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    Saturday, December 7, 2019

    Pokémon [RAGE THREAD] 07 December 2019

    Pokémon [RAGE THREAD] 07 December 2019

    [RAGE THREAD] 07 December 2019

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 05:07 AM PST

    IT'S TIME TO RAGE!!!!!!!!






    • ???

    • PROFIT


    LET'S RAGE!!!


    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I would love to see a new pokemon generation based on South America the pokemon would look so cool since South America has so many animals and plants and the architecture would look so unique in pokemons art style

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 06:24 AM PST

    Just imagine it would be awesome to walk through the Pokémon version of the Amazon so many unique water and grass types! It could also be a great message to the environment and the regions team could be like poachers or people messing up the rainforest and it's inhabitants.

    Just a little idea that popped into my head a while ago.

    submitted by /u/ANiceDudeWhoIsAWeeb
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    Love the respect gen 5 has been getting recently

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 07:05 PM PST

    This might just be anecdotal, but it seems as if recently on Reddit a lot of people have been praising gen 5. I think a lot of this stems from its major gimmick being just hidden abilities and not something over the top like megas or z moves or dynamaxing. I personally always loved gen 5, the pokemon were unique and creative (Volcarona, Hydreigon, Bisharp, Reuniclus, I could go on). Even if you shit on Vanilluxe there's like 10 gen 1 mons with worse designs (Mr. Mime? what the fuck is a ditto?). The competitive weather wars actually kicked ass, it made so many typically unused pokemon very common place. Vaporeon was awesome in rain. I had a team that regularly destroyed people on showdown with a Victreebell (it had weather ball).

    The story alone makes it one of the best gens. Is making pokemon fight each other really a good thing? Did N have some points? Is game freak's reason for why it's fine kind of a cop out? Honestly, it was kind of gray and ethically muddled and that's how all good stories are! The antagonist wasn't just "Fuck everyone we want to blow up the universe."

    The map was incredible. Castelia City alone was gorgeous and jaw dropping when you first come into it, it really felt like a bustling metropolis. The desert area with ruins felt like there was actually a desert part with a purpose, as it was modeled after desert dwelling Native Americans. Made Volcarona just that much cooler too (okay I fucking love Volc).

    In conclusion, gen 5 whips ass, I'm kind of drunk, this might have been excessive, but I wanted to get this shit off my chest. Vive Unova!

    submitted by /u/LogicLord69
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    "Welcome to Spikemuth! This rocking town has a punk vibe and streets crammed with shops line up cheek by jowl."

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 08:13 AM PST

    >town contains nothing but a pokemon center and gym

    thanks for all these WONDERFUL SHOPS, game freak! Cosmetics are easy bare bones basic bullshit you can make hundreds of in an afternoon but nah, it's cool, just put the 4 items of punk clothing in the last town in the game instead of the punk town that describes itself as having lots of shops that'll be fine

    submitted by /u/Intern_Waffle
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    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 06:54 AM PST

    Snom [OC]

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 06:38 AM PST

    we made a (non-profit) trade site for sword & shield!

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 02:38 PM PST


    with no gts, we thought it might be a funw ay swap exclusives, held items/fossils, cute little alcremies, shinies, or give away some free gifts🎁! (christmas is coming soon! for the kids who just got the game)

    im not sure if posting the url is allowed but i figured i'd stay safe and just share the gif!

    edit: a few people are asking for the site directly and i'd rather avoid any confusion, it's https://wooloo.farm/ ! i've reached out to the mods to check if this is okay

    oh, and it's open source too! https://github.com/rorylombardi/tradingpost

    submitted by /u/butnotexactly
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    Anyone else miss the animated 2D sprites from Gen 5?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 05:02 PM PST

    I feel like they gave the Pokemon a lot of character, and just felt natural for the game. As an example, look at Darkrais BW Sprite: http://www.smogon.com/dex/bw/pokemon/darkrai/

    The way he floats there, reaching out every once in a while, it just seems menacing and perfect for him. His new 3D model however, is just him floating there perfectly still.

    Or another example with Conkeldurr: https://www.smogon.com/dex/bw/pokemon/conkeldurr/

    His sprite animation in BW is so good with his arms lifting the pillars once in a while showing his strenght. In his 3d model he just kinda stands there.

    I love the new 3D games, especially in the overworld, but I wish that the sprites had a bit more character to them like in BW. I'm sure there's a reason for it, as it would probably make the game even slower, but it's just a thought.

