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    Friday, June 19, 2020

    Pokémon Opinion: GameFreak HAS been consistently amazing at one thing...

    Pokémon Opinion: GameFreak HAS been consistently amazing at one thing...

    Opinion: GameFreak HAS been consistently amazing at one thing...

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 01:32 AM PDT


    I swear to god every new Pokemon game has some of the most kickass battle music in the entire series. GameFreak has always kicked ass in the sound department, but the jump to high quality instruments from the DS has really brought their sound department into a whole new light. Everyone and their grandmother has talked about the new Galar Gym theme, but there's also Bede's theme, Guzma's theme, Mustard's theme, Wally's theme, and the list goes on. Zinnia's theme is considered by many fans to be one of the best battle themes in an RPG period. They even do an amazing job at remixing their old retro tracks, like Rainbow Rocket's theme remixing the original and the Magma/Aqua Admin's theme from OR/AS. And that extends not just to battles, but to routes and locations too!

    Each one of the battle themes fit their characters and scenarios perfectly, staying extremely energetic no matter what the mood to amp you up for the impending fight. And each route/location song perfectly lures you into the atmosphere of a calm yet bouncy adventure through forests, mountains, etc. They all have a distinctive style and feel whilst still sounding like Pokemon songs, and it seems like with each passing game, no matter what the overall quality of the game is, the music is always spot-freaking-on. Even other Pokemon devs like Niantic, Genius Sonority, or even HAL, despite how good their Pokemon music may be (especially Sonority), don't really pack the same punch that GameFreak's sound department does.

    But what do you guys think? I'd love to hear your thoughts

    submitted by /u/AnbuWeegee
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    Big wailord best wailord

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 04:49 AM PDT

    Opinion: Scizor is one of the best designed Pokemon in all aspects: concept, aesthetics, and stats

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    Since Scizor is coming back in the DLC, I just had to make a 5am rambling about my favorite metal boi. Scizor is obviously a fan favorite Pokemon, but I feel like it doesn't get enough credit considering how much gamefreak did a good job in designing this pokemon.

    The concept is simple: it's a Scyther that got covered in metal and from this came one of the most badass pokemon of all time. Just look at its design, It's an armored mantis with pincers that you obviously won't want to get close to. It's all red, and it's threatening. I actually like its design more than its Mega, I feel like the design of the Mega went way too overboard.

    And for the stats, probably disappointing at first but it doesn't get any stat increase upon evolving (the only pokemon to do so) but this is probably one of the most important aspect of Scizor's design: since it's a Scyther that got covered in metal, it got heavier and lost some speed in exchange for the metallic bulk and punch. Scizor is one of those unique Pokemon in which itself and its pre-evolution dons a different playstyle (such as PorygonZ and Porygon2) considering most middle line Pokemon in competitive just try to copy the final evolution while holding an eviolite (ahem, Chansey)

    Now some Pokemon get good design, good stats, sometimes both, but gets let down by middling a movepool and ways to execute those pros (Serperior, if it wasn't for that godforsaken ability), but not for Scizor. It's got everything it needs to be a competitive menace and although the power creep made its life harder, it's still the GOAT in where it resides (UU last gen).

    Get it? Scizor is COOL and it will punch your fairies in the face before they make a move. Gamefreak really did a good job at conceptualizing this pokemon and executing it. This might be a popular opinion, but I just had to say it

    EDIT: grammar

    submitted by /u/yeppeugiman
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    Pokemon Smile is the sequel to Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    You fight Shadow Pokemon to catch and purify them. I will not be taking criticism.

    On an unrelated note, is anybody else having trouble with Pokemon Smile's toothbrush detection. Either I'm actually horribly bad at brushing my teeth, or it's losing track of the toothbrush way too often. I've played two days and still haven't actually caught a Pokemon yet.

    submitted by /u/Fishykarp
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    To Those Who Are Out To Catch Zeraora

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 01:23 AM PDT

    Hey, I see you there trying to find Zeraora spots or helping out others. Trying to get that 1 million trainer count.

