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    Sunday, September 6, 2020

    Pokémon [Hype Thread] 06 September 2020

    Pokémon [Hype Thread] 06 September 2020

    [Hype Thread] 06 September 2020

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    Welcome to the HYPE THREAD, a place to share your excitement about in-game achievements, brag about success, and get hyped for upcoming events. CAPS LOCK IS OPTIONAL IF IT HELPS YOU GET YOUR HYPE ON!

    This is a chance to post about your successes. Our rules against self-promotion and most low-quality content, including shiny Pokemon pics, are relaxed in these threads--please talk all you like about your luck and accomplishments!

    This thread is meant to be pretty positive, so please think twice before downvoting someone! Rude and negative comments will be removed -- please report them if you see them :D

    This thread is also the place to earn /r/pokemon's prestige flair for completing various aspects of the games. To claim your flair, post a screenshot of your accomplishment in the comments below, accompanied by some indication (username on a piece of paper in the photo, for example) that it's yours. Please note that flairs are assigned once weekly, so it may take up to seven days for your flair to appear. Only one prestige flair can be assigned at once, and prestige flairs will overwrite other event flair awarded on this subreddit—pick carefully! Flair is currently available for:

    Galar Prestige Flairs

    • Catching Charm: Post a screenshot of your completed Galar Regional Dex.
    • Curry Mark: Post a screenshot of your completed Curry Dex.
    • Master Ball: Post a screenshot of your Master Ball Tier in Battle Tower.
    • Berry Sweet: Post a screenshot of your completed Alcremie form collection. (Minus Ribbon and Star sweets!)
    • Gigantamax Symbol: Post an album of your collection of all currently available G-Max mon. Be sure to show the summary screens indicating that they are G-Maxable!

    Alola Prestige Flairs

    • Rotom Dex: Post a screenshot of your completed Alola Regional Dex.
    • Tapu Bulu: Post a screenshot of your Level 100+ Festival Plaza.
    • Tapu Fini: Post a screenshot of your 50+ streak in the Battle Tree.
    • Tapu Lele: Post a screenshot of all five of your Poké Pelago islands at max level (level 3).

    General Prestige Flairs

    • Oval Charm: Post an album of your completed Living Dex in generation 6 or 7. (Mythicals aren't necessary!)
    • (Shiny Charm: Post 45+ self-caught or self-bred shinies to /r/ShinyPokemon.)


    submitted by /u/PokeUpdateBot
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    Nothing too special, but I completed my first National Pokédex, after I restarted my Alpha Sapphire game. Thought I’d share.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    ORAS National Pokédex

    I was looking forward to revisiting the DexNav and shiny hunt but was unaware I had to catch every Pokemon to obtain the shiny charm. That kinda bummed me out, but then I accepted the challenge. It was real fun actually, accept for getting a few mons I could only get via trading.

    It was awesome to revisit another old game. I replayed Moon and UltraSun earlier this year and that feeling of going back to a game after a while really hits the spot.

    submitted by /u/alwayssunnyinsibenik
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    Finally completed the Kanto Pokédex in FireRed, marking the first time I’ve ever completed the Pokédex in any Pokemon game!

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 02:21 PM PDT

    In all my years of playing Pokemon, I've never completed a Pokédex. Not even once. I got close with my Japanese Platinum save, but I had it on an R4 and a freak accident left the SD card in tatters, losing everything on it. No backups either. It was a sad day.

    Anyways, this FireRed cartridge is actually the first Pokemon game I owned. I've been playing it on and off over the years, but since quarantine hit, I decided I wanted to complete the Pokédex. And do it right, as a living dex.

    So with the help of my copy of LeafGreen and Emerald, I slowly built up the Pokédex. Around 50 hours later (100 hours total in-game), I finally finished the Kanto Pokédex! No hacking or cheating to get the Pokemon, all were legitimately obtained on the cart or from another game, and traded over.

    The diploma from GameFreak HQ in Celadon

    My current Pokédex count

    My living dex

    The next step is to finish the National Dex, but I imagine that will be quite a task. I'm happy with this currently, though. A goal 16 years in the making has finally been accomplished.

