• Breaking News

    Friday, November 22, 2019

    Pokémon Ah, yes. Content.

    Pokémon Ah, yes. Content.

    Ah, yes. Content.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:39 AM PST

    One culled Pokémon family every day until Dexit is reversed - Day 19

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:29 AM PST


    Disclaimer: Not a real protest. Share your stories and feelings about your favourite Pokemon.

    Here's a still for those that don't want a gif.

    063 Abra - 065 Alakazam

    Full gallery

    submitted by /u/jamiedrummond
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    Neat little detail in Sword/Shield

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 04:59 AM PST

    In Pokemon Sword/Shield there is a girl that supports you throughout your journey during the gym challenges, at the start she has a blipbug but by the end she has a fully evolved orbeetle! Saw this on twitter and thought it was a cool detail!

    Heres the picture with Blipbug at the start


    And heres a picture with the Orbeetle at the end


    submitted by /u/HollowLoch
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    A new region hinted at...

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 04:48 AM PST

    It seems from their pokedex entries that Cujah and Copperajah are non-native to Galar and came from another region originally, imported by humans. This would suggest that there's a region based on India in the pokemon world, which is kind of cool.

    It's a sensible enough location for a Gen 9 game, since we've been to Japan, France, USA, Hawaii (I know it's part of the USA too!) and now England. I'd love to see regions based on China and Africa* in the future as well. There's still a big wide world to visit!

    *Edit: Yes, I know that Africa is not a country, I just meant anywhere in Africa could make a cool region! Imagine going exploring tombs and crypts in an Egyptian style region, or a wild area based around the Savannah with Pyroars causing stampedes of Tauros. The world is a big place!

    submitted by /u/kurisu313
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    Male Veterans in Sun and Moon somehow smile behind their facial hair and it really bothers me

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:51 AM PST


    What the hell is this? Why doesn't the beard move around the smile? Why does even the concept art show it?!

    (Disclaimer: not outrage, I'm just joking. Sort of. It does bother me though.)

    submitted by /u/Captainpanda55
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    Have you noticed that Game Freak cut some old Pokémon traditions in Sword and Shield?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 11:24 PM PST

    There's no Victory Road, no Elite Four, heck not even a Pokémon League. It's the first time ever Game Freak decides to cut them off and, there are only two caves who are called Galar Mine 1 and 2 (in German at least) which aren't even big or long and in my opinion are named uncreatively. There used to be more caves which were bigger and longer to explore in older Pokémon Games

    submitted by /u/JackJerry18
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    Type Advantage

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 03:57 PM PST


    This ends my Hop appreciation post.

    Edit: Thanks for my first ever silver friend, I honestly didn't think my shitpost about Hop would get this much traction lol

    submitted by /u/Goatguy1
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    Cool Pokémon fact about Sword and Shield

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 03:06 AM PST

    Did you guys know that Leon (Hops older brother) is the undefeated champ of the Galar region and has a Charizard.

    I hope the game tells me this one or two more times because this is a epic gamer fact.

    Now go and tell all your friends and family what you have learned today!

    submitted by /u/itsliightz
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    [OC] I am become Death, destroyer of Galar

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 10:12 AM PST

    Why I dont Like Snivy

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 05:53 AM PST

    when I was younger, I went to a summer camp and I wanted the bring my pokemon deck, my grandma said "leave some here in case you loose them" I didnt want to so I left a weak card at home it was a snivy, long story short I lost my deck.

    I came home and snivy was there with his little smirk like "you idiot you only have me haha"

    submitted by /u/yeetmaster103
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    [OC] One year ago I proposed to my fiancée by hiding the ring inside a Pikachu and Eevee Switch, and with this note inside the game case.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:23 AM PST


    Believe it or not, she said yes.

    A tiny bit of background: Pikachu is her favorite Pokemon, and since becoming an adult she's not ashamed to admit it. Mew is my favorite. She's a hardcore Pokemon fan, so she wasn't a huge fan of the Let's Go games, but she's been playing the new ones non-stop.

