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    Pokémon [Weekly Questions Thread] 25 November 2019

    Pokémon [Weekly Questions Thread] 25 November 2019

    [Weekly Questions Thread] 25 November 2019

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 01:08 AM PST

    Have any questions about Pokémon that you'd like answered?

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    As a British person it's still weird to me how some of the most British Pokemon are mysteriously absent from the Galar pokedex.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 05:19 AM PST

    Snubbull and Granbull - based off of British bulldogs...absent.

    Ducklett and Swanna - Swans are the UK's "royal bird", meaning almost all swans are owned by the Crown...absent.

    Litleo and Pyroar - Lion heraldry is literally everywhere across the UK...absent.

    GameFreak's selection process for what Pokemon were to be implemented into the UK-based Galar is certainly strange when these super obvious candidates were not allowed in yet less fitting ones Maractus, Skuntank, Pangoro and Drapion were.

    submitted by /u/Possibly_English_Guy
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    The fanbase wouldn't be bothered as much if they just let the dev team admit they didn't have enough time and people

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 03:01 AM PST

    They've been jumping through hoops to avoid saying so, by giving excuses and reasons that don't really hold up. It's like they really really don't want it going out that Pokemon doesn't have enough time and people. Most often this is fault of executives or higher-ups or the publishers, who want it this way so they won't look bad. If they just allowed the devs to come out and say "we didn't have enough resources and time", everyone would be much less violent and angry.

    I'm of the opinion that Game Freak isn't lazy. Look at Sun and Moon. Plenty of work went into those games, and you can sense it. I'm actually surprised no one's considered the idea that it was perhaps Nintendo or The Pokemon Company as the reason why these games were rushed. Executives tend to ruin things. They just had to work on crunch time with half the team they usually had, resulting in what is considered a lackluster product by a very vocal section of the fanbase.

    EDIT: I may be far too accepting, but I'm just used to the first game on a new platform sucking by now (again, D/P and X/Y). I'm looking forward to when they finally understand how to make games for the system like with Gen 5 and Gen 7.

    submitted by /u/FluorescenceFuture
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    So, my friend made a lifesize Snorlax for my husband...

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:41 AM PST

    [OC] I had to do it

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:00 AM PST

    One culled Pokémon family every day until Dexit is reversed - Day 20, 21 & 22

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 01:14 AM PST


    Tentacool is a work of modern art

    069 Bellsprout - 076 Golem

    Full gallery

    submitted by /u/jamiedrummond
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    Despite the memes, Leon is accurately portrayed as a sporting celebrity

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:18 AM PST

    It's no secret that Leon has been the subject of many "uNbEataBle" memes since SwSh came out. But, I think many people making fun of that are missing the point that his characterisation actually perfectly fits into the game's depiction of Pokemon battling as a competitive spectator sport, complete with star celebrities and huge fanbases. It makes sense that many are annoyed with him as a lot of people aren't familiar with / don't like celebrity culture (after all, who hasn't rolled their eyes at the idolisation of some sports stars or had to deal with a loud fan before?), but it all ties very well into the culture of sports, which is exactly what the game is trying to show.

    The analogy here is obviously to league football (aka soccer to Americans), with Galar being based on the UK, the matches taking place in huge stadiums filled with people, and the Pokemon battles taking place right on the pitch. Even the dynamax pokeballs are basically footballs and the throw animation is exactly a throw-in in football.

    In this context, Leon is basically the Cristiano Ronaldo or the Lionel Messi of the Galar league, a celebrity among the sports fans of that world. These people are hugely idolised by their fans, and put on a pedestal for all to see. Even if you are not a fan of football, you have probably heard of these players before, and if you do follow association football, you need no explanation. People who love these players love to talk about these players, and they get swarmed every time they go out in public. Of course the players themselves put on a show for their fans too. That's what Leon is in the Pokemon world.

    Of course, you may still think that the game goes a little bit too far with all the Leon "worship". Leaving aside that the Ronaldos and Messis of our world actually do experience that as well, it's also worth pointing out that Leon's position is different in a way that makes him stand out even more than these players.

