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    Pokémon [RAGE THREAD] 03 October 2020

    Pokémon [RAGE THREAD] 03 October 2020

    [RAGE THREAD] 03 October 2020

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    IT'S TIME TO RAGE!!!!!!!!






    • ???

    • PROFIT


    LET'S RAGE!!!


    submitted by /u/PokeUpdateBot
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    Wholesome story time: My neighbor's kid (10yo) experiencing Pokemon for the first time

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 10:11 PM PDT

    My neighbor needed me to watch her kid for a few hours yesterday. I know she likes Pokemon, she has a pile of cards she trades with her friends but doesn't actually play the TCG. So, after getting permission from her mother, I ask her if she wants to play Pokemon. She says she doesn't have her cards with her, and I'm like, "No, I've got my Switch up on the TV. Want to try it? (Sword)"

    I've never seen her move so fast. She gets into the game and spends a solid 5 minutes looking at each starter, she finally goes with Scorbunny. Her first encounter with the Skwovet in Slumbering Weald, she doesn't want to "kill" it so she runs away. Her next encounter is Rookidee which has unnerve. She sees that Scorbunny is nervous so she doesn't make it fight and runs away again.

    Finally on Route 1, she gets her first real encounter with Pokeballs. It's Skwovet again, I point out she has Pokeballs. She tosses one at it without weakening it, it pops out, she runs away. More tutorial, and she gets to Route 2. Leon shows her how to catch (why doesn't he weaken it?) and gives her 20 Pokeballs. Her next (several) encounters she just chucks balls and catches them on the first try. "Wait, of course, I'm using Pokeballs given to me by a Poke Master."...me: nodding like it really had an influence.

    She gets to Motostoke after doing a Max Raid and freaking out about being able to Dynamax. She is forced to fight the Team Yell grunts. She doesn't understand type matchups, levels, or that switching let's the opponent attack while you switch, and that you probably don't want to fight a level 15 Zigzagoon with a level 10 Zigzagoon. This particular grunt says he will take all your Pokemon if you lose. She's not doing so well and she, almost in tears, asks me to beat him for her. I explain that, no, he won't take your mons and no you won't lose to him as soon as you switch to Scorbunny.

    We see the cutscene for the opening ceremony and she says "I guess all of the other trainers have done this before since they aren't in awe of the crowd." (Solid observation, I didn't catch that) then she leaves and runs into Hop again where he asks if you want to battle, she says no but doesn't let you pass ("Well I guess I have to fight him")

    She makes it through route 3, Galar Mine, and route 4 without incident. She handles Bede like the champ-in-the-making she is and gets to Turrfield. After more exposition, she gets to the gym and has to do the Wooloo round up challenge. She loves this little minigame. She's struggling with it and then finds out that beating the trainers makes their Yampers not chase the Wooloo anymore.

    She has a bit of difficulty with Milo because she still doesn't understand levels but comes out on top and gets really excited about her new badge. At this point, it's like 7 PM and she started at 1:30 with a short break in there and her Mom tells her to go home. She has had so much fun with this game and has never sat still for so long, her mother is wowed by this fact. I think she might be getting Pokemon soon.

    The End.

    submitted by /u/d3athsd00r
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    A rarely talked-about reason why small regional dexes are boring

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    Note that I use the term "regional dex" here to mean "the roster of new Pokémon added in one generation". It might not be an entirely proper use of the term, but I had to fit it in the title somehow.

    Anyway, these "regional dexes": Early generations of Pokémon had the new number of 'mons be somewhere in the 100-150 range. Lately, they've been scaled back to 80 or so, although alternate formes such as Megas or regional variants bring the total number up by quite a bit. But let's focus on the 80-ish new Pokémon with unique Pokédex numbers. I think we all agree that the reduction in numbers is a little boring, but I've long struggled to articulate why. I think I have just found it.

    You may have noticed that every generation, some of the new Pokémon follow design concepts and tropes already used in previous generations. For instance, there's always a set of three starter Pokémon, which are always three-stage Grass, Fire, and Water-types respectively. Likewise, I think we all know the term "regional birds", the three-stage Normal/Flying-type Pokémon you tend to find on one of the earlier routes. Let's call these "archetypes" of the regional dex.

    The full list of these archetypes is quite long. Note that not every generation adheres to them all to the letter, but there's usually, with quite few exceptions ...

    ... 9 starters, 3 regional birds, 3 regional bugs, 2 regional rodents, 2 regional "cute" Normal-types (think Skitty/Minccino/Stufful/etc.), 1 stand-alone Normal-type, 3 pseudo-legendaries, 2 boxart legendaries, 1 third legendary to go with those on the boxart, 4 fossils, 1 Pikachu clone, 3 mythical Pokémon, and a trio of "lesser" legendaries.