    It doesn't matter if you beat him or assist in beating him 100 times, or just once, or failing but still giving it a go. You are an awesome Trainer and I'm proud to see you are contributing.

    And for those Trainers who want to focus on other things besides Zeraora, you are amazing too. You're a vital part of this community and you deserve all the very best luck.

    submitted by /u/MoombaKoala
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    [OC] My girlfriend re-imagined Bulbasaur as different fruits, hope you appreciate it!

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 04:28 AM PDT

    Some players are worse than the Max Raid NPCs

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 02:42 AM PDT

    Was doing a max raid earlier against an Azumaril and on the first turn the dynamaxed shiny lurantis max overgrowths and the rotom mow leaf storms into it revealing that it had sap sipper. Then on the next turn those players had the bright idea of "hey that attack did nothing and raised the opponent's stats better do that again" like come on you don't even have the excuse of being choice locked because you are dynamaxed and who uses choice specs if you are gonna spam leaf storm in a max raid. Like jeez i rather have martin's Solrock at this rate at least he doesn't actively buff the raid boss. (Thanks for reading though this mess of a rant)

    submitted by /u/FelineBlitz
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    Does Hop lick your head in the DLC?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    Ok so the Applin falls on your head from the berry tree and splats nectar on your head and Hop is all like "huh well let's try it" and he walks over and the screen goes dark. Does that mean he walked up and licked our head or am I thinking about this too much? This is very important to me, I have to know

    submitted by /u/funnymonkey1997
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    If Pokemon Black and White has a definitive version like Emerald or Platinum

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 02:03 AM PDT

    Most underrated pokemon

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    What's your favourite pokemon that you think doesn't get much appreciation. In other words, most underrated pokemon. My pick would definitely be Girafarig. I mean,it's basically a palindrome, and i like those. It also happens to be my favourite animal AND my favourite type(psychic). And I'm unsure aboit it's battle power, but I'm the type of person that loves a pokemon for it's design and concept.

    submitted by /u/azidthenawi
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    Level 10 Urshifu, just because.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 06:35 AM PDT


    Turns out it's pretty easy to get.
    Just play a new game on a new profile until you get the Kubfu.
    Transfer it to a game that already has a tower open, through Pokemon home.
    Simply go to the tower and talk to the scroll, you'll be able to evolve your Kubfu at level 10.

    Take that you silly trade spammers!

    submitted by /u/Leyzr
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    Evolving mid battle? What do you think?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    Not sure if an identical thought has crossed anyone's mind before. Considering that we've had Mega Evolution and Dynamaxing, has there ever been support behind a mechanic whereby you can evolve a pokemon mid battle?

    Consider a scenario where you fight a Bug Catcher with a Charmander. You knock out a Venonat and your Charmander hits level 16. Your opponent still has another 2 pokemon to send out but your Charmander has hit the requirement to evolve. I imagine a mechanic where the evolution text appears "huh? Charmander is evolving?!" where of course you can hit B to stop or let it evolve. Now a Charmeleon it might offer the player to learn a new move and then the fight resumes. To me, this small action could make fights much more interesting and engaging knowing that your pokemon could evolve at ideal times during a battle as opposed to barely getting through an encounter for your pokemon to evolve after the fighting is done. Walking in to a Gym Battle on the cusp of evolving to trigger an evolution when the Leader is down to its last powerhouse Pokemon to me would be pretty fun.

    Maybe as an incentive, a newly evolved pokemon could have all its stats go up by one stage (think Ancient Power buff). Wouldnt want to make things too easy in my opinion. An evolving pokemon mid fight shouldn't be buffed to the point the rest of the battle is a walk in the park.