    • Football is a team sport. Pokemon is not. At the end of the day, a football player like Ronaldo wouldn't be able to score the goals that he does without his team setting him up. Though Ronaldo may be the star player on his team, credit is always shared among the team, no matter how good the player is. This is not true for Pokemon. All of a trainer's successes and failures can be pinned on the trainer himself, so Leon's achievements are magnified many times compared to even Ronaldo or Messi.
    • In real sports, going undefeated for an entire season (in any sport, not just football) is pretty dang exceptional. This point might be devalued for us because the Pokemon games are easy enough that we, the player, can sweep every trainer and become champion in 20 hours of playtime while being a 10 year old character, but that's not indicative of the time, effort, and skill that it takes to go undefeated in a sport. So in canon, Leon going "unbeatable" would be a huge talking point and justification for his fame, not just a meme.

    TL;DR In the end, Leon is basically a recreation of famous football stars but magnified even more, and a character like Hop is the kid fan who looks up to and idolises their favorite player, which are both very realistic depictions of sports and celebrity culture. A game that tries to cast Pokemon as a sport in the way that SwSh does would be remiss to not include a sports superstar equivalent like Leon and a kid who sees him as his personal hero. There are lots of problems with the game, but this is something (depiction of sports, star players and their fans) that I think the game does very well and people seem to mistake it for simply being nothing more than some annoying characters.

    submitted by /u/press-w-to-move-up
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    Couple of new fossil ideas for the upcoming Champion Sword and Undefeated Shield

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 05:45 AM PST

    I spent all day breeding to get my fiance a wedding gift for our big day tomorrow.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 03:20 PM PST


    Tomorrow is the big day for me and my fiancee. Ever since we picked up Sword and Shield she fell in love with Appletun and loved that Applin was a green apple shiny. So I spent all day today Masuda Method breeding an Applin to get her a shiny of her very own when she gets home. This is the first shiny I've ever actually bred, so it makes it that much more special to me.

    I saved the game every 5 eggs I carried so I could reset the egg before it hatches so I could trade the egg to her game since it's already determined to be a shiny once I pick it up. I've got it in her party now, literally one step away from hatching. So when she boots the game up and moves in any direction she'll get her shiny surprise.

    It's a little unorthodoxed for a wedding gift, but I know it'll make her smile. Now I'm just waiting for her to get home from work anxiously.

    Update; She loved it! We can't wait for tomorrow for the next steps in our own adventure together in life.

    submitted by /u/notmymainevent
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    Let's not let time forget the grooviest villain of all time

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:42 AM PST

    Marnie pout

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 02:31 AM PST

    After 6 days of Matsuda method without a charm I finally got the shiny Eevee!!! I evolved it right away :)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 03:23 AM PST

    TPC is searching for the leakers, Lawyers say the leaks caused 'irreparable injury' to The Pokemon Company

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:56 AM PST

    You can read the original story here.

    The TLDR is that they want to find the leakers to sue them. A choice quote -

    Lawyers from Perkins Coie, a law firm headquartered in Seattle, said the leakers, "disrupted [The Pokemon Company's] ability to market Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield and the Strategy Guide," arguing that the leaks reduced fan interest and engagement generated by keeping key elements of the games secret.

    Even after all this backlash they still can't come out with a decent response and point fingers at the leakers for basically just showing what the finished product was, despite the game selling like hotcakes regardless of all of that. Bravo, TPC. Keep it classy over there.

    submitted by /u/Rfl0
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    Opal is the best gym leader in the series.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:25 AM PST

    Say what you will about the rest of the game, but Opal's gym was probably the most memorable gym I've ever played through. Those questions had so much personality and she was such an outright troll (I only think others should have more pink, lol. Have some nerfed defenses for thinking I'm 88!) and I honestly did not expect those questions to continue into her final fight. It reminded me of the Grunty fight in Banjo Tooie. Even her gigantimax pokeball throwing animation was hilarious.

    We need more gym leaders like Opal.

    submitted by /u/GhoullyX
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    I drew one of my favourite new Pokemon!

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:25 AM PST

    Trying to catch Gigantamax Pokémon is the least fun thing I’ve ever done in the entire franchise

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 01:38 AM PST

    Imagine soft resetting the game and fighting the same Pokémon over an over again because it won't stay in the ball. Now imagine this battle taking for-fucking-ever making it extra frustrating to restart. On top of all that, you don't even have the guarantee that you'll get to try to catch it again because playing offline means that the outcome of the fight is entirely based on luck.

    I have no problem with grinding but when the AI is so incredibly dumb that it makes me feel like it isn't even my fault that I can't win? No thanks. Those NPC trainers can rot in virtual hell.

    I enjoyed most of the game but this, this I hate so very much.

    submitted by /u/ForlornFurball
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    Friendly reminder that Pokemon Platinum, released in 2008, was the last time a third version of a Pokemon game was included in a generation.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:32 AM PST

    Red and Blue had Yellow, plus Green in Japan.