    These numbers add up to 37, and cover the following typings: Grass, Fire, Water, Normal, Flying, Bug, Dragon, Electric, and Rock. That leaves out Psychic, Poison, Ground, Ice, Fighting, Steel, Dark, Ghost, and Fairy. These types may be found among the archetypal Pokémon, but not according to any strict pattern unlike the previous types.

    I think you see the problem already: 37 Pokédex slots out of 80 is quite a lot. Around half of each generation's new Pokédex will be spent "ticking the boxes", so to say, following design conventions we've already seen used several times before. At best there are some small variations, such as fossils not being Rock-type, or the regional bird evolving into a different typing than Normal/Flying, but in general, those conventions are followed almost every time.

    And there are more boxes to be ticked too. The designers tend to give each of the 18 typings representation through at least one non-legendary evolution family each generation. If we add a two-stage evolution family to all of the typings not strictly represented by the archetypes, we're up to 55 Pokédex slots. If all typings are represented by an evolution family in addition to the archetypes, we're at 73 - assuming no overlap, of course.

    OK, so now all types have token representation, and all the dex archetypes are fulfilled. 73 Pokédex slots are used. The designers now have the freedom to do something "outside the box" with the remaining slots.

    Except a generation of 80 Pokémon will have a mere seven slots left at this point. A generation of 130 would have 57 slots left. Going from 130 Pokémon per generation to 80 means an 87% reduction of "free" Pokédex slots, even though the total number of Pokédex slots was only reduced by less than half.

    And that's the problem with small generations: When Game Freak reduced the number of new Pokémon in recent generations, they did not touch the archetypes. OK, Gen VI and VIII lack a "lesser" trio of legendaries, and Gen VII did not have fossils, but they otherwise follow the archetypes to a T. As a result, archetypes + token representation of each type takes up an overwhelmingly large chunk of their regional dexes. Scrolling through their Pokédexes, you see the token Electric-type family here, the token Fairy-type family there, the token Psychic-type family here ... hmm, where's Steel ... oh, there it is, and now we're at the end of the dex.

    I'm not saying archetypes make badly designed Pokémon, or that "token representatives" of a type necessarily are boring. They do, however, give off an impression of being designed using a checklist. Game Freak's desire to have all their boxes ticked each generation, while keeping generations so small, means most typings will only be represented by one or two two-stage families. There are almost no three-stage families left outside the archetypes (to illustrate, Gen V had twice as many as the next three generations combined). Single-stage families overwhelmed the Gen VII Pokédex in an apparent scramble to introduce a greater number of "gimmick" families despite the small size of the regional dex. There just wasn't room to do much with each gimmick.

    And so the small generations become a lot poorer than the big ones. The designers apparently feel the need to spend a large number of Pokédex slots to follow their list of conventions, and with so few slots per generation there's almost nothing left to do other things. It makes the generations feel samey and repetitive, with very little in them we haven't seen before.

    I mean, to give an example, Gen III is just as guilty of following conventions as Gen VIII is, but at least Gen III had fifty more slots with which to do other things as well. Those fifty slots are crucial to provide more diversity in a Pokédex and make each region stand out more.

    Or am I completely off the rocker here? What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Codraroll
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    I suffer so much with this when i was 10yo

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    I recently got 2 3D printers. This is almost all I have used them for.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 02:09 AM PDT

    Get 3 Limited Edition Cap Pikachus! (Hoenn, Original, Partner)

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:11 PM PDT


    To Get these pokemon Go to the mystery gift section and select "Get with code/password"

    Hoenn Cap Code: P1KAADVANCE

    Partner Cap Code: 1CH00SEY0U

    Original Cap Code: P1KACHUGET

    These Are limited to November 30th

    You Can collect all 3 and they are nature/stat locked

    They Are 3 More To Be Revealed So Stay tuned

    submitted by /u/Omaze888
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    Just wanted to share my pokemon collection

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    My sibling reset my 3DS and thus deleted years worth of Pokemon!

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 11:58 PM PDT

    Today is a sad day for me. After getting a PlayStation fixed due to a broken HDMI port and spending over a hundred dollars for it. Then spending hours waiting for my vehicle to be inspected and looked at because it refuses to pass a state inspection exam.

    I went home to see my 3DS had been reset to factory. Once I realized what happened my mind snapped in two. I was devastated to learn that my Pokemon X, Sun, Yellow and Crystal save files are gone knowing that Pokemon X and Sun in particular were digital copies. Thus all the Pokemon, the shiny Ditto, the Gamestop special event pokemon and even the shiny legendaries for Sun/Moon and Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon are gone too. Luckily I still have the Ultra Moon cartridge but the X and Sun games are all erased.