    (Also, the copy of LeafGreen I had was from my brother's childhood best friend, and they got FireRed and LeafGreen (respectively). It still has its original save file from back in the day. Turns out, he never completed the E4 on that save, and he actually named the rival after my brother lol. That was a funny thing to see after all these years. I'm tempted to finish up the game for him, but at the same time, I feel like I should leave the game as-is, for the memories. Idk.)

    This was great fun, I finally feel like I've accomplished my childhood dreams lol.

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_DICK_PICTURES
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    PSA: If you have a Pokémon (Pikachu) that can't evolve due to it being Gmax.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    If you have a Pokémon (Pikachu) that can't evolve due to it being Gmax. Take it to the Soup guy on IOA and select it for soup, it will switch to Dmax making it. Caught GMax Shiny Pikachu a month back and couldn't find anywhere that told me this and I just work it out. Hopefully you can get that Raichu you've always wanted like me. :)

    submitted by /u/hath_cal
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    Why ash's Pikachu will never evolve

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    Ok, so I know the basic answer, the pokemon company doesn't want to because its the mascot blah blah blah.

    But has nobody considered this before:
    Ash's Pikachu is a Gmax Pikachu, as shown JN013 of the anime, if you remember,

    Gmax pokemon can't evolve

    This is why Ash's Pikachu can't evolve, because it legit just can't.

    submitted by /u/Majesticman713
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    Pokemon Music

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 03:33 AM PDT

    Pokemon Music is one of my favorite aspects of the Pokemon world, but I've never got to talk about it in depth at all. It's been a topic on my mind for quite a bit, and I really, really want to have a full on discussion about it. I've always wanted to talk about how Iris's champion theme sounds like something from Rainbow Road, or just my overall love of the Hoenn rival theme. Give me something to talk about.

    submitted by /u/GummyMarkers
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    Does anyone know how a Hitmonlee eats?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    I mean, with all its strength, and training regime, it needs calories. Yet throughout its various appearances in the series, anime and games, I have never yet seen it have a physical mouth. Does it just cram food into its eye sockets then? It just seems such an unnatural Pokémon. Lots of other fighting types have their mouths being quite visible, but not for our muchly wonderfully beloved kicky boy.

    submitted by /u/RobbieNewton
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    Am I the only one that actually thought Leon was a pretty good champion battle?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 09:12 PM PDT

    I've played Sw/Sh 3 times, and all three I've struggled with Leon. The jump in levels from Rose to Leon is 6 levels, a pretty large jump for two fights that are effectively right next to each other. His team is also pretty stacked. Leading with an Aegislash is a really difficult thing to counter, he has a pseudo legendary, and 2 starters. Love or hate the fact he has a Charizard, having Max Overgrowth to counter water and rock types is hard to deal with if you can't outspeed it. I don't get why everyone says Leon is the worst champion, I would say he's at least in the top 5.

    submitted by /u/NetaKnight12
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    I started playing through White 2 today and I came across this scene when I got an amazing idea

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 08:50 AM PDT


    I feel like this has already been done before, but I haven't seen it anywhere so I'll try my luck.

    submitted by /u/sk0107
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    [OC] Check out this Pokemon evolution collab we animated!

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    Pokémon Ultra Idea

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 05:07 AM PDT

    So I think GameFreak definitely teased something in Gen 7 with the Ultra Beast and Ultra Wormholes. The idea that there are overlapping planes of existence from the main story, and even entire worlds run by Ultra Beast, which are like Pokemon but still distinct. So I had this interesting idea, what if in the future we got an entire game based around the Ultra Beast and traversing various Ultra Wormholes.

    With the introduction of Ultra Megalopolis, we know that there is a permanent human settlement within the Ultraverse, and clearly there are children who go on adventures, like the protagonist in the main games. So what if we started our adventure there, perhaps after the events of Gen 7 now that Necrozma has been captured. How do you think the classic Pokemon story and gameplay elements might change?

    We know that some—okay, "a" ultra beast—can evolve, so the idea of catching and trainer these unique Pokemon still is a big. Capturing would be different, because I think the Recon squad only obtained Pokeballs when they came to our world; however, perhaps that could work similar to how it did in Pokemon Ranger.

    One thing that I think would be radically different would be the story. I think rather than completing badges, the game would be centered on our protagonist completing new missions and befriending different Ultra Beast. Maybe we could still have a villainous team that wants to invade our world and we have to stop them, maybe Giovanni set up shop there after Gen 7?!