    Gold and Silver had Crystal.

    Ruby and Sapphire had Emerald.

    Diamond and Pearl had Platinum.

    Black and White never had Gray, X and Y never had Z, Omega Emerald never existed, Sun and Moon never had Pokemon Stars or whatever. I'm not holding my breath for Pokemon Gun to follow up Sword and Shield.

    submitted by /u/D4NTE157
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    Releasing two separate versions with minimal differences is an outdated practice they should stop. Either make the versions quite different or make only one version

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 05:17 PM PST

    This has always been something that has bugged me. Why can't they either include both legendaries like they do in the sequel/remakes or make it so you can decide on which box legendary you want to capture in the story mode or in the post-game? You're able to do that with a starter Pokémon, so why can't they do the same with legendaries? With the games being $60 now, these cash grab techniques are probably not as effective as they used to and are just wasting time and resources. The only thing they serve to do is to get that occasional hardcore fan/collector to spend another $60 on the same game just with 5 version exclusive Pokémon lines and maybe a unique battle or two with a trainer you may or may not be able to rematch.

    Using my previous statements, it'd be as if they started releasing full price version exclusives based on the starter you want. You can't pick any of the starters, the story forces you to get that one. Another absurd metaphor is if Fire emblem three houses was sold as 3 separate $60 games based on the faction you wanted to teach. Both of these would definitely cause a ton of backlash since they block off your freedom of choice behind $60. Just because it's a traditional thing they do for each generation doesn't mean that it's okay for them to do now.

    EDIT: To the responses saying it's purely for trading purposes, while online trading has made this mostly hassle free in previous games that had it, the fact that there's no GTS and now that you have to subscribe to Nintendo switch online or find another person who has the opposite version as you who can see you in person to make wireless makes this intended purpose not as streamlined as before. Besides, there are better ways to incentivize trading, most notably Pokémon who evolve through trades.

    submitted by /u/SingleYike
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    Let's talk about Alder

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 05:02 AM PST

    Yes I know everyone would rather meme about Leon and his Charizard but I want to talk a bit about a character who despite his shortcomings, has proven to be the most unique champion to date, even if he is one of the weaker champions because of his greatest weakness

    First off he is involved in the story a lot in BW, not as much as Cynthia in the previous generation but he has an important role in helping Cheren grow as a person, making him see that there is more to a trainer then just strength, you see this as Cheren is a gym leader 2 years later.

    At one point Alder pursued strength like Cheren, and with the death of his partner, a Volcarona, he wandered the region aimlessly, this death changed his outlook on life greatly.

    I will admit that this man isn't a champion, hell According to Ghetsis the pokemon league requested that he took the position, Alder had the Elite 4 watch after Unova while he wandered, irresponsible but I don't blame him

    Eventually this weakness caught up with him, as he lost to N, if it wasn't for Hilbert or Hilda Ghestis would have won, he knew this, which is why in the post game you can fight him and see that he has grown, despite this growth Iris eventually won the championship from him, and he went to a role that suited him more, a teacher, he teaches the new generation of trainers in Floccesty Town.

    Say what you will about him, about his many, many, shortcomings Alder is a good character

    submitted by /u/QuartztheRiolu
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    THEORY: The Starters in each region are NOT native to that region that's why they are considered rare. Here's what I think should be the actual starters, native to each region.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 11:29 AM PST

    KANTO Starting with the most obvious choice here: Oshawott, who basically evolves into a samurai, fits perfectly in this region based on real world Kanto, where the city of Tokyo, formerly known as Edo, was the hotspot for samurai.

    Chimchar doesn't really fit into any region (...unless we get a Greek themed region) and because the other Fire Starters fitted better elsewhere, Chimchar will be the native starter in Kanto. (Monkeys do play a big part in Japanese folklore stories though)

    Treecko, same story, although Treecko is not misplaced in its original home there is a better Grass starter for Hoenn.

    JOHTO Johto is based on the Kansai region in Japan, steeped in Japanese tradition which is wonderfully shown in the games. These three fit in just as wonderful.

    Grookey, our new Taiko drummer monkey, felt very misplaced to me in the region of Galar so I tracked Grookey's origin down to Johto. (Some say its design is based on British rock drummers but I find the design more Asian, especially Thwackey)

    Fennekin, our mystical fox witch/wizard also fits in Johto. Kitsune (Japanese fox demons) are a staple of Japanese folklore.