    Since reset includes formatting the SD card, the backups for the games are all gone too. It's like Thanos had snapped away my memories from existence. I was a high school sophomore when I had my hands on a 3DS for Pokemon X and then Omega Ruby (on cartridge luckily). All those friends I met on the X friend system as well as the Pokemon I traded from my friends are gone. I feel so empty. I feel dead inside.

    submitted by /u/eal1997
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    Theory: Giovanni let's Jessie, James and Meowth stay in Team Rocket because they saved his life.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 08:38 PM PDT

    Alright so we've all wondered why Giovanni hasn't fired these lovable doofuses from this obviously morally corrupt evil organization. And although it would be devastating to see them fired, it really makes you wonder, why? One could theorize that economic reasons are tied to them, as they fund their own projects would work in the early days of gen's 1-3 , but when you get to gen 6 and 7, we realize that Giovanni has more faith in them and therefore he gives them a good amount of money to put towards evil doing.

    The econ argument doesn't work for gen 6 specifically, and gen 7 they did nothing important to the company, maybe getting a few extra dollars from malasada sales, but they did absolutely nothing of worth in the Alola region, and in Kalos they only delivered 2 pokemon. Which begs the question why didn't he fire them here? In gen-2 they were technically re-hired under the provision that they had to pay the company, all of their failures had to be payed back, and all of the worthless waste of times during the era had to be refunded (now whether or not they did is unclear).

    But in gen 6, and more importantly in gen 7, they didn't have to. In gen 6 Giovanni isn't mad at them with only delivering two pokemon, and in gen 7 we never see the repercussions of their awfulness, and are still in the same position as the past few (insert time unit here), but when bob cut glasses goon gal (Matori) messed up a mission to steal a couple of 10's of pokemon, she get's a hard talking that she is upset to hear. (not as bad as Bewear's "talking" but still quite bad)

    So then it becomes a matter of why? Why did they get away with being so terrible in Alola, why don't they have to pay Giovanni back like in Johto, I doubt Malasada sales can equate to paying for giant robots. Well it all begins in generation 4.

    See we don't really need to talk about gen 4, because in this generation Giovanni is neither pleased nor angry at them, Giovanni has forgotten about them, which is out-right said in "The Thief That Keeps on Thieving." However at the very end of gen 4, something... happened. After their involvement with the down fall and destruction of Team Galactic, Giovanni sought them for a special mission in Unova.

    Unova is also not discussed here as this is obviously the height of their career, and Giovanni had every reason to keep these three in the organization, however something during the Meloetta fiasco, changes something. Where Giovanni is cursed and possesed with evil, as he almost dies (almost like Cyrus) Team Rocket saves his A** and the leader lives. Now that right there may be the reason he's so lenient with these idiots.

    Giovanni has some sort of moral compass, he knows why these three joined Team Rocket, he knows their story. I mean they saved his Frikin life, that has to be worth something, and the only way he can repay them, even a tiny bit, is by giving them a job at the organization they love best. Even after the mishaps, even after only taking down Team Flare and gifting an Inkay and Gorgeist, after doing Literally nothing for a while, after pretty much wasting his time and Team Rocket's resources, he not only keeps them in the company, but also appreciates their work and expects great things from them, even when he has reason to believe otherwise. Which really shows how nice Giovanni can be, when he's not thinking about taking over the world.

    submitted by /u/psycopup
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    Guide for FINDING the GEN 2 Roaming Legendaries in GSC !! Raikou, Entei, and Suicune!

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    Quick Photo "Cheat-Sheet": https://i.imgur.com/eLCXLVj.png

    After 400 hours of testing and experimenting, I discovered a way to essentially find the GEN 2 Roaming Dogs mathematically easier than encountering a 5% Tauros or Miltank on Route 38 after one encounter off a Soft Reset!! Trying to get this to reach as many people as possible, to hopefully help them on their GEN 2 quests in Gold/Silver or Crystal. Whether it be for normal play-through, Dex completion, in-game challenges, or shiny hunting - this method (and an even better one) - will help all !

    Hope you all enjoy!! Here are the links for more details, and please ask me ANY questions, happy to help!:

    Video Tutorial: https://youtu.be/hTP5vPYqdHQ

    Printable Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qfPCyPoCptT7W1WWjgXdZWqADgu8UubxrHXsN1tAFqw/edit

    Special thanks to u/HangarOfRoam for all his hard work in this collaboration ! MADLAD

    submitted by /u/The_Ghosthunter
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    Pokemon should evolve within a level range

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 04:40 PM PDT

    It would add another layer to the story of each Pokemon in your party. Your starter might grow quickly at Level 12 instead of Level 16. It could stay a teen for a long time and only evolve at Level 38 rather than 32.

    You could have a Pokemon with massive a level range like 17-60 and youd never know when it would level up. It would become the personal story of each Pokemon and I think it would be an appropriate minor change in terms of evolving the Franchise. EXP Share always on? Why not make it more of a mystery as to when each individual journey will end

    You could have the faux legendaries only full evolve sometime after Level 55. You wouldn't know when it would take its final steps into maturity.