    I made the insert in Photoshop, and she actually didn't even notice it until after I pointed it out. I pieced together various artworks and language promo images to get the clean background so I could put Pikachu and Mew on top, and the text. I know Photoshop pretty well, but this took a decent amount of time to get 'right'.

    I was pretty sure she knew something was up when I was filming her opening the new Switch. She also thought it was odd that there was a physical copy of the game packed inside the box with the switch. I had opened the game, removed the cartridge, and replaced it with the ring, then used two pieces of shrink wrap from other games, in tact, and perfectly overlaid on the jewel case to make it look like it had never been tampered with.

    I'm not proud, but I asked her: "Would you join me on our lifetime journey to Catch 'em All?" It sounded cute in the moment, but cringey in retrospect.

    Fun fact: I knew we could never split up when we merged our TCG collections when she moved in with me.

    submitted by /u/pale2hall
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    [OC] I drew Marnie~

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 04:26 PM PST

    Who else thought Ball Guy was going to give us the master ball?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 08:15 PM PST

    I know it may sound like an unimportant thing, but to me the setup was perfect. Throughout the whole game he has been giving us Pokeballs and telling us what they do and whatnot, but when I saw him in the last area and didn't find a master ball, I went and checked every other Centre. But there was nothing not even the slightest mention or reference.

    Plus, the point where you get the master ball didn't feel important at all, I honestly almost forgot it had happened while I was generally skimming through the endless pages of text the cutscenes has to offer.

    I feel like it's a missed opportunity for a fun character comedically named "Ball Guy" to give the player something truly important as something to remember him by.

    submitted by /u/Vincent_141
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    I made an 18th Century Charmander Cosplay!

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:19 AM PST


    A lot of floof, a bunch of flames, and some serious 'extra' later: I present Le Feu de Charmander. :)

    submitted by /u/ginniesue
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    [SWSH] Shiny Pokemon Misconception: Squares vs. Stars

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:04 AM PST

    Hi all! So I think there might currently be a misconception that I may be able to clear up regarding the differences between Square Shinies and Star Shinies in Pokemon Sword and Shield. If you are already aware of this or just don't give a shit, feel free to disregard the post.

    Current misconception: squares are rare, stars are par.

    BLUF : It is the opposite when it comes to encountering Pokemon in the wild. Shiny Pokemon with the stars animation are much more difficult to come across, unless you are breeding for shiny Pokemon. But why? Read below!

    First, if you do not understand the concept of how the game internally determines a shiny Pokemon, often called "rolls", you'll need to grasp that before anything. I'll try to do a brief explanation in order to stay on topic of "Square vs. Stars". If you know about rolls, you can skip this section and go to "Alright, back on topic".

    In the game, the overall odds of encountering a shiny without modification from chaining, breeding, or the shiny charm, is 1/4096. When encountering a Pokemon, the game essentially "rolls" N times (N= # of rolls available based on modification of odds, 1 being the standard encounter) to determine if your encounter successfully hits that 1 in 4096 chance.

    Through the modification methods, you can do two things:

    1. Increase the overall encounter chance to as low as 1/512 ~1/455
    2. Increase the number of extra rolls you get per encounter. Essentially you get to reroll the same overall odds you had multiple times for the chance of a shiny. It is said that the shiny charm grants an extra 2 rolls by its sole existence

    Alright, back on topic. Squares vs. Stars.

    When do Squares occur?

    Squares occur when you encounter a Pokemon, at any odds, and the game rolls your shiny on a reroll. Another way to put this is rolling your shiny on anything other than the first roll of the encounter.

    For example, if you had 9 total rolls per encounter with the best shiny odds modification in play (shiny charm+500 encounters = ~1/455) and the 5th roll (5 of 9) of that encounter successfully lands the 1 of 455 chance, your shiny Pokemon will have the squares animation. This goes for rolls 2-9 entirely. Whether it is roll 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, whatever, you will get squares.