    Froakie, our ninja frog. Need I say more. One could argue Oshawott would also fit here.

    HOENN Based on the Honshu Kyushu region in Japan. Bit more of a tricky region. Features islands, tropical weather, a volcano and lots of water.

    Bulbasaur. The Grass starter for Hoenn was a toss-up between Bulbasaur and Chikorita. Both have tropical flowers in their final evolutions which fits with the tropical theme here. Ultimately I decided that Chikorita was a bit more tropical for a better fit in a more tropical region.

    Cyndaquil (my personal favourite Starter) becomes the Lava Plume Pokémon. Hoenn has a volcano so one can see how Cyndaquil could be native to Hoenn.

    Sobble. Hoenn already featured a chameleon so why not another. I have to say, posting this, I currently have no idea what its evolutions are (I'm playing spoiler-free) so I can't comment on how its final evolution would fit the Hoenn region better.

    SINNOH Based on Hokkaido. Snow and mountains. Sinnoh seems like a harsh region to live in so I picked the most rugged starters here.

    Turtwig. Although its evolution, Torterra, basically has a miniature version of the Wild Area of Galar on its shell, Turtwig is the best choice for Sinnoh. This tough tortoise can surely tough it out.

    Tepig. I can just imagine Tepigs running around in the snowy forests of Sinnoh, like little boars. Their fire bellies would surely keep them warm.

    Squirtle. Like I said, bulky and tough seems to be what you need in Sinnoh. Blastoise is tuff enuff for the harsh region of Sinnoh.

    UNOVA Based on New York. We are out of Japan now. So... Snakes, Crocodiles and... Tigers?

    Snivy. Snivy is also one who remained in its debut game region. A smug snake seems somehow very American to me, moreso than the other Grass starters anyway.

    Litten. A kittycat who evolves into a wrestler. The tiger wrestler fits better in Unova than the boar wrestler.

    Totodile. I know, Unova is not Florida but our little gator definitely fits in Unova. Could also serve as a sort of rival to the Sandile line.

    KALOS It's Pokémon but pronounced the French way.

    Chespin. The Paladin Knight would also fit in Galar but Kalos seems to be its correct home. Another Grass Starter that started out in the right place following my logic.

    Scorbunny. No, I did not put Scorbunny in this region because it has a striking resemblance to Chespin. Sure, the football/soccer bunny really fits wel in Galar but somebody can fill the Fire Starter spot there better. Football is also the most popular sport in France, so there's that.

    Piplup. Becomes the Emperor Pokémon whose name makes a reference to Napoleon (in English anyway) couldn't be any more French. Although Sinnoh is more known for its snow and cold, I can't help but think Piplup is from Kalos.

    ALOLA Alola, Alola! We're back with the tropical theme but this time more extreme.

    Chikorita. (I used to love Chikorita in the show when I was a kid) Toss-up here between Chikorita and Bulbasaur, see the Hoenn explanation. Meganium has this Hawaiian flower around its neck which fits the region's aesthetic perfectly. (isn't there also a guy in the games who has a Hawaiian shirt with Meganiums on it?)

    Torchic. A Thai-boxing chicken seems to me the most exotic Fire Starter so I made Alola its native home.

    Popplio. There couldn't be a more fitting Water starter here in Alola. Good job, no change here.

    GALAR Our newest region. (still playing through it at the moment)

    Rowlet. Becomes a green-hooded archer owl. It has everything going for it to fit in Galar. Seems more British to me than a Taiko playing monkey. (I love the Grookey line by the way, best starter in Galar)

    Charmander. A dragon, it's a dragon. What more could you expect out of a Fire Starter in a region based on Britain.

    Mudkip. Mudkip and evolutions would definitely make its home in the bogs and lakes of Galarian Scotland.

    Here's the complete line-up

    This is my view of it. Feel free to counter-argue in the comments. Bonus question! Which Starter would you pick in each region with these new line-ups?

    submitted by /u/KansaiBel
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    Honest opinion: Pokémon Sword and Shield story is hugely lackluster compared to its predecessors

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 01:30 AM PST


    I don't want this thread to be seen as a complaining thread, I rarely post here and I just want to share my thoughts and feelings about the new Pokémon game.

    As everything in life, I think the new game has good and better things as well as bad and worst things compared to the other games. I started out with Pokémon Blue when I was a kid. The games I've played most were Blue, Silver, Fire Red, Soul Silver, and Omega Ruby. Unfortunately I didn't have the change to play all the titles because I didn't always have a Nintendo DS and only after many years I got the Game Boy SP as a second hand.