    What are your thoughts on this? Would this idea work in your mind or does the evolution post battle stand the test of time?


    submitted by /u/blchair
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    Is it just me or were the follower Pokémon done better in Let’s Go?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    I guess the main thing I'm talking about is speed. So many Pokémon are just soooo slowww and can't keep up with you at all, even when just walking. And some I don't get how they're supposed to follow you at all. I get that they're going off of their speed stats but I think it's just impractical most of the times, it was better how the ones in Let's Go were done. Also, they were a bit more creative in Let's Go too. Like being able to ride Dragonite or Snorlax carrying you (although that had its own problems tbh). Anyways, what do y'all think?

    submitted by /u/dr-incognito-dorito
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    Sharing the names and puns of the different Pokémon localisations

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    I thought it would be interesting to share the different localisation names of the Pokémon, and the puns they have. So I've decided to make this post explaining the French name of Pokémon, as French is my first language, starting with gen 1. The first 251 Pokémons' French name have been created by an man alone : Julien Bardakoff. Let's get started.

    • 1. Bulbasaur => Bulbizarre : bulbe (bulb) + bizarre
    • 2. Ivysaur => Herbizarre : herbe (grass) + bizarre
    • 3.Venusaur => Florizarre : flore (plants) + bizarre
    • 4. Charmander => Salamèche : salamandre (salamander) + mèche (wick)
    • 5. Charmeleon => Reptincel : reptile (reptile) + étincelle (spark)
    • 6. Charizard => Dracaufeu : from latin Draco (dragon) and "au feu" (Fire !)
    • 7. Squirtle => Carapuce : carapace (shell) + puce (flea)
    • 8. Wartortle => Carabaffe : carapace + baffe (slap)
    • 9. Blastoise => Tortank : Tortue (turtle) + tank (it's used French solely for assault vehicle)
    • 10. Caterpie => Chenipan : chenille (caterpillar) + chenapan (rascal)
    • 11. Metapod => Chrysacier : chrysalide (chrysalis) + acier (steel)
    • 12. Butterfree => Papilusion : Papillon (butterfly) + illusion (illusion)
    • 13. Weedle => Aspicot : asticot (maggot) + picot (spike)
    • 14. Kaluna => Coconfort : cocon (cocoon) + fort (strong)
    • 15. Beedrill => Dardargnan : dard (stinger) repeted twice to make it similar to "dare-dare" + d'Artagnan
    • 16. Pidgey => Roucool : roucouler (pigeons' cry) + cool
    • 17. Pidgeotto => Roucoups : roucouler + coups (hits), the ps at the end is supposed to be silent but everyone pronounces it anyway
    • 18. Pidgeot => Roucarnage : roucouler + carnage (massacre)
    • 19. Rattata => stays the same
    • 20. Raticate => Rattatac : rat (rat) + attaque (attack)
    • 21. Spearow => Piafabec : contraction of piaf à bec (sparrow with beak)
    • 22. Fearow => Rapasdepic : Rapace (bird of prey) + as de pique (ace of spade)
    • 23. Ekans => Abo : anagram of boa (a snake species)
    • 24. Arbok => stays the same
    • 25. Pikachu => stays the same
    • 26. Raichu => stays the same
    • 27. Sandshrew => Sabelette : Sable (sand) + belette (weasel)
    • 28. Sandslash => Sablaireau : Sable + Blaireau (badger)
    • 29. to 34. Are the nidoran lines and don't change from English to French
    • 35. Clefairy => Mélofée : mélopée (monotonous chant) + fée (fairy)
    • 36. Clefable => Mélodelfe : mélodie (melody) + elfe (elf)
    • 37. Vulpix => Goupix : goupil (old French word for fox) + six (just like in English, because it has 6 tails)