    Okay, I think I see where you're going with this. So Stars?

    Stars occur when you encounter a Pokemon, at any odds, and the game rolls your shiny on the first roll. NUMBA. WAN.

    Using the previous example, having the best odds (~1/455) with your 9 total rolls, if your game rolls your very first roll (1/9) and it hits the 1 of 455 chance successfully, your shiny Pokemon will have the stars animation. Only roll #1 will result in stars, making it much harder to result in a stars animation from wild encounters.

    BUT WAIT OP! I just used the Masuda method and nailed a Stars shiny by breeding! Isn't that lucky?!

    Hell yeah Johnny, that's damn lucky! HOWEVER LET ME RUIN YOUR DAY JUST A LITTLE WITH A DRINK CALLED TRUTH. You have to understand that breeding does not utilize extra rolls/rerolls. Your overall odds of a shiny are increased using the breeding method, however each egg is one and only one roll of your odds. Therefore, breeding will almost always result in stars.

    If you want to see the nitty gritty details in code format, this dataminer Kurt (@Kaphotics) laid it out straight for all to know: https://twitter.com/Kaphotics/status/1197038435929735168?s=19

    NOTE: The top post in the twitter thread is the original and he posts an update right below starting with "In a surprising twist" which is where the information I have provided begins to come to light. Read the updates for more information in line with this theory. The original deduction of Squares being super rare was a misjudgment.

    What if I got a Squares shiny, but it was my first encounter of this Pokemon EVER? The hell is up with that?

    The # of rerolls you start with at 0 encounters is 0 with a 1.5% chance to receive an extra roll. This is based on a datamined chart at the link below. This is the reason it is still possible to get Squares, even on your first encounter of a Pokemon. https://wegotthiscovered.com/gaming/catch-shiny-pokmon-sword-shield/

    Hey OP! I got a Squares shiny from a hatch, but you said its ALMOST ALWAYS stars!

    Well shit, Johnny. The chance to get a Square shiny from an egg is approximately 1/65536 you lucky son of a gun. Thanks for the catch u/GlitchParrot!

    Alternate Perspective: If I were to believe that Squares are considered the "ultra shiny" due to their cool, extra sparkly animation, there is a possibility that the developers objectively assumed that breeding Pokemon for shinies through the Masuda method is the "easy way" to get a shiny. Therefore, those who actually put the time into chaining a Pokemon are rewarded with the Squares shiny ~90% of the time. The other ~10% could possibly find it more common to get a Stars shiny the higher your chain reaches (aka the better your odds get aka the easier it gets to finding your sought out shiny), although this is completely speculation and goes against the script found by the dataminer. Obviously this alternate perspective explanation does not exactly fall in line with what I've written above, but I'm always willing to keep an open mind.

    After all, does this really matter that much? It's up to you. As a long time shiny hunter, shiny Pokemon are shiny Pokemon. I will never be upset receiving either animation because it is a lucky break to find one, no matter what. For the hunters of all things most rare, sorry if I bursted your squares bubble. I hope this was helpful!

    THE END.

    submitted by /u/HallownestSurvivor
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    I made quite the menacing league card.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 08:54 PM PST

    You cannot beat my stand! [S t r a y C a t s]

    Edit: Here's the code for anyone that wants it.