    Even if you disagree about certain story lines I mentioned, don't you think it would be cool to have Pokemon evolve at a surprise within a range of Levels? Maybe Rare Candies can only be used to reach the Evolution floor but then the Professor pops up and says the Pokemon is expressing interest in Growth through Battle.

    Seeing a Pokemon evolve after being a surviving member in a successful battle would be so cool. Maybe Gym Leaders would greatly increase the chance of evolution as you beat them.

    Seems like the perfect spice up to the current system

    submitted by /u/SickNastyMixes
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    HEY! Take a look at my Pokémon drawings ❤️❤️❤️

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    Uuuuuhhhh, anyone else a little disturbed by this?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    What Is Your Zodiac Pokemon.Comment down.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    Finished some halloween themed pokemon cross stitches. Just in time for October! (OC)

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 04:35 PM PDT

    I am looking for help about my team's moveset.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    Hello everyone I'm playing Pokemon Sapphire and want to defeat elite four. However I can't decide about the moves of my Pokemon so can you please help? I want to use TMs but don't want to regret anything. Well, here's my team: • Blaziken • Manectric • Flygon • Absol • Gyarados • Tropius They are all at level 50.

    submitted by /u/Utkuca
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    Pokemon: The Battle of Legends Competition Coming To Sword and Shield

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    Is anyone participating in the Battle of Legends Tournament? Here's more about it if you didn't know https://dnreviews.net/2020/10/03/battle-of-legends/. It allows you to choose a legendary Pokemon on your team, which legendary would you choose? Post your choice in comments below.

    submitted by /u/Mobile_Gaming
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    What would other evil team leaders’ teams look like if they were in Team Rainbow Rocket?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    In Team Rainbow Rocket, Archie, Maxie, Cyrus, Ghetsis and Giovanni are represented as part of the team, but there are other characters such as Colress, Charon, Archer, Saturn, N, Lusamine, Guzma, Rose, Oleana, and Plumeria who all are important in their evil team, what Pokémon would they have?

    Note: I will be retconning Ghetsis's team to have Kyurem on it.

    submitted by /u/thomasp3864
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    The railway track scenes in the new「GOTCHA!」animated music video is a reference to the scene that appears on the television in the first generation Pokemon games.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 07:39 PM PDT

    I am a very bored so decided this...

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 03:00 AM PDT

    I thought of doing an eeveelution challenge in pokemon but decide not to ,I was confused what pokemon to use in pokemon black2 ,so i used the random pokemon generator to get 4 pokemon these are the four,vote which one you think will be fun,also leave nickname suggestions down in the comments.thanks

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/arnaavmahajan
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    Which following Pokémon are you most excited for? (Crown Tundra)

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    With the return of more Pokémon, including legendaries, I'm really curious which Pokémon everyone is most excited to have as their following partner with Crown Tundra. Of course, this is assuming we have the same opportunity as we did with Isle of Armor. Some of my favorites from Isle of Armor were my frosmoth (unbelievably slow), volcarona, and shiny scizor, though I also enjoyed my shiny Ninetales and corviknight following me around since they could keep up. I'm really excited for access to legendaries as I absolutely can't wait to see my shiny Articuno (from Let's Go Eevee), the legendary beast trio, and even Lugia follow me around. I think it's going to be really cool to see how the Galarian birds look following us around as well, especially articuno and Zapdos. Hopefully they've adjusted speeds a bit so that most Pokémon aren't completely left in the dust when we're running or on our bikes.

    What personal favorites are you most excited to have by your side as you explore? Are you looking forward to a returning Pokémon? Or do you have your eyes set on a certain legendary?

    submitted by /u/PScoggs1234
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    Types chart

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 07:23 AM PDT

    Hello ! I'm pretty beginner to Pokémon so for almost every fight, I use the types chart but I always feel like cheating, as it didn't really exist at the beginning. So I was wondering, how did people (or children as I don't think they use the chart) know which pokemon to choose without types chart ?

    Edit: Thanks everyone for your answers !

    submitted by /u/Gusali
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    Pokemon Sound Effect Help!

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    Hello! I'm making a film and one of my characters is a little mouse. I think it would be really cute that when this mouse runs it uses the sound effect of a running (or even just walking) Pokemon in the anime. I remember that very specific sound effect but I can't find it anywhere and definitely cant name it HAHA. I was wondering if anyone knows what I'm talking about and can find a video example or just an ep from one of the animes that has this. Even just if there's like, a name for the sound effect I'm talking about HAHA.

    Thank you so much! Now I have an excuse to watch the Pokemon anime more lol...

    submitted by /u/tammimonkey
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