    • 38. Ninetales => Feunard : feu (fire) + renard (currently used word for fox), Bardakoff also revealed in 2016 that the "feun" in the name was meant as "neuf" (nine) backwards, for ninetales' well… nine tails
    • 39. Jigglypuff => Rondoudou : rond (round, circle) + doudou (cuddly toy)
    • 40. Wigglytuff => Grodoudou : gros (big, fat) + doudou
    • 41. Zubat => Nosferapti : Nosferatu (like the movie) + petit (small)
    • 42. Golbat => Nosferalto : Nosferatu + alto (latin for big)
    • 43. Oddish => Mystherbe : mystère (mystery) + herbe (grass)
    • 44. Gloom => Ortide : ortie (nettle) + fétide (fetid)
    • 45. Vileplume => rafflesia : just the flower name
    • 46. Paras => stays the same
    • 47. Parasect => stays the same
    • 48. Venonat => Mimitoss : mimi (cute) + mite (moth) + toss (the English word)
    • 49. Venomoth => Aéromite : aero (Greek for air) + mite (moth)
    • 50. Diglett => Taupiqueur : taupe (mole) + marteau-piqueur (pneumatique drill)
    • 51. Dugtrio => Triopiqueur : Trio + marteau-piqueur
    • 52. Meowth => Miaouss : miaou (meow) + ouste (shoo)
    • 53. Persian => stays the same
    • 54. Psyduck => Psykokwak : psycho + couac (duck cry
    • 55. Golduck => Akwakwak : aqua + couac
    • 56. Mankey : Férosinge : féroce (fierce) + singe (monkey)
    • 57. Primeape => Colossinge : colosse (colossus) + singe
    • 58. Growlithe => Caninos : canin (canine as for dog's family) + os (bone)
    • 59. Arcanine => Arcanin : Arcanine minus the e
    • 60. Poliwag => Ptitard : petit (small) + têtard (tadpole)
    • 61. Poliwhirl => Têtarte : têtard + tarte (pie big hit in the face)
    • 62. Poliwrath => Tartard : tartare (river from hell in Greek mythology) + têtard
    • 63. Abra 64. Kadabra 65. Alakazam => stay the same
    • 66. Machop => Machoc : macho + choc (chock)
    • 67. Machoke => Machopeur : macho + chopeur (litteral translation of catcher)
    • 68. Machamp => Mackogneur: macho + cogneur (bruiser)
    • 69. Bellsprout => Chétiflor : chétif (slicky) + flore (plants)
    • 70. Weepingbell => Boustiflor : boustifailler (stuffing yourself) + flore
    • 71. Victreebell => Empiflor : empiffrer (pig out) + flore
    • 72. Tentacool => stays the same
    • 73. Tentacruel => stays the same
    • 74. Geodude => Racaillou : racaille (thug) + caillou (stone)
    • 75. Graveler => Gravalanch : gravats (rubble) + avalanche (avalanche)
    • 76. Golem => Grolem : gros (big) + golem
    • 77. Ponyta => stays the same
    • 78. Rapidash => Galopa : galopade (gallop)
    • 79. Slowpoke => Ramoloss : ramoloss (softened) + molosse (watchdog)
    • 80. Slowbro => Flagadoss : flagada (shagged) + molosse
    • 81. Magnemite => Magnéti : magnétique (magnetic) + petit (small)
    • 82. Magneton => Magnéton
    • 83. Farfetch'd => Canarticho : canard (duck) + artichaut (artichoke), this is quite a meme in the French community because it obviously doesn't hold an artichoke but Bardakoff says it's just as absurd as the Pokémon itself.
    • 84. Doduo => stays the same
    • 85. Dodrio => stays the same
    • 86. Seel => Otaria : otarie (sea lion) + an a to make it pretty, I know right, as unoriginal as the english name
    • 87. Dewgong => Lamantine => lamantin (manatee) + comptine (counting rhyme)
    • 88. Grimer => Tadmorv : contraction of tas de morve (pile of mucus)
    • 89. Muk => Grotadmorv : contraction of gros tas de morve (BIG pile of mucus)
    • 90. Shellder => Kokiyas : rewriting of coquillage (shellfish)
    • 91. Cloyster => Crustabri : crustacé (crustacean) + abri (shelter)
    • 92. Gastly => Fantominus : fantôme (ghost) + minus (shorty)