    What do you guys think? Do you like the current 3D models, or prefer different sprites?

    submitted by /u/CrystalMaterelius
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    I made a map combining all the main series Pokemon regions

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 12:02 PM PST



    I got bored in class and dreamt that maybe one day could access all regions and what the map might look like.

    EDIT: Added region labels

    EDIT: There are some conflicting ideas on where different regions should be to be consistent with canon info. I tried to put all the regions close together so you could have one game map, sometimes at the expense of some canon. Just consider it an instance of the pokeverse in which Groudon or Regigigas had a bad day and decided to move somethings around

    submitted by /u/tasguitar
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    How do Gym Leaders become Gym Leaders? What's the actual process?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 05:42 AM PST

    This has been something that has been on my mind for nearly a decade if not more.

    Gym Leaders exist, but what separates them from any other trainer? What qualifications did they have to go through to be able to attain Gym Leader status? Did they have to go through some kind of testing? Did they set up shop and proclaim themselves the Gym Leaders? Do they get paid by any government-based organization to be able to fund the gym? What things go into becoming a Gym Leader, and what BTS stuff do we know as of right now that Gym Leaders take care of outside of battling that relates to being a Gym Leader.

    Is being a Gym Leader like a profession? If so, what does it pay?

    submitted by /u/TheOneGuitarGuy
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    PSA: You can level grind on the legendary mascot in SwSh, so long as you don't catch it.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 09:14 AM PST

    I have KO'ed Zacian 20 times, by now, in my copy of Sword, and it remains to let me battle it a 21st time. I have even left the area to go to a Pokemon center and grab 'mons that were stuck in poke jobs so I could level up more things and it has still let me battle it, again.

    As a bonus, Zacian apparently gives 3 Speed EV's (according to Bulbapedia), so I'm level/EV grinding some 5IV 'mons I've gotten from friends' breeding efforts.

    submitted by /u/QuantumPolagnus
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    I completed living sw/sh pokedex!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 10:28 AM PST

    It's the first time I've ever managed to complete a pokedex, so I wanted to try making living pokedex of the Galar regional dex.

    I'm so happy and proud of this!

    Here's the link: https://imgur.com/gallery/Fb2bFCa

    submitted by /u/livingchair
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    My Incomplete Adventure in Horrifyingly Glitched Ultra Moon

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 07:36 PM PST

    Edit: Oh for some reason I missed the picture of ultra glitched nurse joy so here she is: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/282683011521052683/652715467353620500/b8oyLOZ.png

    Absolutely terrifying

    So I have a physically glitched copy of Pokemon Ultra Moon, and it's the reason I actually didn't finish Gen 7

    What people think happened is something went wrong with a part of my RAM and certain segments of it kept loading. The problem is the only segments that got messed up are the faces.

    Do you guys think the game is even beatable in its current state? Like does it even have enough playable data to finish or will it missingno at some point due to corrupt data. Should I beat it? I didn't beat it before because I'm a coward, but I'm willing to give it a shot.

    Hard Rebooting the game fixes the glitch temporarily, but it always comes back.

    I made a thread about this when it happened, but I'm trying to get closure.

    Anyways without further a do, here are screenshots and videos from my game:

    Photo Album https://imgur.com/a/BaVCn

    Video of the game trying to function https://streamable.com/6petk

    Cubone with no skull: https://i.imgur.com/upIStRu.png?1

    And that's where my story ends. I'm not really sure what I should do, or if I can even finish the game at this point.

    submitted by /u/queendogma
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    Here's a new batch of retro-inspired 3D models of the original 151

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 04:34 PM PST

    I think i've figured out Raboot and Cinderace's shiny colour reference...

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 09:20 AM PST

    Anyone else think the addition of grey seems really random:


    They're meant to be dust bunnies. I heard soccer players like to play dirty but come on!

    submitted by /u/PokemonStay
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    Did you see this Egg evolving glitch to get evolved pokemon?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 05:49 AM PST

    I'm very annoyed with Rillaboom using Max Overgrowth

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 10:19 AM PST

    I'm not entirely sure if it's just Rillaboom or all grass types using max overgrowth, but I hate the animation, or rather the lack of animation. I have no problem with the attack itself: the seeds growing into a patch of mushrooms and plants is great. But when the seeds are being launched, both Dynamax Pokemon just stand there, motionless. No impact seems to be made on the target, despite damage being taken.