     0000 0007 YP81 6P 
    submitted by /u/Leeroy42
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    Pokemon fans - welcome to the family

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 03:28 AM PST

    OR/AS Was Released 5 Years Ago Today. The Games Deserve More Love

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 05:46 PM PST

    They took a beloved region in Hoenn and made a faithful remake while also adding all the QoL improvements from X & Y. It's often memed on for 7.8/10 and the battle frontier tease, but that overlooks the fact that there were some really great features in these games. OR/AS had all this:

    • The PSS
    • Super Training
    • Amie
    • Super Secret Bases (Blissey bases!)
    • The PokeNav Plus to be able to track your berries, secret bases, available rematches, and pokemon habitats
    • Soaring in the sky
    • The perfect egg hatching route in the battle resort
    • Mirage islands that you could actually visit
    • A staggering amount of legendaries to catch
    • A huge safari zone
    • Horde battles (which should have been implemented more tbh)
    • The Delta Episode and the first mention of alternate universes in pokemon lore
    • Some wacky megas
    • Cosplay Pikachu

    Gen VI was when I truly got back into the franchise, so I may be biased, but I thought these games did a great job as remakes.

    submitted by /u/song_islands
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    Petition to make this Pokémon the icon for "Submit A Link" in the sidebar rather than Pikachu

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:43 AM PST

    Of course, I'm talking about Falinks!

    Just seems really fitting.

    (Magneton could work too I guess.)

    submitted by /u/TheEvilTurnip
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    Shoutout to Freya's Eevee

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 06:57 PM PST

    I couldn't help but burst out laughing. I think I just ruined Gigantimaxing for myself.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 09:46 PM PST


    Lmao this just seems so silly.

    edit: I'm not laughing at just gigantimaxing itself I'm laughing at how I just OHKO water-poked a giant mountain

    edit 2: apparently someone has posted a very similar video before my bad... though I'm not trying to point out flaws in the game really I'm just posting how funny I thought this was. I just finger gunned an entire mountain in one hit.

    submitted by /u/FearTheGoat
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    I drew two unofficial Gigantamax forms of two of my favorite mon!

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 10:34 AM PST



    I love some of the designs of the gigantamax Pokemon, so I tried to make my own.

    submitted by /u/Log_draws
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    Sw/Sh has the best gyms

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:30 AM PST

    I just finished the main story of the game and I can not remember a time I had so much fun in gym battles. I love this new change to stadium gym battles watched by the entire region. This really makes it seem like you are a region wide hero. The spectacle of dynamax is also amazing to watch and personally I think it is more in-depth than mega evolution because you only get three turns.

    For once in a pokemon game you don't overthrow an entire evil organization at 10 years old. For the most part Leon does all the heavy lifting, you basically just battle Rose and his assistant. I really appreciate the change that makes the games more about the sport of battling than the taking down of a gang.

    EDIT: I'm not against mega evolution (except they murdered my boy Absol in his design.) I am just interested in the potential for PVP. Here you just have 3 turns of a powerhouse. In Mega evolution you almost always had the mega from the turn the pokemon entered battle until they fainted.

    submitted by /u/rothitup
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    Don't lose hope Infernape. You might get an Ultra Instinct mode one day! xD

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:38 AM PST

    New pseudo legendary Pokemon is everything I've hoped for

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:49 AM PST

    I had the chance to catch a Drakloak before really knowing what it was in a raid. It had near perfect IVs, was a dragon/ghost type which I'd been praying for from Game Freak since gen 4 (Giratina doesn't do it for me ¯_(ツ)_/¯ ) and is in the top 20 fastest 'mon in the series as Dragapult- eat your heart out Mewtwo Y!

    Dreepy, its first evolution, is the cutest thing. The Dex entry makes me wonder what it was during prehistoric times. The little smile it has is cuter than any Pichu's and it rides around on Dragapult's blackbird-shaped head in a better display of camaraderie than mantine and remoraid. The best part about Dragapult by far though is its learned move dragon darts) Never mind the fact that it has Earthquake stats on a double hit move with STAB. It's the animation for the move. It literally yeets the Dreepy it so lovingly cares for at its adversaries. And they love it as much as if it was a carnival ride! I was in stitches from laughter when I first saw the move against a random seismitoad. I love it.

    If you get the chance to catch one in the lake of outrage area or in a raid I recommend you make some space in your party. It'll likely be one of the few Pokemon I actively shiny hunt.

    submitted by /u/Corruptsoul01
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