shiny team to play this game with! The new shiny chaining method sounds super easy! 33% chance to find a shiny after encountering the pokemon 500 times? They must just be GIVING shinies away now!"

    But oh no. Oh boy was I wrong. I soon learned after my pokedex maxed out at 999 encounters of Rookidee, that it wasn't a 33% chance at a shiny. It was a 33% chance at getting REROLLS for the CHANCE at it being a shiny.

    I can't tell you how many Rookidee's my sobble has killed. I lost track but it's probably between 1500 and 2000. The real victim here, is my Sobble. He started at level 7, and has since become a level 32 Drizzile. JUST. FROM KILLING. ROOKIDEE. And now when I start playing the game again, he will have to go in the box just so that the exp share doesn't send him further into an over-leveled state.

    So yeah, it's been 63 hours since I started playing Pokemon Sword. And now I can actually play the game. :)

    Here is the little shiny for you all to see.

    submitted by /u/Apex_Demon
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    I have absolutely no idea how Gamefreak messed up Trading Pokemon in such a horrible way but its truly inexcusable to be this incompetent.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 02:45 PM PST

    So we all know Gamefreak has its (multiple) moments where they do something completely asinine. But I never thought I'd run into such a colossal screw up until I attempted to trade online for Pokemon Shield.

    I just beat the game and while it was extremely enjoyable I am more of a End Game Competitive kind of guy and IMMEDIATELY as I beat the story I start going around trying to obtain my version exclusives from whatever game I didn't buy. Easy as pie. Now I can mass breed and send them out via surprise trade.

    But no.

    You can't trade directly with friends in this game apparently and it's absolutely bull crap.

    You have to do Link Code, put the same code in as your friend and PRAY that you get linked up with your friend so you can trade directly. While at the same time you'll get linked up with other individuals who are using that code.

    I tried to go down to the stamps and click "Friends Only" but nothing pops up. I'm utterly baffled at how they messed something up that wasn't broken in the first place..

    submitted by /u/TheBlackLuffy
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    I didn't like that there was no red/orange hair option in SwSh, so I modded the game to add one for myself

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 05:49 PM PST


    It's not the exact shade I wanted, but there's some weird stuff going on with the way these games handle hair color compared to SuMo, so this is the best I could do. I think it works pretty well.

    submitted by /u/MDMajor
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    Giving Legendaries "Pressure" is lazy

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 07:06 PM PST

    Is anyone else tired of seeing a huge percentage of Legendary pokemon the ability pressure instead of something unique and interesting? I honestly think that they should all have unique abilities at this point, especially since there's literally just 3 legendaries this time around, but even if they can't think of something new at least give the pokemon something that differentiates them from every other legendary we've had in the past.

    submitted by /u/DeadlyGoat
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    [SPOILERS] Ditto Max Raid Battles

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 08:44 AM PST

    I have discovered something helpful for battle Ditto in max raid battles. If you have beaten the game and have legendary pokemon, you can use them to make the fight much easier. They cannot dynamax and as a result ditto will fail when trying to transform into them. Good luck getting your max IV dittos!!

    submitted by /u/aeryth2
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    We NEED Either Better Offline Raiding AI Partners or Better Matchmaking NOW!

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 06:10 AM PST

    It is impossible to do 5 star raids offline currently. The computer doesn't chose a pokemon type that has a matchup advantage like normal humans would, let a lone use high powered pokemon. If I have that person who uses a magikarp that misses its hydro pump EVERY TIME again I am going to lose it.

    Even if I have 3 people standing next to the raid waiting I STILL can't matchmake with anyone. PLEASE PLEASSE PLEASE GET THIS FIXED SOON.

    submitted by /u/PYGOPHILE
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    Wobbuffett can have nearly 1,200 HP in Sword and Shield

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 05:25 PM PST

    With max HP IVs, EVs, level 10 Dynamax Wobbuffett reaches 1,168 HP after Dynamaxing, the most anything in the game can have.


    Fun fact, if Blissey was in the game under the same conditions she'd reach 1,428 HP

    submitted by /u/SirLandroy
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    We have a bigger problem than Sword and Shield... 'Cause you're a kid now

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 10:25 AM PST

    Do you like Pokemon? Do you like Pokemon content? Like Youtube videos, or streamers, or anything else with Pokemon in it?

    Then, you're a kid.

    That's what the COPPA act is saying. Here's an extremely well made video from Lockstin & Gnoggin, which explains everything:


    So, if you want to save that content, please leave a comment talking about a potential solution or just your opinion Here

    Please, let's put aside our differences against this greater evil.

    submitted by /u/Lemon735
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