    We'd probably need a lot more Ultra Beast; however, given that regional dex's have been getting small, it probably doesn't need to be that many. And with Home we could transfer them over later.

    I don't think a Pokemon Ultra could be a main series game, because there are just so many different elements form the regular games. However, as a split off it could work. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/AmWonkish
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    What do want from a gen 9 pokemon game?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    So my opinions may not be shared by everyone but I've had some issues with Pokemon games since gen 7 and I'm sure plenty of people liked it, I did too but it lacks the ability to be replayed for me. Here's what I want in gen 9:

    Evil Team - I actually really enjoyed the plot twist in Sun and Moon where the Aether Foundation being the threat to the region. I was genuinely surprised by that and I loved it. However, it was dull and totally expected in Sword and Shield. Team Yell was a minor inconvenience at best. They didn't really contribute much to the story and they were lackluster. At least Team Skull were somewhat entertaining. I think the player should know who the evil team is the entire time instead of having yet another "surprise" twist where the not-so-bad guys actually aren't the bad guys. When I see Team Rocket, Aqua/Magma, Galactic, etc. I know that they're up to no good. When it comes to Team Yell, they're preventing people from waking up a Silicobra. So we fight them and I end up feeling like the bad guy.

    Difficulty - This is a popular one. This feature was in BW2 and I liked it. The only problem is the only one of the versions got it, the other got an easy mode. Who beats a game and goes "Man, that game was really hard. I'm glad that I unlocked easy mode." I like the idea of unlocking a hard mode for a second play through so you can appreciate the changes made for the difficult setting. In hard mode, the levels of all trainer pokemon can be multiplied by somewhere between 1.1 and 1.2 times and maybe all of the gym leaders have another mon or an EV trained team with each mon holding items. For example, Milo might have a Snover, Lileep, or Lombre to surprise trainers who thought they would sweep him with a Flying, Ice, or Fire mon.

    More Gyms- In Sword and Shield, it was heavily implied that there were 18 gyms but only 8 of them could be in the Major League. Where are the other 10? They don't make any kind of appearance in the game. I would have at least liked to meet them even if you couldn't fight them. I know I'm getting a bit greedy with this but having 18 gyms in a game would be awesome. Yes, this is a bit of ridiculous request but if GSC/HGSS can do it why can't it be done now. I Would pay be more than willing to pay more than $100 for the game if we could have 18 leaders.

    Better Story - SwSh didn't really have much of a story aside from "Become the Champion" until right before you fight Leon even then it wasn't anything all that spectacular. There would be crises happening all over the region and the adults are like "we can handle this, just run along." That's actually a very reasonable thing to do but I want to feel like I'm changing the world for the better instead of standing on the sidelines while Leon does all of the work. If fan games can have an interesting story, why can't the official games have a decent story?

    Better Rivals/Friends - Hop is a decent rival but he still isn't all that good to me. He motivation is pretty shallow but it's not like he needs to have some elaborate goal in life, many of the good rivals didn't. I liked that Hop went into a bit of a depression when he lost to Bede but Hop was too focused on being like he brother that he wasn't trying to be his own person. He was just copying Leon. That aside, Gary and Hugh are probably my favorite rivals, Gary was a total jerk so it made you feel really satisfied when you put him in his place. High wanted to stop Team Plasma which gave him some interesting motivation to become a better trainer. I'm not asking for elaborate characters with a ton of character development (even though it would be nice), I'm just asking for some characters with a bit more depth. Hop was a step up from Hau and the X/Y group but I think there is still improvement to be made.

    Avery/Clara's "Cheating" - I really liked when they set up Psychic Terrain/ Toxic Spikes at the beginning of the battle, it made the fight more interesting. In a fan game called Pokemon Reborn, there are field effects that the gym leader uses to make their attacks stronger which just makes sense. Sound moves should do more damage in a cave due to echoing, bug and grass moves should get boosted in a forest, ice moves should get boosted in a snowy area. This would make the battles more interesting I think the game would be so much more fun.

    submitted by /u/Starknight72
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    I finished a Nuzlocke on a Pokemon Black emulator. but then tragedy