    But Rillaboom standing there with his sticks raised... The more I see it, the more it bothers me. Come on, just hit the drum two or three times and then launch the seeds, or better yet, hit the drum as the seeds fly out. Just something. Are the seeds and plants moving at light speed? Is that why the battlefield is at a standstill?

    I don't know why this one is so apparent to me. Maybe it's not happening with other d Max moves or maybe the camera angles emphasize it. Maybe we can't get models contacting each other in battles (for some reason) but can they at least do something while attacking in dynamax form?

    submitted by /u/gibs95
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    Why is Gyarados a Flying type?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 05:13 AM PST

    Hes a gigantic Sea Serpent and realistically should be water and dragon type? Anyone else feel this a bit weird?

    He has a weakness to electric and grass just as Water but flying makes him weak to rock and Ice too.

    Hes a beast I know but the Water Flying is odd considering hes not a Pelliper. Anyone have a legitimate reason why Gyarados is flying type?

    Edit: I know Dragon was Uber back in the day but his type doesnt make sense anymore.

    submitted by /u/Samashaus
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    Can we get an F for Serena? [OC]

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 08:23 PM PST

    Why can't we post images directly again?

    I suppose while I'm here, I should mention that it's possible the quotes are fake, as has happened in the past. Though re-drawing the faces to be consistent with the rest of the show's art would take much, much more effort than just miss-quoting the show.

    submitted by /u/Umber0010
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    With all of the Unova love going on here right now, I figured now would be a good time to talk about Gen 5's weirdest spinoff.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 03:35 AM PST

    The game in question is Pokémon Typing Adventure for the Nintendo DS.

    In short, this was a typing tutor released for the Nintendo DS that meant that was essentially Mavis Beacon Catches Pokémon. It's really cute and actually pretty good at what it set out to do, and was even made by Genius Sonority (aka, the same folks behind Pokémon Colosseum and XD: Gale of Darkness on the GameCube). Honestly, like the main Gen 5 games, it has a good soundtrack and charming visuals that combine 3D rendered environments with 2D sprites.

    The weird factor comes from the fact that this game came in a MASSIVE box and was bundled with both a DS stand and a Nintendo branded Bluetooth keyboard. The cartridge had a built-in Bluetooth receiver and is the only Bluetooth compatible DS game ever made. Perhaps oddest of all, it was only ever released in Japan, Europe, and Australia. North America never got this one, despite there being a complete English localization of it!

    This title crossed my mind today when I realized that there's technically more Pokémon in the Dex here (403) than in Sword/Shield (400). That's not saying one's better than the other, but rather, it is just a strange fact that I found neat. I mainly just wanted to make this post to both bring attention to this weird (yet awesome) game, and to also ask: Has anyone played this one?

    I actually did a video on the Japanese version on YouTube where I dived into its history, mechanics, and quirks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJDor6tY6j4

    submitted by /u/StuffWePlay
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    Which Pokémon do you think would be most useful in real life?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 04:11 AM PST

    You get one choice, this discussion is not supposed to make you the most powerful being, but rather for convenient usage.

    Different types bring different usages, like fire type to keep you warm or cook. Electric type for electricity, flying type for transportation or psychic type for lazy/efficient people.

    Personally I would love an Espeon (my favorite Pokémon), it could accompany and help me out by brining me food or drinks through the psychic powers or simply make work life easier.

    Tell me what you think would be the best choice and why, I would really like to see what you can come up with.

    submitted by /u/ChrisusesReddit
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    Your pokémon is immobilized by love!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 11:02 AM PST

    [OC] Realistic Pokeball Material

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 09:25 AM PST

    I created a realistic Pokeball material for Nodevember contest.

    You can find it on my Artstation

    This is my humble entry to the #Nodevember contest in man-made category. A Pokéball generator with a few parameters (Custom pattern, custom height, and colors). It was quite fun doing this and checking other's works in the Mentor Coalition discord channel.Made with Substance Designer and rendered with Marmoset. For rendering, I used simple spheres with tesselation.

    submitted by /u/serefatilla
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    Pokémon Sword & Pokémon Shield: The Official Galar Region Strategy Guide: Collector's Edition

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 09:53 AM PST

    Heads up everyone. Amazon finally has its stock of guides and the price even dropped. I have had mine ordered for weeks and it is going to be delivered on Monday. I just wanted to pass along the info!


    submitted by /u/ECUKingbuddy
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