    Those that I've played I always thought that the world was huge and there was a lot of things to do. In every city there was always a problem that you had to solve that somehow tied up to the main story. Every town really had its own flavor and story. In Pokémon Sword and Shield I can't help but feel that I go to towns just to beat the Gym and, maybe, talk with Sonia, Rose or whatever to advance in the story. Not even solve something or do a little quest, simply talk to them.

    I feel that the story is extremely linear and "empty". All the towns feel so hollow and pointless to me. Don't get me wrong, I find the sceneries beautiful, but so much wasted. There's literally nothing to do in each town and that's such a lost opportunity.

    There's features that I love about the game. I really enjoy the new way you encounter wild Pokémon that somehow combines the traditional walking on grass with the Pokémon poping up like in Let's GO. I like the camping aspect of it. My girlfriend lovest o cook in the game, her curry dex must be 3-4 times bigger than mine.

    There's also the lack of animations and getting just a black screen. For example the taxi: no animation, just a black screen with a tiny sprite of Corviknight as it loads.

    Overall, while the game is enjoyable it also feels overwhelmingly lackluster and rushed. My main issue is really how the story is just so empty and meaningless. You are just some rando who somehow is prefered by the champion than his own brother.

    submitted by /u/Quothnor
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    I drew one of my favorites, Ho Oh!

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:24 AM PST


    Prismacolor pencils and watercolors on watercolor paper.

    submitted by /u/greatunknownpub
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    IF GameFreak wants to have a game available by Christmas but has to delay a main series game...

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:02 AM PST

    Gamefreak should just make another Mystery Dungeon Game or some sort of spinoff. Have a smaller team work on those games. We haven't got a Mystery Dungeon Game since Super Mystery Dungeon in 2015. It is time for a new iteration of the games.

    If not they could make a Pokemon Snap remake or another Pokemon Ranger Game. Even a remake of XD and Gale of Darkness would be enjoyed.

    submitted by /u/awkward_actress
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    When will we get a pokemon game where our Mom is the champion?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 01:00 PM PST

    Think about it.

    Gary is our rival, Lance the stronest Kanto Elite 4 member, Steven, Cynthia and Alder are just the champions that we meet along the way; Wallace and Iris were the region's strongest gym leaders; Im counting N as he beat Alder technically and is a villian in the game, Diantha is just some actress, We are the champion of Alola and Kukui is the first challenger, then Leon is the best friend's brother. That is quite the selection.

    We also have Norman as our Dad being a gym leader and Sun and Moon have shown that a mother character can be very influenecial in Lusamine.

    Sinnoh mom is a famous performer and Alola mom is a famous Meowth trainer. Edit: Kalos mom is a famous Rhyhorn racer

    So how long until we reach the point where we reach the champion's room and we are greeted by our own mother who proceeds to battle her own child for title of champion?

    submitted by /u/Valsana
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    What if there was a new pokemon that had several evolutions similar to Eevee, for the remaining types that Eevee hasn't represented yet?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 03:08 AM PST

    (My previous post had a title that was confusing users, so hopefully this gets my point across better)

    I was watching this video here, which talks about how Eevees current evolutions are based around special types, and that beyond dragon, none of the remaining types are special, but are instead physical based, so therefore, Eevee would get no more Eeveelutions https://youtu.be/Cvn23DLmTPY

    And it got me thinking... why not just make a new pokemon altogether that isnt tied to Eevee?

    Instead of just making a new type evolution for eevee, we scrap eevee altogether, let him have what he has, and make a new pokemon to start with.

    A new pokemon, that then branches into several evolutions due to different events and stats

    Now what it would be, I have no idea, but it would allow us to have more creative freedom. No longer will it be a quadrupedal fox with a mane of some sort, but something entirely different.

    What's the remaining types?









    Dragon(which we may or may not count, as it's the most possible out of all the remaining types to still be a Eevee)

    So this new multivolution pokemon... I read all these types and I think bulky, powerful, big, hardy, rougher-looking and darker alltogether than the Eevee line... and yes, that includes umbreon, hes a fluff ball...

    In my head I'm taking inspiration from the regi-line, big and bipedal, something meant to take a hit but dish it back. A golem [shadap cardboard], a giant... something... but honestly, anything could be a good idea

    Your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Madgameboy
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