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    I had finished the nuzlocke with one Pokemon left. I was originally just gonna go to a new game but decided to level up and become Champion. my Pokemon were level 70 and I was training to get it 76 before fighting the elite 4 for the second time. I had a meeting today so I decided to load up the game before since I had some free time. Before I was in Lacunosa town but it loaded me up in Iciruss city. I checked the save file and my save file was corrupted back to a point where I hadn't completed the nuzlocke yet. I was gonna try to get to level 100 but I've given up.

    submitted by /u/JP0315
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    What gen was the biggest disappointment?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    I have played every main line pokemon game and got some form of enjoment out of them. However there are ones that really bring down the series and gen 8 was that for me. I went in really wanting to like this as the first real main pokemon game on a counsel. I saw lets go as a tech demo/proof of concept. However swsh was a flop and really mad me loos faith in games coming foward. Gen 7 was rough but its new take on story and getting away from the gym challange was refeshing still wish there was some contest elements there. Allola seemed like a region that would love contests same with kalos. I guss my main rant is that gamefreak needs to spend more time on there games to really flush them out.

    submitted by /u/kingofmyths333
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    Best Pokemon for each game (non-legendary)

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 04:26 AM PDT

    RBY/FRLG/LGPE : Nidoking

    Nidoking can be obtained very early in-game. By the time you reach 2nd gym you have a fully evolved Pokemon. This Pokemon can learn practically any TM and learns a 120bp move in Thrash at level 22. Only struggle with using Nidoking would be against Sabrina's Physic types, and Lorelei's Water and Ice types (though Thunderbolt and Rock Slide could help against her)

    GSC/HGSS : Alakazam

    Alakazam has a monstrous Special Attacker and Speed, making it the ideal sweeper. In GSC, Elemental punches (Fire, Ice, Electric) were special attacks and thus Alakazam could utilize them to perfection in addition to STAB Psychic, giving it practically perfect coverage. In HGSS, Elemental Punches are physical attacks, hence not advisable on Alakazam. However, it now learns Focus Blast, Shadow Ball has become a Special Move, and it can learn a SpA boosting move in Calm Mind/Charge Beam, thus providing perfect coverage yet again.

    RSE/ORAS : Swampert

    Swampert can win you the game all by itself thanks to it's brilliant Water/Ground typing. Grass types are far and few in Hoenn (moreover Swampert learns Ice moves and Sludge Bomb/Wave to deal with Grass types). Waterfall, Earthquake, Rock Slide and Ice Punch is enough to deal with anything Swampert comes across.

    DPPt : Infernape

    Using Infernape in Sinnoh is perhaps the easiest mono Pokemon run possible. It has amazing Attack, Special Attack and Speed. Moreover it has a huge moveset. With Flare Blitz / Fire Blast, Close Combat, Grass Knot and Rock Slide, Infernape can sweep the whole Sinnoh region. Only Pokemon that can give you trouble is Cynthia's Garchomp.

    BW/B2W2 : Excadrill

    Excadrill has a huge attack stat, has a good defensive type in Ground/Steel, and can use Sandstorm to boost it's speed further. Earthquake, Rock Slide, Swords Dance and Sandstorm will turn Excadrill into a one-man army. Just be careful when battling against Marlon's Water Types and Marshall's fighting types.

    XY : Aegislash

    With the unique Steel/Ghost typing, Aegislash plows through all the gyms in Kalos, and almost all of the Elite 4 (Malva would be the only issue). Can also single-handedly destroy Champion's entire team

    SM : Gyarados

    Except Totem Togemadaru, Gyarados can win you the game all by itself. Just make sure to have Aqua Tail, Bounce, Ice Fang and Crunch as it's moveset.

    USUM : Hawlucha

    Thanks to Fighting/Flying type, Hawlucha can plow through all the trails and grand trials, even better than Gyarados. Only troubles would be Totem Mimikyu, Totem Ribomee (if Hawlucha is slower), Ultra Necrozma and Flying type elite-4 member.