    • 93. Haunter => Spectrum : Spectre (specter) + suffix um
    • 94. Gengar => Ectoplasma : ectoplasme (ectoplasm)
    • 95. Onix => stays the same
    • 96. Drowzee => Soporifik : deformation of soporifique (soporific)
    • 97. Hypno => Hypnomade : hypnose (hypnosis) + nomade (nomad)
    • 98. Krabby => stays the same
    • 99. Kingler => Krabboss : crabe (crab) + boss (boss)
    • 100. Voltorb => Voltorbe : he stole arcanine's e
    • 101. Electrode => stays the same
    • 102. Exeggcute => Noeunoeuf : oeuf (egg) + neuf (nine)
    • 103. Exeggcutor => Noadkoko : contraction of noix de coco (coconut)
    • 104. Cubone => Osselait : osselet (small bones, jacks) + lait (milk)
    • 105. Marowak => Ossatueur : ossature (bone structure) + tueur (killer)
    • 106. Hitmonlee => Kicklee : kick + Bruce Lee
    • 107. Hitmonchan => Tygnon : Mike Tyson + gnon (bruise)
    • 108. Lickitung => Excellange : excellent + langue (tongue)
    • 109. Koffing => Smogo : smog with an o
    • 110. Weezing => Smogogo : Smogo + go to indicate he has an additional Koffing
    • 111. Rhyhorn => Rhinocorne : rhinoceros (rhinoceros) + corne (horn)
    • 112. Rhydon => Rhinoféros : rhinoceros + féroce (fierce)
    • 113. Chansey => Leveinard : le (the) + veinard (lucky guy), the name is masculine but since gen 2 chansey is 100% female
    • 114. Tangela => Saquedeneu : contraction of sac de nœuds (bag of knots)
    • 115. Kangaskhan => Kangourex : kangourou (kangaroo) + rex (latin for king)
    • 116. Horsea => Hypotrempe : hippocampe (seahorse) + tremper (to soak)
    • 117. Seadra => Hypocéan : hippocampe + ocean (ocean)
    • 118. Goldeen => Poissirène : poisson (fish) + sirène (mermaid)
    • 119. Seaking => Poissoroy : poisson + roy (king in old French)
    • 120. Staryu => Stari : stari with an i
    • 121. Starmie => Staross : star + boss
    • 122. Mr Mime => M. Mime
    • 123. Scyther => Insécateur : insect (insect) + sécateur (pruner)
    • 124. Jynx => Lippoutou : lip + poutou (occitan word for kiss)
    • 125. Electabuzz => Electek : electrique (electric) + tekken (Japanese for iron fist)
    • 126. Magmar => stays the same
    • 127. Pinsir => Scarabrute : scarabée (beetle) + brute (brute)
    • 128. Tauros => stays the same
    • 129. Magikarp => Magicarpe
    • 130. Gyarados => Léviator : Leviathan (a monster from the Bible) + or (gold)
    • 131. Lapras => Lokhlass : Loch ness + "la classe!" (said when something is awesome)
    • 132. Ditto => Metamorph : diminutive of métamorphe (someone who can change form)
    • 133. Eevee => Evoli : Evolution + lithos (stone in Greek, in reference to how it evolves with stones)
    • 134. Vaporeon => Aquali : aqua + lithos
    • 135. Jolteon => Voltali : Volta (the physicist) + lithos
    • 136. Flareon => Pyroli : pyro + lithos
    • 137. Porygon => stays the same
    • 138. Lord helix => Amonita : ammonite with an a
    • 139. Omastar => Amonistar : ammonite + star
    • 140. Kabuto => stays the same
    • 141. Kabutops => stays the same
    • 142. Aerodactyl => Ptéra : diminutive of Pteranodon
    • 143. Snorlax => Ronflex : ronfler (to snore) + flexible (flexible)
    • 144. Articuno => Articodin : artique (artic) + Odin (nordic god)
    • 145. Zapdos => Electhor : électrique (electric) +Thor (nordic god
    • 146. Moltres => Sulfura => sulfure (sulphide) + Râ (egyptian god)
    • 147. Dratini => Minidraco : miniature (miniature) + draco
    • 148. Dragonair => Draco
    • 149. Dragonite => Dracolosse : draco + colosse (colossus)
    • 150. Mewtwo => stays the same, though the first edition of the TGC translated it to deuxmiaou
    • 151. Mew => stays the same