    SwSh : Barraskewda

    Barraskewda has 123 attack and 136 speed, making it a frightening sweeper. Using a moveset of Liquidation, Close Combat, Crunch and Poison Jab, it gains nearly unresisted coverage. On top of that, it greatly benefits from Dynamax, as Max Geyser summons rain (increasing power of Liquidation and activating Swift Swim) and Max Knuckle increases attack.

    submitted by /u/abhijeetgupta23
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    X&Y or Sun&Moon?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    I recently got a good deal on a 3DSxl and I want to check out the newer Pokémon games. I want to get either X&Y or Sun&Moon and I was wondering which one you'd recommend. I kinda prefer the S&M starter Pokémon but I want the game with a better storyline. Also what's the difference between S&M and Ultra S&M? Thanks

    submitted by /u/EdgeOfTheRazor
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    What spin-offs go unnoticed?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    I feel that many of the older and newer spinoffs go preety much under the rqdar and fans only mention them if they tie in to the main games or had enough sequels.

    Here's some that I think need more talking:

    Pokemon Duel: duel was inspired on a way older game that got discontinued do to multiple reasons, but duel tried getting the experience back because people were mentioning it. But now it is discontinued and the current cashcows are Masters and Go (2 very high quality games with some issues but still very good and fun, dare I say even complex) so Duel might mever come back or be mentioned ever by the company, unless they make it a mini game in the main line games.

    Pokemon Quest/Rumble/Shuffle: all of these games include collecting and fighting mons in their own genres but I feel like they are just, games on the side everyone was hyped for when their first instalment came and then everyone forgot.

    Pokemon Conquest: Fire Emblem but without 8 members of smash being from it (oh wait). Anyways yeah this game was cool, most mature game we ever got, even compared to Gen 5, I feel like if this and the Fusion manga got more attention we would already have more mature stuff for Pokemon, the manga itaelf is already mature but most of the rest isn't, unless we mention...

    Pokken DX: Has a tournament, is inspired form tekken, is easy to get into and still no one talks about it. Really weird why this of all the mentioned games isn't more talked about. Not even most tekken fans know it exists.

    What are some other spinoffs you feel are underrated? Share some thoughts with us!

    submitted by /u/Playmakersama1
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    Am I the only one who thinks that the pokemon regions are in the same place as their real world counterparts

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    Every speculation I see about the world geography I always see people put the regions in completely random places. First of all they put only the main 8 regions and the spinoff regions on the world map which doesn't account for any future regions that may be introduced in the near future. Also there is evidence to support that this is the case. Kanto and johto are connected like they are in the real world and with Galar, it is possible the the railway stations in the region also connect to Kalos via an underwater subway over the channel that leads to corriway town. In fact in real life there is a metro that goes from Paris to London.

    Also in Alola in malie city it refers to the eastern influence. Typically Asian countries are referred to as the eastern world while Europe and America is know as the western world. Also Alola and kanto have a connection. You know with the Alolan forms and all of that. And Hawaii is just of the coast east of japan. Despite this I think there are some slight geographical differences like the entirety of the New York State being in the shape of the unova region. It would also explain the lack of old Pokémon since it's on the other side of the world.

    submitted by /u/Nonesuch1221
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    PM2019 36 - Crawl Out of the Sand Tomb, Satoshi and Go! Episode Discussion!

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 03:09 AM PDT

    Pokemon Masters EX Meme

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    Ah yes. I do love me a game of Pokemon Mastersex. I edited the page with HTML 5 and it looks believable. I'm a bit late to the meme but I find this really funny. It looks so good too. Hope it gave you guys a good laugh for now. The Pictures

    submitted by /u/Ryanzzy
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    Features we need to appreciate NOW before they are removed later

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    I want to really create a list of things we're appreciative of right now and perhaps even take for granted. I mean, did we really ever think we wouldn't have every Pokemon usable in a mainline game? That's still so hard for me to believe. GameFreak is known for removing features that were solid and well-received.

    -Official art for every Pokemon. Ken Sugimori is legitimately one of my heroes. I would love to meet this man. His official art for every Pokemon is beautiful and there are high chances that in the future (if Pokemon is going the route it's going now) that they would replace this with models or something. His art is so crystal clear on the Pokemon's design and really emphasizes the dimensions well. We cannot lose these please!!

    -National Pokedex number. We almost lost this during this gen. Pre-Pokemon Home, Pokemon from Galar did not have a National Dex number (to my knowledge). I think a number that represents where it falls on the dex is necessary for a franchise that has nearly a thousand different species.. although we should still have the National Dex in-game.

    -Battle Stat Screens. You know, the screen in a battle that shows all the stages of increase/decreases from stat moves. I doubt they will remove this but this was easily the best thing to come out of SM. While it does add a more expert-feel when the player tracks the differences, sometimes it just gets to be too much or you miss-messages. There's a lot of back and forth with stat changes so it's great.

    -The little BMMMT sound when you bump into things. Leave it.

    -Drayden's beard. It's been 8 years since we've seen it but that mighty beard must remain.

    submitted by /u/AeroTheManiac
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    Hope you Enjoy this Drawing I did of a Bulbasaur Family

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 11:41 AM PDT


    Forgive me I'm not very savvy with imgur but here's a drawing I did of a little bulbasaur family :) hope you enjoy.

    submitted by /u/aliensandanxiety
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    I know I'm extremely late to the party, but I finally got my hands on a Switch and a copy of Pokemon Shield. Boy, did I try my best to like it...

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    I know what the defenders of this game are going to say in order to discredit me, so let me get this part out of the way: I did not go into this game wanting to hate it. I have loved Pokemon since I was a child, and have no reason to actively hate the franchise that I grew up with. I tried so hard to like this game and give it a pass, and honestly, now that I've finished it, I'm embarrassed that I ever gave it the benefit of the doubt.

    I tried to look beyond the lazy graphics, character models, and animations that would have looked bad in an early Wii title. I tried to ignore the fact that every beard looked like it was spray painted on the character's face, and that most of the new Pokemon looked like they were drawn on a napkin in five minutes.

    I haven't had high expectations for a Pokemon game's story since before X/Y, but this game's laughable story makes X/Y look like Citizen Kane. The characters and plot are insulting, and by the end I just wanted it to be over. A Pokemon game doesn't need to have a riveting story, but a simple story can still be a good one. What we got with this game is an absolute train wreck.

    All of this, while frustrating, are things I could have accepted if the game was at least fun, but it's not. GameFreak could not even bother to make the game fun. The entire game was just moving in a straight line, winning mind-numbingly easy battle after battle, until the credits rolled. The routes were too short to provide anything sort of exploration. There were no mountains or dungeons to challenge us outside of the pitiful (and creatively named) Galar Mines 1 and 2, not even a Victory Road. I never even came close to losing a battle once in the entire playthrough, and by the end I didn't even bother Dynamaxing anymore.

    I know the excuse I'm going to see already: this game is aimed at children, and I'm an adult. Yes, I understand that. Every single game in this series is aimed at children, and they all, to this day, still provide a level of challenge, certainly more than this game ever could.

    I didn't even have fun playing it, which is the worst offense of all. I just played it to get to the end, so I could give the game as many chances as possible to change my mind. It never did.

    Sword and Shield are, frankly, unacceptable, and no amount of backlash that I get for this will change my opinion. I feel like I was swindled out of $60, because I was. Forget the cut content. What we did get in this game is far worse than what we didn't get.

    Many people will say that people like me, people who expect quality out of a Triple-A title that costs 60 bucks, are not true fans of the series. This could not be more wrong. It's because I'm such a big fan of the series that I find this game unacceptable. I don't like seeing GameFreak actively ruining a franchise that is so near and dear to me. We should expect better from them, because the franchise deserves better.

    All that said, I only played through Shield. Maybe Sword is better.

    submitted by /u/orangeprecursor
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    What pokemon have 5 fingers?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    Random question, that im asking for a friend.

    He is wondering what pokemon have 5 fingers. Google has proven not helpful in the endevour.

    This came out of nowhere but is bother now both of us!

    Does anyone know of some place that may have a list or any information about 5 fingered pokemon?

    submitted by /u/nellnellmars
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    How would you guys feel about changing the starter system?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    What if the next generation of Pokémon allowed you to choose from starters from all types not just grass, fire, water.

    Of course the 3 main types would be shown off first but then got told that you can still choose any of the other Pokémon in this area, kind of like an opened up area where you can see all the "starters" running about.

    I really feel like this would really freshen up the beginning of the Pokémon games and make them more replayable.

    I feel like this can be difficult considering you'd have to make a balanced roster but considering that Pokémon is literally the biggest media out there, maybe they would have to try to make that risk.

    submitted by /u/SebbyWebbyDooda
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