    And as bonus : Professor Oak's name. The french for oak is "chêne" but Bardakoff had an awesome idea instead and named him Chen, it's pronounced the same way but is an actual name, and makes it less obvious that it's a tree name. Anyway, I hope you found this post interesting and if so, I'll make sure to do one for gen 2.

    submitted by /u/MrCamie
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    Does Gen V Has The Best Soundtarck?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    Maybe just my opinion, but hopefully it's shared by more Unova lovers. Every track takes full advantage of the DS's hardware to create something so atmospheric to whatever environment that you find yourself in in. Especially when regarding towns with added instrumentation as you move through them. So much love for that. As a whole, it just makes me feel so nostalgic for a time not (yet) lived. Here's hoping this post gives it the recognition it so well deserves.

    submitted by /u/CTmoose
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    Return of the King

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 05:19 AM PDT

    I want there to be more crazy regional variants.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    I personally love the concept of regional variants, especially because of the drastic change in typing. An example of this would be Galarian Farfetched which is a pure Fighting type despite still looking like a bird. You'd think it would also be a flying type, but no it's just pure fighting and the Pokedex description doesn't do a good job explaining this.

    That's what I want to keep seeing, regional variants where the change doesn't make much sense. Like I'd love to see a regional variant of the Aron line that are pure Bug types or the Shinx line becoming Grass or Flying types.

    What are your thought?

    submitted by /u/TheMorningsDream
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    Why Game Freak. Why?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    I am quite happy that you can have Pokemon follow you in the Gen 8 games of Sword and Shield, it's actually having a partner go out of their Pokeball to walk with you. Which is what a lot of us wanted for so long. But I am very disappointed and angry that Pokemon can only follow you in the DLC, not in the main game, the DLC only. I still love Pokemon but with how very low effort Game Freak is giving to Sw/Sh, it's like Gen 8 will be the downfall of the Pokemon community and fandom because some stuff is still the same, mechanics have been removed, features have been removed as well, features have been added that some people didn't want, and now we get a feature of Pokemon following you at the cost of buying 30 dollars for the DLC which is only exclusive. If Gen 9 games or another remake proves that Game Freak is now giving low effort into the games, then there needs to be a new director of the games who don't go out rushing everything.

    submitted by /u/Taluca_me
    [link] [comments]

    Now that they’ve released Pokémon home, they should make Pokémon bank free.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    With the introduction of Pokémon Home, and the movement of Pokémon to the switch, I feel like it's unnecessary and ridiculous that you still need to pay to use Pokémon bank. If you want to transfer over your Pokémon from, say, Ultra Sun, to Pokémon sword, not only do you have to pay for Pokémon home, but you also have to pay to use Pokémon bank to transfer TO Pokémon home. It's annoying and a waste of money...

    submitted by /u/TheCometKid
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    PSA: In Isle of Armor, the Alolan form Pokemon (and Gen 7 starter) you get from the Diglett Hunting side quest all have their Hidden Abilities

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    Been wanting to make an Ice team for a long time, this is a game changer for me now that I don't have to go back to Gen 7 and grind out a Vulpix. Here's hoping something similar happens with Aurorus in the next DLC. :)

    Also there's a guaranteed Flame Orb in the desert by one of the trees in the middle. It's a sparkle on the ground though, not in a Pokeball. No more need to grind the League Championships or even look up a recipe for the new item mixer thing.

    submitted by /u/reaperfan
    [link] [comments]

    Happy Father's Day! (Posting on Friday due to weekend block) Made this drawing for my father, feel free to critique.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    Game freak should release a book about the making of all their Pokemon games

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 10:45 PM PDT

    After seeing the gold and sliver demo leaks from each year up to release i'd really like for game freak to officially make a book on the development of all there Pokemon games it would be cool to see all the beta Pokemon for every generation and how to game changed over time during development.

    submitted by /u/trademeple
    [link] [comments]

    Workaround for Isle of Armor Pokédex glitch.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 04:41 AM PDT

    Hey gang. Not sure I've seen this posted anywhere else, but if you are having the glitch where the Isle is Armor Pokédex isn't registering transfers from your Pokémon Home, you can workaround it by giving the Pokémon to the Pokémon nursery person. When you take it back, the dex will register the mon. That's how I finished my dex yesterday.

    submitted by /u/toonopolis
    [link] [comments]

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